International Competitiveness

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International competitiveness refers to the ability of a country or organization to produce goods and services that meet the test of international markets while maintaining or increasing the real incomes of its citizens. It encompasses factors such as productivity, innovation, and the overall economic environment that influence trade performance.
Global strategic alliances, those whose area of work crosses borders, can accelerate the overseas expansion of the company. This article presents a detailed analysis of the different fast-track alliance-based international expansion... more
This paper investigates how countries become specialised in exporting specific producer services, particularly financial, communication and business services. We find that a country's ability to develop a competitive service economy... more
The paper uses the key role of technology as starting point in determining trade flows and international competitiveness at indusry and country level as a growing number of theoretical contributions and empirical verifications have... more
The valuable comments of three anonymous referees are gratefully acknowledged by the authors.
Employment statistics of Mexican-American, Cuban-American, and Puerto Rican men and women are compared with each 4other and with blacks and whites. Facts and figures are provided for geographic distribution4 labor force participation... more
An indicator of competitive position, the cost difference between ethanol import from Brazil with sugar processing and domestic production with corn in the United States under ideal conditions without tariffs in the ethanol market, is... more
The transistor was an American invention, and American firms led the world in semiconductor production and innovation for the first three decades of that industry's existence. In the 1980s, however, Japanese producers began to challenge... more
This paper overviews 9 vandalism detectors that have been developed and evaluated within PAN'10. We start with a survey of 55 different kinds of features employed in the detectors. Then, the detectors' performances are evaluated in detail... more
We examine anticipatory product standards intended to improve the strategic position of firms in an international patent race where firms do R&D to develop products that are close substitutes. The effects of a standard are shown to depend... more
Earlier literature has analysed regional finance gaps by comparing metropolitan areas with peripheral areas on a relatively high level of aggregation and most often in a U.S. or U.K. venture capital context. Financial capital has been... more
Since exporting is the most popular mechanism by which firms engage with international markets, understanding the drivers of export market performance is key to explaining firms' international competitiveness. The literature posits that... more
This paper examines factors driving ICT adoption at firm level. We use a novel data set including information on ICT and e-commerce in Irish manufacturing firms over the period 2001-2004 and estimate a model derived from the new... more
Materials published here have a working paper character. They can be subject to further publication. The views and opinions expressed here reflect the author(s) point of view and not necessarily those of CASE Network. This paper was... more
Materials published here have a working paper character. They can be subject to further publication. The views and opinions expressed here reflect the author(s) point of view and not necessarily those of CASE Network. This paper presents... more
Regional investment in R&D, technological development and innovation is perceived as being strongly associated with productivity, growth and sustained international competitiveness. One policy instrument by which policy makers have... more
The crucial role of employers and managers in the development of industrial relations has been the focus of much recent research. However, there remains little consensus on key issues such as the determinants of managerial strategies, or... more
Exports attract special attention in the economic literature and practice due to its contribution to the stability and long term development of any economy, particularly small one as Croatian economy. Also, its role is additionally... more
After joining the WTO in December 2001, China was given 5 years to completely open up its banking market for international competition. Chinese banks have been renowned for their mounting non-performing loans and low efficiency. Despite... more
The International Agricultural Trade and Policy Center (IATPC) was established in 1990 in the Food & Resource Economics Department (FRED) of the Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS) at the University of Florida. Its mission... more
Michael Porter and others suggest that the interactive dynamics between industrially related organizations within a circumscribed geographic area can help to form an "industry cluster", where the dynamics helps them to substantially... more
Far-reaching transformations took place throughout the global automotive industry during the nineties, as the final assemblers of motor vehicles diffused technological and organisational changes throughout their production chains. As... more
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Authors: Dr Anura Amarasena and Dr Sisira Colombage Exporting in the Asian Century: The Dynamics of Success delves into the evolving landscape of international trade, with a focus on the role of small firms exporting from developed to... more
