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As psychology becomes increasing popular internationally, opportunities for United States psychologists’ involvement in education and training internationally has expanded. It is vital that US psychologists give consideration to doing... more
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      Existential PsychologyHumanistic-ExistentialHumanistic psychologyExistential Therapy
Realism/Idealism are major rhetorical tropes of international relations. This paper attempts to generate a thicker specification of their meanings. Canonical international relations texts were searched for prototypic Realist and Idealist... more
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      International RelationsInternational Relations TheoryInternational PsychologyPolitical Realism in International Relations
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      Existential PsychologyExistential TherapyExistential PsychotherapyInternational Psychology
The Handbook of International Psychology builds on a proud tradition: specifically, the International Handbook of Psychology (Gilgen & Gilgen, 1987) and International Psychology: Views from Around the World (Sexton & Hogan, 1992). These... more
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    • International Psychology
The purpose of this article was to explore the police officers' experiences during police vehicle pursuits. Interviews of 3 US police officers were conducted and the descriptive phenomenological psychological method was used to analyze... more
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      Japanese StudiesCriminal JusticeJapanese Language And CultureIndustrial and Organizational Psychology
The Oxford Handbook of International Psychological Ethics is the state-of-the-art source for information on psychological ethics worldwide, and offers a long-awaited comprehensive review of contemporary and emerging international ethical... more
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      EthicsInternational Psychology
An apology, which is defined as a formal admission of error accompanied by regret (, has become a commonly utilized political strategy for addressing issues from blatant errors to social injustice perpetrated by... more
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      PeaceInternational Psychology
The contributing authors to Toward a Global Psychology: Theory Research, Intervention, and Pedagogy have introduced and described the parameters of a relatively new, but increasingly important specialty within the discipline of... more
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    • International Psychology
Rethinking Applied Psychology: Research Paradigms vs. Practical Approaches is the 2020 edition of proceedings drawn from the annual meeting of the Association for Qualitative and Intercultural Studies in Psychology. Ordinarily held in... more
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    • International Psychology
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      PsychologyCritical PsychologyHistory Of PsychologyInternational Psychology
PREFACE............................................................................................................... 10 CHAPTER I - MODELS AND THEORIES REGARDING SOCIAL INTELLIGENCE 1.1. APPROACHES IN STUDYING SOCIAL INTELLIGENCE... more
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    • International Psychology
In this chapter, we attempt a synthesis of the 27 national psychologies, drawn from the nine regions of the world that are presented in the Handbook of International Psychology. We begin by examining several general trends in psychology... more
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    • International Psychology
Preconference workshop at the First World Congress of Existential Therapy in London, England.
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      Existential PsychologyExistential TherapyExistential PsychotherapyMulticultural Psychology
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      International PsychologyIndigenization
Mental health and clinical psychology are relatively recent concepts in the Middle East, yet the demand for such services is increasing, particularly in a largely expatriate population in the UAE. Clinical Psychology was previously not a... more
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      Clinical PsychologyMulticultural PsychologyInternational PsychologyPsychology Newsletter, Psychology in UAE, Mental Health in UAE.
In this chapter, we introduce the specialty of international psychology. We begin by defining international psychology and distinguishing it from cross-cultural psychology and ethnic studies. We then examine two sources for the... more
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    • International Psychology
I begin this chapter by examining the relationship between values and professional ethics as well as the ethical values of master therapists. I then evaluate components of the most recent versions of ethics codes of the APA, American... more
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      EthicsInternational Psychology
As part of the UCL Grand Challenges Global Health Scheme, this project investigated and compared international efforts to raise awareness and combat stigma towards people with intellectual disabilities. This report outlines the background... more
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      PsychologyClinical PsychologySpecial EducationHuman Rights
WHY ARE FAGGOTS SO AFRAID OF FAGGOTS? Flaming Challenges to Masculinity, Objectification, and the Desire to Conform [Paperback] ISBN-10: 1-84935-088-4; ISBN-13: 978-1-84935-088-4 (232 pages); © 2012 AK Press | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED | 674A... more
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      Queer StudiesQueer TheoryHIV/AIDSLGBT Issues
International vistas on philosophical psychiatry are summarized. Many investigators emphasize the continuing relevance for psychopathology of the classical perspectives of Jaspers and Husserl. The Husserlian reduction provides a solid... more
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      PsychiatryPhilosophical PsychologyEdmund HusserlPhilosophy of Psychiatry
Psychology has come a long way since its origin in Africa and Ghana in particular. In this paper, an attempt is made to explore the current state of psychological knowledge in Ghana as well as the associated problems in the application of... more
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      PsychologyApplied PsychologySocial PsychologyAfrican Studies
A little study about psychologists from the world, related to the tragic situation of the chilean miners trapped 700 mts. deep, in the desert of the north of Chile. Important ideas, contributions, and low participation of chilean... more
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      Industrial and Organizational PsychologyOccupational Health & SafetyTranspersonal PsychotherapySafety
This study examined the relationships of forgiveness, desire for revenge, adherence to Islam, depression, and psychological wellbeing among 220 Muslim Kuwaiti civilians who experienced the 1990 Iraqi invasion of Kuwait and subsequent... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesMiddle East StudiesConflictPeacekeeping
In the light of the discussions on the 'worth' of being psychologists in India, we need to be affiliated, united and work together for the common goal of professionalizing psychology. Though there may be fight against psychology, ‘no one... more
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      PsychologyIndian PsychologyInternational Psychology
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    • International Psychology
This chapter will consider the current picture of psychology in the world today, taking a global perspective. We review current trends reflected in international and regional psychology conferences, worldwide trends shaping the future of... more
