International Affairs
Recent papers in International Affairs
The massacre of almost 50 Maidan protesters on February 20, 2014 was a turning point in Ukrainian politics and a tipping point in the conflict between the West and Russia over Ukraine. This mass killing of the protesters and the mass... more
American efforts to promote democracy in the Middle East under the Bush administration have floundered. This article explains why. First, American policymakers have proven unwilling to sponsor electoral openings that might favor the... more
From its establishment, the European Union presented potential members with the possibility of economic development through its single market economy that many countries have found attractive, encouraging their accession. Beyond the... more
The formation of paramilitary groups can have both positive and negative effects. There is no reason for an automatic alarm if one emerges—but there is always a reason for caution. This article looks into reasons behind the formation and... more
El concepto de "Guerra Cultural" nace producto de una serie de trabajos escritos por Samuel Huntington que buscaban comprender como las reconfiguraciones del orden mundial luego de la finalización de la Guerra Fría, afectarían a las... more
This writing appears as Appendix I in my book, Transitions in Consciousness from an African American Perspective: Original Essays in Psycho-Historical Context. The book was published in 2004. Appendix I is a comprehensive Timeline of... more
Iran is an ancient nation known as Persia, which has a long and glorious history. Unlike many other empires, Persia (Iran) managed to keep stability, to prevent losing territory and to remain its independence. The modern history of Iran... more
This collection of essays examines the subject of power politics in Africa, paying special attention to the interests of African regional powers, as well as their capabilities and strategies in the international arena. It provides a... more
The Quran: A New Translation I s lam ,T e r r o r is m and Jihad (18 A ug 2014 Ne w A g e I s lam .C o m )
The 13th edition of Linea Sur, the international affairs journal of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ecuador, focuses on the G-77 and China in the World System and explores new horizons from the Global South. My role in this publication... more
Resumen: El presente trabajo plantea una modalidad alternativa para efectuar comercio internacional, llamada intercambio compensado, entre países que dependen absolutamente del precio internacional de los commodities para generar divisas... more
2016 marks the 60 th anniversary of Sino-Arab relations, and specifically the establishment of the first Arab and African diplomatic relations between Egypt and China in 1956 (Scott, 2016). Since such cooperation emerged, the nature of... more
ntroduction W ater is one of the most important resources needed for the development of a country or region. Every aspect of development, from the growing of foodstuffs to the production of industrial goods and hydroelectricity, depends... more
Stanley Hoffman in Janus and Minerva mentioned that international affairs are ‘inhospitable’ to liberalism. This paper explores the current environment of international relations and refutes Stanley Hoffman's statement.
Seldom have just over 40 pages of text (plus just under 40 pages of notes) kicked up such a storm. Attacked for everything from being "sloppy scholarship" to anti-Semitic, this article is clearly neither. It is an argument... more
Abstract: We propose to study the sermon of Sayyedah Zainab (as) which she delivered in the court of Yazid (L). The central issues of the sermon are as follows: i). Sayyedah Zainab (as) discussed cardinal principles to established Daw’ah... more
In the wake of burgeoning international activities and collaborative venues in S&T, rich industrial countries have taken to science diplomacy to strengthen their innovative capacities or to foster cross-border civil relations. Apart from... more
การขนส่งระหว่างประเทศกับความมั่นคงใหม่ในเอเชียตะวันออกเฉียงใต้ (International Transport and New Security in Southeast Asia)
This paper analyzes changes in regional electoral behavior and attitudes towards separatism and foreign policy orientation in Ukraine after the “Orange Revolution” and the “Euromaidan,” which turned into a violent internal conflict and... more
En este libro el lector encontrará un conjunto de textos que, a modo de fotografías, retratan imágenes del conflicto y la violencia en los múltiples espacios la sociedad: desde el circuito de lo local hasta el plano internacional.
When presented with the question of whether humanitarian intervention can be justified when there is a possibility for its misuse, the answer is both: yes and no. This essay will address both view points, and in doing so, argue that the... more
Blockchain y las tecnologías de la información están cumpliendo las predicciones que indican que los poderes tradicionales están perdiendo facultades a favor de una Gobernanza de un conjunto de nuevos actores.
Sebagai penstudi Hubungan Internasional (HI) yang erat kaitannya dengan interaksi antar negara bangsa ataupun entitas lain yang sifatnya beyond the territory of the state, tentu kita sudah familiar dengan istilah Kebijakan Luar Negeri... more
Syllabus for my International Organization course in the spring 2020 semester at Lewis & Clark College, which was significantly modified in the midst of COVID-19.
This study focuses on the state dilemma in opting between the Scylla of isolation and the Charybdis of intervention; which means forcing an exchange between political sovereignty and economic prosperity. To resolve this painful dilemma,... more
In recent years, many cases of Sharia law convictions and sentencing have dominated talks in the media and intellectual circles. A case in point is that in February 2013, a Maldivian Sharia-Common Law Court sentenced a fifteen year old... more
Seperti yang kita ketahui, Ilmu Hubungan Internasional telah mengalami berbagai perkembangan sejak awal kemunculannya. Pada awal dan saat ini pun yang menjadi fokus dalam Ilmu Hubungan Internasional juga berubah. Ilmu Hubungan... more
Forthcoming in Matthew sleat (ed.), Realist Political Thought (Columbia UP, 2017)
High levels of crime and violence in Central America's northern triangle are a major preoccupation of politicians, policy-makers and citizens. Public authorities in El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala have largely sought repressive... more
""During the "Orange Revolution" in Ukraine, the second largest country in Europe came close to a violent break-up similar to that in neighboring Moldova, which witnessed a violent secession of the Transdniestria region. Numerous... more
This chapter analyzes the annual, U.S.-led naval exercise Baltic Operations (BALTOPS) to help understand the strategic importance of multilateral naval exercises. We begin with an overview of the geopolitical context in the Baltic Sea... more
Niemcy w I wojnie światowej poniosły klęskę. Nie tylko zostały oskarżone o wywołanie globalnego konfliktu, ale także, na mocy traktatu wersalskiego, o przepisach którego dyskutowano podczas konferencji paryskiej, doświadczyły ogromnych... more
Ukraine has experienced significant regional divisions concerning such issues as support for leading presidential candidates and political parties, foreign orientation, and attitudes towards major historical events since it became... more
The main aim of this work is to explore and identify the factors associated with the flaunts in Huntingtonian Universalism which also invariably justifies Civilizational Colonialism and the New Great Game narrative concerning the... more