El objetivo principal del proyecto es el desarrollo de una página web que contenga recursos didácticos y actividades de aprendizaje centradas en los análisis de caso que permitan la comprensión profunda de los temas de seguridad en el... more
Project 2025, the 900-page post-presidential-election playbook organised by the Heritage Foundation, a conservative Washington-based think tank, is mainly focused on controversial domestic-policy proposals. Substantial material on foreign... more
This paper provides an in-depth analysis of China’s evolving military space program, emphasizing its strategic implications on global security and the shifting balance of power in space. As China advances its military capabilities beyond... more
Europe’s contrasting diplomatic approaches to Syria’s new leadership and the Taliban in Afghanistan highlights the pragmatism driving its foreign policy. While Europe refuses to recognize the Taliban due to their regressive policies and... more
El presente trabajo tiene por objetivo efectuar un análisis crítico con respecto al funcionamiento del sistema de inteligencia en Ecuador, tomando en cuenta el contexto de conflicto armado interno que experimenta el país, como resultado... more
In recent months, Bangladesh has undergone a remarkable shift in the political arena with the formation of an interim government led by Professor Muhammad Yunus. This has sent tremors throughout the region, bringing forth questions about... more
Despite the recent political changes in Bangladesh, both Bangladesh and China are committed to keep going on a positive track in the foreign policy arena to ensure the economic and development growth of Bangladesh and to maintain... more
As a need of an hour which travelled to years, decades and centuries in between nation to nations; kept them in continuous changing mode. But this doesn't mean the basic structure of the foreign policy be scarifies. They were being... more
As a need of an hour which travelled to years, decades and centuries in between nation to nations; kept them in continuous changing mode. But this doesn't mean the basic structure of the foreign policy be scarifies. They were being... more
This paper explores the theological, historical, and contemporary perspectives on pluralism, emphasising its significance in fostering interfaith harmony and societal cohesion. Drawing from key Qur’anic verses on pluralism, prophetic... more
This paper analyzes the evolving role of Russian peacekeepers in Karabakh following the November 10, 2020, peace declaration, which ended the 44-day war between Armenia and Azerbaijan. Russia's deployment of 1,960 peacekeepers was... more
(de la Introducción) En las páginas (del libro) se reúnen los aportes de dieciséis académicos que abordan distintos aspectos de la agenda de Seguridad y Defensa, y su estado de situación al momento del Bicentenario de Argentina y Chile... more
Desde el siglo XV, el uso del espacio marítimo en materia exploración, dominio y extracción de recursos naturales ha sido un factor central en el desarrollo económico de las naciones y en la distribución de poder en el sistema... more
El presente análisis aborda la dinámica geopolítica desde la geopolítica clásica, crítica y el enfoque feminista, en un contexto del sistema global que es cambiante y va evolucionando; el análisis geopolítico permite ver el mundo... more
Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Affairs in the Taliban administration announced that construction of the Wakhan Corridor, a strategic route connecting Afghanistan to China, remains underway. Baradar highlighted that the new road... more
Teza de doctorat
The outbreak of war in Ukraine and Western support for the Ukrainian state have brought up the role of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) in international politics, a subject debated in the press and media, in universities, in... more
If a blame narrative gains traction in Ukraine, it could deepen internal divisions and jeopardise the nation's democratic future. Russia stands to benefit from such disinformation, amplifying a "stab-in-the-back" myth to shift... more
This excerpt from The Meccan Dawn highlights Chapter 2, titled "Did Muhammad Exist? The Truth About a Lie," in which Shaykh Faheem delivers a detailed refutation of the baseless claims made by revisionist author Robert Spencer. In recent... more
Un dilema sobre el dominio de las tecnologías plantea una cuestión candente en torno a la soberanía y el futuro de los países periféricos. La autorización de la OTAN a Ucrania para utilizar misiles de medio y largo alcance en territorio... more
Scholars in this forum analyze how major nations in Africa, Asia, the Middle East, and Latin America have reacted to the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Why have China,
Approximate unlearning is an emerging field in machine learning that addresses the challenge of efficiently removing specific data points from models without the need for full retraining. In the financial sector, where models are built on... more
The article offers an assessment of Iran’s role in India’s foreign policy calculations vis-à-vis the Sino-Pak axis. The changing geopolitical and geostrategic dynamics in the post-Cold War era have brought about new possibilities and... more
The role of the Nigerian police in the United Nations peace keeping support operations across Africa have been widely acknowledged in the literature of peace and security studies. This descriptive research design was adopted while... more
In an era marked by remarkable technological advancements, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a powerful force in the realm of International Relations. AI's adaptability, which includes automating the processes of foreign... more
The paper explores the changes that have occurred in the foreign, security, and defense policies and capabilities of Croatia and Serbia, as the two most important states for the Western Balkans stability in the context of the ten-year... more
The question of how South Africa regulates its multiple Private Military and Security Companies (PMSCs) and how effective that regulation is has recently come into question with the discovery of illegal military training camps in... more
El artículo "La Armada en Bosnia. Veinticinco años de operaciones" de Samuel Morales ofrece un análisis exhaustivo de la participación de la Armada Española en las operaciones internacionales en Bosnia durante el conflicto de los... more
En latinoamérica, hay un orden criminal sumamente violento. Los Estados comparten su soberanía con organizaciones criminales que gobiernan a la población. Además, emulan la política exterior de los países y dominan la gestión pública.... more
The article reflects on NATO's journey since its inception in 1949, highlighting its role in maintaining global security and stability. It also addresses contemporary challenges such as geopolitical tensions with Russia and China,... more
تتناول الورقة دلالات محاولة إغتيال الرئيس الأمريكي السابق (دونالد ترامب)، دوافع هذا العنف السياسي وما يعكسه على استقرار الديمقراطية في أمريكا
This paper aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the main issues related to geopolitical changes in the Arctic region, along with an overview of the scientific literature regarding these issues. After a historical analysis, the... more
Аннотация: в статье рассматриваются внешнеполитические аспекты деятельности Государственной Думы Федерального Собрания Российской Федерации I созыва. Охарактеризована специфика основных результатов депутатских голосований данного периода,... more
The paper explores the changes that have occurred in the foreign, security, and defense policies and capabilities of Croatia and Serbia, as the two most important states for the Western Balkans stability in the context of the ten-year... more
In this paper we point out the significant impact that historical trauma narratives may have on the current international security environment, especially in our area. To this end, we will analyze the impact of historical trauma... more
Great power competition is the watermark of the current global scenario. In this regard, the maritime and naval dimension have a particular relevance on the struggle for regional and global hegemony. This book has the potential to engage... more
The South Pacific region is a vast expanse of oceanic territory, comprising numerous island nations and territories that hold significant geopolitical and economic importance. As maritime relations in the South Pacific become increasingly... more
Studies provided regular commentary for the Australian and overseas media. On 17 April Melanesian and Australian scholars in the School led a well-attended seminar to discuss the events and their implications. Most of the papers presented... more
Japan and Australia, as middle powers in the Indo-Pacific, have a shared interest in using minilateralism to boost regional cooperation, strengthen regional economic order and prevent coercive economic practices, particularly from major... more