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Mainstream international relations (IR) has been built as an extension of imperial concerns. Thus, a restricted focus, even a self-styled demarcation was born: l ´etat cest moi. This organizational boundary-setting left behind a good deal... more
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      History of International RelationsInternational Relations and Global Politics
The end of the Cold War in 1991 marked a momentous shift in the global arena. For several decades after the end of the Second World War, Cold War politics had dominated the global arena and dictated the actions of many actors within it.... more
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      The Cold WarInternational Relations and Global Politics
Previous studies have noted the dominance of official sources within the news process and their unique ability to shape media narratives. This research addresses the role and implications of news sources in contributing to the... more
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      SociologyMedia SociologyPolitical SociologyInternational Relations
This paper deals with the background, role players, sequence of events, geopolitical considerations and history of the Angolan War which took place from 1975 to 1990 between the Soviet Union and its allies & proxies on the one hand, and... more
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      HistoryMilitary HistoryPolitical Geography and GeopoliticsAfrican Studies
Scholars of International Relations (IR) increasingly realise that their discipline, including its theories and methods, often neglects voices and experiences outside of the West. But how do we address this problem and move the discipline... more
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      International Relations TheoryConstructivismGlobal SouthNon-Western Political Thought
This article will attempt to 'provincialise' (Chakrabarty 2000) the 'secular cosmology' of International Relations (IR) through an examination of the relational cosmology of dharma. We argue that IR is grounded in 'secularised'... more
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      International RelationsInternational Relations TheoryPostcolonial StudiesSouth Asian Studies
This article aims to address how to ensure a two-way ‘dialogue’ across ‘the West/non-West distinction’ in international studies. To this end, I first discuss three different approaches to dialogue, the Socratic, the Habermasian, and the... more
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      International Relations TheoryNon-Western IRInternational Relations and Global PoliticsGlobal International Relations (Global IR)
A review of 'The China-Pakistan Axis' by Andrew Small
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      Asian StudiesStrategy (Military Science)International RelationsTerrorism
This review article explores how individuals are involved in global politics, and asks whether such involvement can only be easily understood when mediated through nongovernmental organisations (NGOs) or whether there are opportunities... more
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      Philosophy of AgencyGlobal Civil SocietyNon-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)Civil Society
This article addresses the question of how spatial difference manifests itself in International Relations discourses in an effort to theorize difference in international politics. In doing so, we focus on the concept of security in... more
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      Japanese StudiesInternational RelationsInternational Relations TheoryPolitical Theory
This academic paper explores the 'mythologies' of Cold War history and 'demystifies' them by deconstructing the political personas of Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev. It likewise journeys through their speeches and political programs,... more
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      Critical TheoryInternational RelationsPolitical PhilosophySelf and Identity
On 13th March 2013, surprisingly, a papal conclave elected Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, Archbishop of Buenos Aires, Argentina, as the successor of His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI who has resigned on the 28th February 2013, a rare event... more
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      Catholic StudiesToleranceGlobal SouthRoman Catholicism
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      BusinessInternational RelationsCommunicationMedia Studies
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      Critical TheoryAmerican HistoryPolitical SociologyLatin American Studies
International financial institutions play a central role in international relations, and in recent years, the so-called multilateral development banks (MDBs) have increased in number. The main aim of these banks it would seem is to try to... more
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      Global GovernanceGlobal StudiesGlobal SouthInternational institutions ...
