Globalisasi yang turut mendorong maraknya aktivitas jual-beli di tingkat internasional menuntut dilakukannya unifikasi hukum guna mengatasi perbedaan aturan kontrak jual-beli yang terdapat pada masing-masing hukum nasional. Dengan... more
This research aims to determine the influence of game-based instruction in improving students' learning retention. Ascertain the difference in the students' learning retention of the group and individual game-based instruction.... more
The focus and scope of this work aims to reach the interest of practicing lawyers engaged in cross-border transactions between Mexico and the United States. To this purpose, this work is based on the analysis of four different bilingual... more
This qualitative study explores the multifaceted landscape of career development among third-year accountancy students enrolled in the Bachelor of Science in Accountancy program at PUP Santa Maria Bulacan Campus. Grounded in Savickas'... more
With the growth in the use of electronic communications technologies to communicate important business and trade information, the size of the earth, although it may remain at the present 7,900 miles in diameter, is rapidly shrinking. In a... more
We believe small is beautiful. When small businesses can grow faster and grow healthier, it will benefit the whole society. Despite the immense contribution and great potential in the SMEs to the economy, various research indicate that... more
Learning progress exists in every classroom. This study aimed to determine the effect of the utilization of “Balanced Money. Balanced Life.”, a strategic intervention material in enhancing the performance level of Grade 11 ABM learners in... more
Introduction of INCOTERMS 2020 as defined by the ICC. The presentation describes about each Incoterms in brief and explains the limitations of the Incoterms.
A. What Transactional Lawyers Need and Law Schools Do Not P ro vide .................................... ...................................................... ... III. The M CC-KJH Simulation Exercise... more
Exploring Factors Influencing the Adoption of Online Shopping with Saudi E-Shops, Female Perspective
Information and communication technology (ICT)
The Principles and Importance of Free on Board (F.O.B.) and Cost Insurance Freight (C.I.F.) Contracts in the Contract of International Sales of Goods 1 hereinafter referred to as the Act 2 Hereinafter referred to as F.O.B. 3 (1884) 12 QBD... more
The Legislature is an important institution of government in a democratic system of government as Nigeria, especially the bicameral legislature, made up of the Senate and the House of Representative. It was against this background that... more
This article provides a detailed introduction to China's launching of a digital currency. We conduct a comparative analysis concerning whether digital currency is a more stable and reliable currency than cryptocurrency and investigate... more
Customers are more and more deciding to use various types of services via Internet. They make very often different types of purchases. E-commerce is becoming more and more popular and developed. Unfortunately, according to customers,... more
The Internet has grown tremendously in the recent and many of its applications have been used by people all over the world. On-line shopping which is a recent phenomenon in the field of e-commerce is definitely going to be the future of... more
Abstract: The purpose of this study, drawing on marketing and psychometric paradigms, is to investigate the effect of risk perception dimensions on apparel internet purchase intention among Saudi consumers. A web-based survey was... more
The moment at which risks on merchandise are transferred is a fundamental question in sale contracts. Â In international system, business uses standardized clauses whereby contracting parties define the time of that transfer. They are... more
Development of any society is meant to enhance the living standard of citizens. However, where there are challenges of accountability, development is more likely to be a mirage. Past studies in Nigeria on the challenges of leadership and... more
This article analyzes the Mining Laws enacted in Ecuador since 1886 and mainly topics related to mining rights, such as ownership of minerals, types of mining concessions and contracts, granting procedures, transfers and encumbrances, and... more
This article offers an original case study of the failed sale of Victoria's Secret's business to examine the deep consequences of the covid-19 pandemic in the context of M&A transactions. After presenting the case, it draws two lessons... more
In the contemporary political system, civil society has become buzzword to remedy state anomalies across the world. Thus, civil society as a non-state actor is saddle with responsibilities for providing critical support to the citizenry... more
The continuous outcry of the citizens on the evils of corruption and its consequences on national development motivated this study. The major objective of this study was to examine the impact of corruption on sustainable economic growth... more
The philosophy of education at Flinders Law School emphasises the acquisition of foundation legal skills, includ-ing interpersonal communication such as interviewing and negotiation, in a program which is designed to foster inde-pendent... more
In this short piece we provide an interactive, annotated International Business Transactions (IBT) syllabus. The introduction and annotations seek to connect the current discourse on experiential legal education to andragogy — the study... more
The paper reexamines and discusses the causes of the failure of the French economic missions to implement a sound monetary and financial system in Romania between 1928 and 1933. Banque de France Deputy Governor Charles Rist, also... more
Approaching the Chinese Market: do's and dont's from an Intellectual Property perspective
Governments exist among others to implement policies for the enhancement of the living standard of citizens. To accomplish this goal, public enterprises are established to provide goods and services. With the use of secondary data, the... more
This paper will discuss some features of one of the most used type of contract in international sale of goods, the FOB (Free on Board) contract. The focus will be on the Common Law f.o.b. terms identified in Pyrene and Co Ltd v Scindia... more
It has been argued by scholars that no nation can fully achieve its development potentials without democratic governance as engendered and supported by vibrant civil society. In this regard, civil society (CS) is seen as the engine of... more
Development is highly desirable in any society because it enhances people's standard of living anywhere in the world. However, there are some basic procedures to follow in doing business and in the handling of government activities before... more
In the global business, competitiveness has become a buzzword and to achieve it every enterprise has been looking for the cost reduction methods in production and marketing of goods internationally. One of such element of on this account... more
"Gli strumenti economico-finanziari (come i contratti di compravendita, i prestiti fruttiferi, i titoli al portatore,le anticresi, le promissory notes,i derivati, l'usura, ecc.) sono una componente fondamentale della vita economica del... more
The history of French foreign exchange control has formerly been presented as the succession of four stages. During the interwar, a memorial historiography underlined the positive role of liberal Chambers of commerce, and the negative... more