Rencon (Performance Rendering Contest) is an annual international competition at which entrants present the computer systems they have developed for generating expressive musical performances and audience members and organizers judge the... more
O custo conjunto e um ramo da contabilidade de custos, aplicado a producao conjunta, em que a partir de uma determinada materia prima sao elaborados diversos produtos que podem ser classificados como coprodutos, subprodutos ou sucatas.... more
This paper aims to contribute to internationalization literature by showing that a born global may use some of its subsidiaries as bases for gradually expanding further. Based on a case of a Belarusian door producer founded in 2000 that... more
This paper analyses the link between sustainability-related innovation and sustainability performance and the role that family firms play in this. This theme is particular relevant from a European point of view given the large number of... more
Thermal Energy Storage (TES) technology based on the use of Phase Change Materials (PCM) has recently raised an important practical interest. This is mainly due to the highenergy storage density during phase change within a very narrow... more
This paper describes an integrated robot system, known as Curious George, that has demonstrated state-of-the-art capabilities to recognize objects in the real world. We describe the capabilities of this system, including: the ability to... more
Vertical intra-industry trade dominates horizontal intra-industry trade in Korea. A time series analysis on both these types of intra-industry trade yields the following: (1) vertical intra industry trade was caused by the rapid economic... more
The paper investigates revealed comparative advantage (RCA) and trade map index (TM) for the textile and clothing industries between Iran and Turkey during 2001-2009. The results of the RCA indicated that, Iran recorded a relatively weak... more
The goal of this review is to use business theories in student retention research, which has so far been informed by economics, organizational behavior, psychology, sociology. Relationships in business networks are compared to these... more
The goal of this review is to use business theories in student retention research, which has so far been informed by economics, organizational behavior, psychology, sociology. Relationships in business networks are compared to these... more
Working Paper 09/8 is a Research Project on "European Union policies, economic and trade integration processes and WTO negotiations" financed by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research (Scientific Research Programs of... more
Using a gravity model for trade, this work analyzes the factors influencing the patterns of international hazardous waste flows, relying on newly available data reported in the E-PRTR (European Pollutant Release and Transfer Registry) for... more
Este estudo analisa os impactos regionais de curto/médio prazo na pobreza e na distribuição de renda ocasionados pela redução nas tarifas de importação brasileiras como conseqüência dos recentes acordos de livre-comércio. Por meio de um... more
The present paper studies the relationship among two variables that are often used as indicators of development-GDP per capita, Human Development Index (HDI)-with respect to the five pillars of Global Sustainable Competitiveness Index... more
La internacionalización de las organizaciones aparece como una posibilidad de crecimiento empresarial o por lo menos una estratagema para la supervivencia en el mundo globalizado, altamente competitivo y sujeto a continuos y complejos... more
Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD) is considered one of the most important problems in Natural Language Processing [1]. It is claimed that WSD is essential for those applications that require of language comprehension modules such as search... more
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We present a theory of corporate campaigns and private regulation, with a focus on welfare implications. An activist induces private regulation through campaigns aimed at harming the …rm's reputation. In equilibrium, campaigns have both... more
The U.S. Congress established the East-West Center in 1960 to foster mutual understanding and cooperation among the governments and peoples of the Asia Pacific region including the United States. Funding for the Center comes from the U.S.... more
_ We examine anticipatory prcxiuct standards intended to improve the strategic position of fInns in an international patent race where fInns do R&D to develop products that are close substitutes. The effects of a standard are shown to... more
This study extends previous research by comparing banks across European Union (EU) accession and non-accession countries of central-eastern Europe in order to detect differences that perhaps have implications related to policy... more
is recognized as a leading authority on strategy and competitiveness. His works have generated analytical tools used by business schools, managers, and public policy makers: fi ve-forces analysis, generic strategies, the value chain,... more
Abstract. The main objective of the beeStanbul project is to develop an efficient software system to correctly model the behaviors of simulated Nao robots in a competitive environment. The challenging and the most time consuming part of... more
Paper prepared for presentation at the 113 th EAAE Seminar "A resilient European food industry and food chain in a challenging world"