International & Comparative Librarianship

9 papers
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International & Comparative Librarianship is the study and practice of library and information services across different countries and cultures, focusing on the comparison of library systems, policies, and practices. It aims to understand global trends, challenges, and innovations in librarianship, fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange among international library professionals.
Part of the Christianity Commons, and the Library and Information Science Commons This Editorial is brought to you for free and open access by Digital Commons @ George Fox University. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Christian... more
Prompted by reflections from the ATS/ATLA event "The Future of Libraries in Theological Education: A Conversation with Chief Academic Officers, Information Technology Officers, and Library Directors," this essay explores the future of... more
Distance Education has been growing fast, in a marvelously diverse fashion. The efficiency, effectiveness, validity and utility of distance teaching-learning are on increase. All communities and religious groups are making use of distance... more
Distance Education has been growing fast, in a marvelously diverse fashion. The efficiency, effectiveness, validity and utility of distance teaching-learning are on increase. All communities and religious groups are making use of distance... more
The Public Services Interest Group (PSIG) sponsored this panel presentation on outreach and promotion to distance and online learners.  Panelists shared their pandemic experiences at Yale Divinity Library (Jude Morrissey), the Burke... more
The Theological Librarian's Handbook is a multi-volume guide to the practice of theological librarianship intended for library staff who do not possess professional training in the field of library and information science. It offers... more
The paper presents Peter Johan Lor’s book, International and comparative librarianship: concepts and methods for global studies (Berlin; Boston: De Gruyter Saur, 2019). As a result of a long research, the book shows the origins and the... more
The following paper will trace the recently established field of Information Ethics through it’s various evolutions, from it’s origins in Librarianship to it’s role as a global player in areas as diverse as technology, media, global... more