International and Comparative Higher Education

23 papers
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International and Comparative Higher Education is the study of higher education systems, policies, and practices across different countries, focusing on their similarities and differences. This field examines the global trends, cultural contexts, and socio-economic factors that influence higher education, aiming to enhance understanding and improve educational outcomes worldwide.
Transdisciplinarity is creative human agency including cognitive, intellectual and behavioural activities of individuals and groups. These activities define and are mutually defined by beliefs and ideas, knowledge and know-how, language... more
In this research project, we examine how human rights education can go beyond the symbolism and rhetoric of rights and, instead, be understood in a way that critically considers the continued social, economic, and political inequalities... more
The Covid-19 pandemic has highlighted the challenges that present obstacles to equitable learning and development in higher education in various parts of the world. African higher education and Student Affairs and Services (SAS) are faced... more
The Covid-19 pandemic has changed the face of Higher Education Institutions (HEI) in profound ways.  Since 2020 HEI’s have been forced to think creatively and quickly about how to respond to arising challenges of completing the academic... more
The Covid‑19 pandemic has highlighted the challenges that present obstacles to equitable learning and development in higher education in various parts of the world. African higher education and Student Affairs and Services (SAS) are faced... more
The Covid‑19 pandemic has led to changes from traditional face-to-face teaching and learning to online systems. These changes have resulted in a concerted focus by local and international scholars on how some students are disadvantaged... more
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This piece discusses the precarious position of international students studying in Ukrainian universities following Russia's unprovoked invasion of  the country on February 22, 2022
The Covid‑19 pandemic has highlighted the challenges that present obstacles to equitable learning and development in higher education in various parts of the world. African higher education and Student Affairs and Services (SAS) are faced... more
In this chapter, we place discussions of social justice in the context of teaching about global issues and perspectives in education. In our use of ‘global’, we refer to the actors, stakeholders and issues that exist and are addressed in... more
This study examined the various types of support areas for international students in community colleges that help them achieve academic success in their studies. The study considers the impact of these support areas on international... more
This study assessed the status of implementation of the policies on student affairs and services among state universities in the Island of Samar, as basis for program enhancement. This determined the status of implementation of the... more
The Covid‑19 pandemic has highlighted the challenges that present obstacles to equitable learning and development in higher education in various parts of the world. African higher education and Student Affairs and Services (SAS) are faced... more
The Covid‑19 pandemic has highlighted the challenges that present obstacles to equitable learning and development in higher education in various parts of the world. African higher education and Student Affairs and Services (SAS) are faced... more
The global pandemic caused by Covid‑19 has impacted every facet of our lives and challenged service delivery to students within Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). The Centre for Student Counselling and Development (CSCD) at... more
Educational managers in tertiary institutions operate basically in four areas: to maximise results, by harmonising immediate and longrange goals; to establish precise goals and measurable objectives; and to evaluate progress toward... more
The Covid‑19 pandemic has highlighted the challenges that present obstacles to equitable learning and development in higher education in various parts of the world. African higher education and Student Affairs and Services (SAS) are faced... more
In this research project, we examine how human rights education can go beyond the symbolism and rhetoric of rights and, instead, be understood in a way that critically considers the continued social, economic, and political inequalities... more
I have often thought to myself, "Why didn't you do this 20 years ago?" Then I look back at my life and realize, everything has always been right on time. There is a saying "When the student is ready the teacher will appear." My six-year... more
Publication Year: 2015 Publisher: UST Publishing House Researching Student Affairs and Services This book charts the organizational history and provides a general profile of University-wide Student Organizations (USOs). It also... more
By clarifying what global learning is and how it is essential to higher education, this article considers what global learning provides for teaching, learning, and internationalization in higher education. It demonstrates how the global... more
Since the dawn of democracy, South African universities have seen increased access to higher education from African students, the majority being first-generation students (FGS). This increase to access came with challenges of retention... more
This paper reports on a study done within the Learning Development Unit (LDU) at a South African university. It addresses the issue that many students who arrive at university lack the requisite academic skills needed for success in... more
Purpose-The purpose of this paper is to consider what factors influence the ability of academic staff to remain motivated and to persist in their work environment during the COVID-19 pandemic. Tinto's (2017) model of student motivation... more
by Winston Mano and 
1 more
The study of media and communications in the global South is limited by uncritical overreli-ance on theories and methodologies from the global North and, as Nyamnjoh observes above, a struggle to find viable alternatives. In the African... more
This article begins with the proposition that inter- and transdisciplinarity offer an important methodological grounding for collaborative HE research addressing complex agendas such as HE internationalization. Internationalization acts... more
This paper explicates the growing interest in interdisciplinarity as a form of knowledge organisation at the University of Botswana (UB). It accomplishes this by locating this development in a global context of a growing... more
This paper sought to evaluate the satisfaction rating of the student affairs and services of La Consolacion University Philippines. Respondents comprised of 1,000 students randomly chosen from grades 4 to 12, college and graduate... more
The aim of this paper is twofold: 1) to trouble neoliberal values of international higher education that use it to argue for economic development through the notion of the knowledge economy, and global market competitiveness (Naidoo,... more
In this research project, we examine how human rights education can go beyond the symbolism and rhetoric of rights and, instead, be understood in a way that critically considers the continued social, economic, and political inequalities... more
This paper is to examine the critical issues in international and electronic audit evidence. As entities process more data electronically, auditors should consider the validity completeness and integrity of such evidence. Today the... more
Globalization has meant that universities are under increased pressure to internationalize through mobility, research partnerships, and internationalised programing. Global citizenship is an increasingly mainstream term being used by the... more