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      BusinessInternational RelationsCommunicationMedia Studies
This paper’s central thesis asserts that the supranational institutional changes implemented in the European Union since the ratification of the Lisbon Treaty in 2007 did not cause a ‘EU crisis of legitimacy’; but that to the contrary, it... more
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      European integrationEuropean Union (International Studies)National minoritiesSecuritization Theory Copenhagen School
Droni armati alla ricerca di un quadro normativo mercoledì 23 ottobre 2019 Novoli | Campus delle Scienze Sociali aula D15 | 004 piazza Ugo di Toscana 5 -Firenze VIII Antonio Cassese Lecture
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      Military EthicsPeace and Conflict StudiesWar StudiesSecurity Studies
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      ReligionSociologyCultural StudiesCriminology
On 13th March 2013, surprisingly, a papal conclave elected Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, Archbishop of Buenos Aires, Argentina, as the successor of His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI who has resigned on the 28th February 2013, a rare event... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesCatholic StudiesCatholic Social TeachingPeace Studies
The overall theme for this collection concerns the question about how changes in international structures at both the global and regional levels have and will affect Middle East international relations. One way to approach this question... more
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      International Relations of Middle EastMiddle EastInternational Politics of the Middle EastInternational Relations and Global Politics
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      African StudiesInternational RelationsChinese StudiesSinology
Amitav Acharya and Barry Buzan’s The Making of Global International Relations: Origins and Evolution of IR at its Centenary is a sophisticated survey of the history of modern international relations and the discipline of International... more
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      Barry BuzanInternational Relations and Global PoliticsAmitav Acharya
Scholars of International Relations (IR) increasingly realise that their discipline, including its theories and methods, often neglects voices and experiences outside of the West. But how do we address this problem and move the discipline... more
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      International Relations TheoryGlobal SouthThird WorldNon-Western Philosophy
Word Count: 3,477 Climate change denial in world politics During Donald Trump's rise to power, many have debated the involvement of foreign groups and conflicts of interest behind his campaign for presidency.
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      Comparative PoliticsInternational RelationsInterest Groups (American Politics)Climate Change
This paper throws light on the efforts of South Asian diaspora in the US in building peace between their home countries. Diasporas have always been considered as actors having an influence on the politics and economy of the hostland.... more
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      International RelationsSoutheast Asian StudiesPeace and Conflict StudiesBlack/African Diaspora
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      Russian StudiesInternational RelationsIndian studiesInternational Security
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      Russian StudiesInternational RelationsSocial SciencesInternational Security
This article sets the scene for the Special Issue 'Reaching for allies?' by setting out the research questions and structure of the Special Issue. Specifically, this introduction reviews the state of the art of dialectics interweaving... more
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      Critical TheoryArea StudiesInternational RelationsInternational Relations Theory
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      Russian StudiesInternational RelationsSocial SciencesIndian studies ...
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      BusinessInternational RelationsCommunicationMedia Studies ...
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      BusinessInternational RelationsCommunicationMedia Studies
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      Asian StudiesInternational RelationsHistorical SociologyInternational Relations Theory
Finding common ground between theories that have never or seldom spoken is a necessary first step to bridge-building, particularly concerning their foundational bases. This article proposes to develop such a footing for a dialogue between... more
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      Agency StructureGramsciHegemonyMetatheory in IR
If citing, it is advised that you check and use the publisher's definitive version for pagination, volume/issue, and date of publication details. And where the final published version is provided on the Research Portal, if citing you are... more
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      International Relations TheoryPolitical ScienceEuropean Union external relationsMauritania
This article will attempt to ‘provincialise’ (Chakrabarty, 2000) the ‘secular cosmology’ of International Relations (IR) through an examination of the relational cosmology of dharma. We argue that IR is grounded in ‘secularised’... more
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      International RelationsInternational Relations TheoryPostcolonial StudiesSouth Asian Studies
All’inizio degli anni Novanta il politologo e saggista Edward Luttwak, nel suo volume The Endangered American Dream, annunciava l’inizio di una nuova era, l’era geoeconomica, in cui gli Stati, liberi dalla minaccia armata, avrebbero... more
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      GeopoliticsInternational Economic RelationsGermanyGeoeconomics
Qatar and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) have become crucial players in the Middle East North Africa regional order. Few would have expected such a transformation even 20 years ago. This paper examines the constitution of Qatari and... more
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      International RelationsMiddle East StudiesGulf StudiesInternational Political Economy
This article contributes to the Global International Relations project by critically evaluating the roles ascribed to Europe and the EU by Levitsky and Way in their model for explaining regime transitions. Focusing primarily on their... more
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      International Relations TheoryEuropean Union external relationsMauritaniaMagreb
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      BusinessInformation TechnologyDevelopment EconomicsInternational Economics