International Business
Most downloaded papers in International Business
Liberalism is a term employed in a dizzying variety of ways across the humanities and social sciences. This essay seeks to reframe how the liberal tradition is understood. I start by delineating different types of response – prescriptive,... more
"This study investigates the history of English language education in Japan over the past 150 years. For this purpose, tabulated representations have been devised which illustrate the educational events in each historical era alongside... more
Introduction This case study focuses on a fast growing online business services startup platform in Australia. It operates as its own functioning business unit under the umbrella of News Ltd, who own a cluster of individual digital... more
The following is an analysis of the IKEA case study found in the Strategic Management Text book. This analyses the strategies used by IKEA to gain competitive advantage in markets outside its original area. The report begins by providing... more
Growth of research addressing the relationship between culture and consumption is exponential [Ogden D., Ogden J. and Schau HJ. Exploring the impact of culture and acculturation on consumer purchase decisions: toward a microcultural... more
Many international business failures have been ascribed to a lack of crosscultural competence (CC) on the part of business practitioners. However, the international business literature appears to lack an adequate conceptualization and... more
This situational and strategic analysis examines the present situation of furniture and fitting market leader IKEA providing recommendations on how the company could strategically maintain its lead on a long-term basis in an ever changing... more
This report reviews and categorizes the enormous corpus of knowledge produced by American academic and policy institutions about U.S. relations with the Middle East and other Islamic actors in the international arena. The report... more
Introducción El presente trabajo es una reseña del libro estamos ciegos, solicitado en la materia de Marketing Internacional; Donde se analizarán los puntos más importantes y finalmente podré dar mi opinión personal acerca del mismo, si... more
This paper develops a balanced scorecard for supply chain management (SCM) that measures and evaluates day-to-day business operations from following four perspectives: finance, customer, internal business process, and learning and growth.... more
The rising number of non-status migrants is one of the central political issues of our time. This essay argues that if we want to understand the political and philosophical importance of this phenomenon, the contributions of Alain Badiou,... more
This paper argues that the figure of the migrant has come to be seen as a potential terrorist in the West, under the condition of a double, but completely opposed, set of crises internal to the nation-state.
This report presents how McDonald's has achieved enormous success, its best practices in the global food industry, international growth trends and effect on its operating income and number of increasing restaurants across the globe from... more
Back cover text: Megaprojects and Risk provides the first detailed examination of the phenomenon of megaprojects. It is a fascinating account of how the promoters of multi-billion dollar megaprojects systematically and self-servingly... more
In this paper we argue that the use of the communicative theory of Jürgen Habermas in planning theory is problematic because it hampers an understanding of how power shapes planning. We posit an alternative approach based on the power... more
The purpose of this research article is to evaluate the customers’ satisfaction towards the banking services rendered by the SBI in Kanyakumari District. The author conducted a literature search on banking services of SBI interviewing of... more
Drawing on organizational learning and economic sociology, we address how relational embeddedness between the foreign parent and international joint venture (IJV) managers influences the type of knowledge (i.e., tacit and explicit)... more
E-waste management is a serious challenge across developed, transition, and developing countries because of the consumer society and the globalization process. E-waste is a fast-growing waste stream which needs more attention of... more
Este artículo presenta un proyecto de investigación teórica y aplicada, en donde se ha dado inicio a una fase de revisión bibliográfica, como parte del estado del arte que se pretende obtener del modelo teórico de los cambios de contexto... more
This study examines the extensive strategic analysis of AirAsia Berhad that has enabled it to sustain its competitive advantage as Asia's leading low cost carrier (LCC). The study demonstrates the diverse business-level, corporate level... more
Megaproject Planning and Management: Essential Readings contains the seminal articles from the growing body of research on megaproject planning and management along with an original introduction by the editor, Bent Flyvbjerg. The leading... more
An interview on The Figure of the Migrant.
In this paper we characterise the propensity of big capital investments to systematically deliver poor outcomes as “fragility,” a notion suggested by Nassim Taleb. A thing or system that is easily harmed by randomness is fragile. We argue... more
Using objective measures of investor protections in 170 countries, I establish that the level of investor protection matters for cross-country differences in GDP growth: countries with stronger protections tend to grow faster than those... more
At the same time that case studies are widely used and have produced canonical texts, it may be observed that the case study as a methodology is generally held in low regard, or is simply ignored, within the academy. For example, only 2... more
If a global company is to function successfully, strategies at different levels need to inter-relate. 1
This paper deals with the integration-responsiveness framework, one of the most widely used frameworks which have been developed to explain different strategies and organizational settings of multinational corporations. Following a short... more
The drive for reform in the public sector worldwide has focussed attention on the measurement of performance in public sector organizations. This is particularly true in local government. Local government has traditionally been concerned... more
The twenty-first century will be the century of the migrant. At the turn of the twenty-first century, there were more migrants than ever before in recorded history. Today there are over 1 billion migrants. Each decade, the percentage of... more
Puji syukur kami panjatkan ke hadirat Tuhan Yang Maha Kuasa atas berkat dan rahmatnya kami dapat menyelesaikan tugas makalah Ekonomika Internasional ini.
This special issue asks, “Do classics exist in megaproject management?” We identify three types of classics: conventional, Kuhnian, and citation classics. We find that the answer to our question depends on the definition of “classic”... more
For a totally revised, extended and updated version/paper, see: "Gigantism in container shipping, ports and global logistics: a time-lapse into the future" (freely downloadable from the link below).... more
Actors in competitive environments are bound to decide and act under conditions of uncertainty because they rarely have accurate foreknowledge of how their opponents will respond and when they will respond. Just as a competitor makes a... more
Today, concept of a team transcends the boundaries of distance, time, organizations and cultures.