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    • International Psychology
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      PsychologyHistory Of PsychologyInternational Psychology
Democracy is good government because it upholds freedom and human rights. Yet, democracy as constituted around the world has declined. Sources for this decline include divisive global trends (globalization), reactionary political... more
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      Political PsychologyUnited NationsInternational Psychology
We lay the groundwork for a stand-alone course on international psychology by first delineating the scope of international psychology. We then identify course goals and learning outcomes, provide foundational literature from the United... more
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      International PsychologyCurrciulum development
Aggression and Peace Survey (PAIRTAPS). Participants’ descriptions of what they would want to do if directly exposed to 3 specific human rights violations (torturing a prisoner, bombing civilians, and beating antiwar protestors) were... more
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      Human RightsInternational Psychology
This chapter focuses on perceptions of peace and reconciliation in a sample Latin Americans from seven countries. We first define peace and reconciliation, distinguishing these terms from apology and forgiveness. We next describe... more
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      PeaceInternational Psychology
In light of rapid globalization, there has been an increase in U.S. psychologists conducting international cross-cultural research. Such researchers face unique ethical dilemmas. Although the American Psychological Association has its own... more
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      PsychologyApplied EthicsResearch EthicsInternational Psychology
Having achieved widespread success in 2020 with the online conference of the Association for Qualitative and Intercultural Studies, conference President, Conf. univ. dr. habil. Marius Milcu organized an even more informative and engaging... more
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      Health PsychologyInternational Psychology
Due to globalization, international psychology stands at the forefront of specialty fields in contemporary psychology. International psychology arose from dissatisfaction with the insufficient explanations offered by reductionism,... more
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    • International Psychology
A sense of global community is considered foundational to international justice and well-being. Celebrations play a key role in establishing and preserving the solidarity that undergirds a sense of global community. The substance of such... more
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      Peace PsychologyInternational Psychology
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      PsychologyQualitative ResearchGrounded TheoryMental Health Stigma
The terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 represented a crucial event in international politics. They took the world’s only superpower by surprise. How was it possible? Why did the US formidable intelligence system fail to prevent that... more
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      Organizational BehaviorHistoryAmerican HistoryPsychology
Existential therapy is an experiential, depth-oriented psychotherapy that addresses symptom reduction as well as extra-therapeutic benefits such as increased self-awareness, improved relationship quality and intimacy, and greater life... more
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      Existential Phenomenological PsychotherapyExistential PsychologyCross-Cultural PsychologyExistential Therapy
We examined the association of national emotional climate to personal political views in 159 Grenadian citizens. Grenadians completed five national emotional climate scales: Anger at Government, Fear, Hopeless-Insecurity, Security and... more
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    • International Psychology
Providing an entry on the history of psychology for the online encyclopaedia, Wikipedia has proved to be more problematic than one might expect. In particular, someone who goes under the internet name, ‘Jagged_85’ inserted claims to the... more
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      HistoriographyHistory Of PsychologyIndigenous PsychologyEurocentrism
Published from Russia: "Industrial-Organizational psychology in the Americas: Past & future trends" Harold Takooshian PhD. from Fordham University of New York, and directive of APA International Psychology (click in the link above. At the... more
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      Industrial and Organizational PsychologyWork and Organizational PsychologyInternational PsychologyPsicologia Del Trabajo
This study aimed to examine the validity of reasons for living (RFL) and the protective role they may play against suicidal ideation in college students in South Korea. A total of 277 undergraduate students participated by completing the... more
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      Korean StudiesSouth KoreaSuicideSuicide (Psychology)
How do we train international psychologists to be successful in addressing global concerns and excelling as leaders? In this webinar, four experienced international psychologists share their pioneering efforts to advance the field of... more
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      Professional TrainingInternational Psychology
Ten adult Kuwaitis (5 men and 5 women) participated in in-depth semistructured interviews regarding their perceptions of mental health care in Kuwait. The interviews were analyzed using grounded theory and the emergent theory identified... more
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      PsychologyQualitative ResearchGrounded TheoryMental Health Stigma
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      Existential PsychologyInternational PsychologyExistential-Humanistic Psychology, Therapy, and PhilosophyExistential Humanistic Psychology
Globalization can be characterized as a process of worldwide integration through the movement of goods and capital, expansion of democratic institutions and human rights, access to information, and migration of large numbers of people.... more
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      International PsychologyPsychological ethics
The term, “polycentric history of psychology” was originally used by Kurt Danziger and it has since been adopted by other historians of psychology. The article provides an introduction to this approach. The trend towards the... more
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      History Of PsychoanalysisHistoriographyHistory Of PsychologyIndigenous Psychology
As part of the UCL Grand Challenges Global Health Scheme, this project investigated and compared international efforts to raise awareness and combat stigma towards people with intellectual disabilities. This executive summary outlines the... more
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      PsychologyClinical PsychologySpecial EducationHuman Rights
Merriam-Webster defines torture as “anguish of body or mind; something that causes agony or pain” or “the infliction of intense pain (as from burning, crushing, or wounding) to punish, coerce, or afford sadistic pleasure” (Torture 2011).... more
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      TerrorismPolitical ScienceTortureWar
This qualitative study explored the psychosocial factors that affect the implementation of an operational risk management framework in a financial institution in Tanzania. A purposive sample of 39 participants from three financial... more
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      PsychologyOrganizational ChangeRisk ManagementPsychosocial Studies