International conflicts
Recent papers in International conflicts
This study examines the role of political factors in attitudes toward World War II in contemporary Ukraine. The question under examination is which factors determine public views of the principal warring sides and their leaders in... more
A Half Century of Occupation: Israel, Palestine, and the World’s Most Intractable Conflict by Gershon Shafir. University of California Press, 2017, 283 pp
Gambling and War: Risk, Reward, and Chance in International Conflict brings readers a war college course taught at a Las Vegas casino. To succeed in poker, it is not enough to simply anticipate the actions of other players and try to... more
Water rights as a fundamental human rights arises from the human right to life. Such a formulation shows the special meaning of water as a resource for every person. Human right to life derives from the right to a healthy environment,... more
This presentation work is based on the movie and incident that took place on June 27, 1976 between Israel, Uganda, and The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP)
Аннотация В статье рассмотрены основные методы и механизмы действий по урегулированию конфликтов в разрезе таких научных направлений, как: урегулирование, разрешение, трансформация, институционализация конфликтов. Особое внимание автор... more
The Ukrainian crisis presents a history that goes back up to the independence process of that country in 1991. The conflict escalation affects mainly Ukraine and Russia, with some lesser potential impact on... more
The First Congo War happened between 1996 and 1997. From a realism perspective, Rwandan refugees started the First Congo War in order to preserve their respective ethnicities. Hutu refugees came to the Congo after the Rwandan genocide,... more
ntensas mudanças da realidade humana, o meio e as manifestações da natureza continuam perenes. Assim, em um cenário em que percebemos que o avanço acelerado da tecnologia ocasiona e intensifica fenômenos como a globalização, a... more
The question of legality of the Durand Line is not much of an interest for the international political and academic community. Most of the Global Powers readily buy Pakistan’s legal argument and agree that the Durand Line is a sacrosanct... more
War is a strategic activity of attacking using weapons and new technologies for resolving internal and/or international disputes or conflicts between two or more nations; between ethnic, social, and religious (organized) groups; etc., to... more
The Yugoslav wars are considered to be the most cruel wars in Europe after the World War II. They started with the proclamation of independence of Slovenia and Croatia in 1991 and completely ended after Kosovo got its independence in... more
This paper analyzes changes in regional electoral behavior and attitudes towards separatism and foreign policy orientation in Ukraine after the “Orange Revolution” and the “Euromaidan,” which turned into a violent internal conflict and... more
Resumen: el estudio presente trata de dilucidar si la política exterior de Rusia responde a un modelo de neorrealismo ofensivo o defensivo. Con tal objeto se ha establecido un marco teórico comparativo entre ambas escuelas de las... more
Se trata de un análisis del conflicto de Corea desde sus orígenes hasta la actualidad. Elaborado por un especialista en derecho internacional y por un militar aborda la doble dimensión. Se trata de un análisis integral no solo desde la... more
open in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API Pro-Russian separatists stand guard at the site of the Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 crash, near the village of Hrabove in Ukraine's Donetsk region. (Maxim... more
The contemporary international law provided the states' obligation to solve their disputes exclusively on peaceful bases. The peaceful settlement of the states' disputes became therefore one of the fundamental principles of the... more
The object of study in game theory is the game, which is a formal model of an interactive situation. The formal definition lays out the players, their preferences, their information, the strategic actions available to them, and how these... more
Ukraine previously experienced significant regional political divisions, including separatism in Crimea and Donbas. However, in contrast to post-communist countries such as Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova, and former Yugoslavia, prior to... more
It is remarkable that states can coexist without a central government or legislature and that, generally speaking, they accept a body of law providing the legal criteria for conduct in the international arena. This law comes from custom... more
ABSTRACT The violence witnessed in Kenya in the aftermath of the 2007 disputed presidential elections shook Kenyans into the realization that Kenya had remained a highly polarized nation since independence. Brother turned against brother... more
This article explains how Indonesia's role in safeguarding security in the context of ASEAN regional security during the conflict between Cambodia and Vietnam that feared to create instability in Southeast Asia Region. As a new... more
This chapter examines the political system, attitudes towards democracy, and their determinants in Ukraine before, during and after the “Euromaidan.” The research question is as follows: What type of political system has emerged in... more
The January 2020 issue of Strategic Assessment: A Multidisciplinary Journal on National Security, which was launched by the Institute for National Security Studies in 1998, is the first to appear in its new, expanded format. Beginning... more
The United States has made some questionable allies in terms of foreign policy but the current proxy war in Yemen puts these allegiances into question. This paper examines the current state of the war in Yemen and analysis the United... more
In this contemporary era of rapid technology developments, the way of communications conducted and information traveled are getting faster and easier. Especially since we have invented one of the most significant and influential thing in... more
Мир «своих» и «чужих». По праву кровного родства: родовые структуры и брачные стратегии в прошлом и настоящем народов Евразии / The world of ‘Self’ and ‘Others’. By Right of Consanguinity: Clan structures and matrimonial strategies in... more
The conflict between the two Koreas is deeply rooted in the results of the WWII, namely, 1945, when postcolonial Korea was divided into North (Soviet occupation zone) and South (U.S. occupation zone). As an aftermath of global bipolar... more
By applying the theoretical arguments on the studies of cross-Strait relations, I suggest that deepening both security and economic similarity boosts the political will to implement peace agreements for the China-Taiwan dyad. Obstacles in... more
Today, political scientists working with international organizations seek to resolve internal conflicts in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Cyprus, and Kashmir. To solve such crises, political scientists have mostly tried to apply domestic comparative... more
Redefinicja polskiej polityki zagranicznej po wyborach czerwcowych. Wybory z 4 czerwca 1989 roku określane mianem pierwszych wolnych lub prawie wolnych wyborów zapoczątkowały fundamentalne zmiany w najnowszej historii Polski. Odzyskawszy... more
El Magreb cuenta con importantes recursos de diversa naturaleza que se distribuyen de forma asimétrica y caprichosa a lo largo de su geografía terrestre y submarina: recursos energéticos, pero también recursos vivos. Por otra parte, estos... more
The article analyzes international conflict studies as a science and an educational discipline. The analysis of the subject field and professional terminology adopted in this area both in Russian and in English is provided. Formation of... more
This article examines the conditions under which state leaders chose to make territorial issues a point of contention using the Nigeria–Cameroon Bakassi Peninsula conflict as an empirical case. Drawing on the theoretical insights of... more
Vivimos, desde hace más de un siglo, la época de las grandes ciudades y, coincidentemente, el tiempo de las grandes guerras, una epoca caracterizada por la destrucción monumental. Ante este panorama, Urbicidio: filosofía de la ciudad... more
Savaş insan doğasının gereksinimidir. Eğer savaş olmazsa ortada çok büyük bir savaş var demektir. Savaşı defetmek mümkün değildir; tek çare vardır o da en az kayıp ve hasarla felaketleri atlatmayı öğrenmektir. Savaşın kırılma noktasını... more
This writing looks at possible changings in the current international legal framework, which would justify a right of humanitarian intervention. The coming of the new Responsibility to Protect concept fuelled the spirit of the supporters... more
War is a strategic activity of attacking using weapons and new technologies for resolving internal and/or international disputes or conflicts between two or more nations; between ethnic, social, and religious (organized) groups; etc., to... more
Resumo: La situación en la región, desde el punto de vista de la relaciones internacionales, siempre fue vista como muy delicada principalmente por los distintos aspectos que componen el conflicto israelo-palestino, pues resguarda como... more