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Why does the Chinese government—which is known for its strong-arm tactics—need or desire to use non-state actors to carry out coercion and social control? In this piece, I argue the government seeks to deploy non-state actors to perform... more
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      ProtestChinaContentious PoliticsCorruption
and hence a soft area of KM. Its absence is the reason for the costly medical errors that continue to raise HC costs today.
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      Information TechnologyEnterprise ArchitectureKnowledge ManagementQuality of Healthcare Services
Issue: The accepted wisdom in the Travel and Tourism (T&T) industry –with very few exceptions– has so far placed the emphasis on disintermediation or the disappearance of traditional intermediaries like travel agents, tour operators or... more
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      DISTRIBUTIONIntermediationComputer Reservation Systems
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      Enterprise ArchitectureE-GovernmentE-HealthStandardization
We analyze the role of intermediaries in electronic markets using detailed data of more than 14,000 originated loans on an electronic P2P (peer-to-peer) lending platform. In such an electronic credit market, lenders bid to supply a... more
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      FinanceBehavioral EconomicsElectronic MarketsIntermediation
In this paper, we present the project denominated Efficient and Transparent Municipalities -MuNet, developed by the Organization of American States -OAS, with the sponsorship of the Canadian for International Development Agency -CIDA. The... more
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      Enterprise ArchitectureE-GovernmentE-HealtheGovernment
This paper analyzes the effect of leverage financing on corporate performance using debt-equity, coverage ratios and earnings per share as proxies. The study is motivated by need to assess the extent to which leverage affects optimizes... more
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he paper questions the extent to which financial structure development theoretically and empirically drives economic performance in Nigeria. It adopts mixed methodological framework to tease out the relationship between financial... more
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The accepted wisdom in the Travel and Tourism (T&T) industry-with very few exceptions-has so far placed the emphasis on disintermediation or the disappearance of traditional intermediaries like travel agents, tour operators or even the... more
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      DISTRIBUTIONDistributionIntermediationComputer Reservation Systems
Abstract Platform urbanism has emerged in recent years as an area of research into the ways in which digital platforms are increasingly central to the governance, economy, experience, and understanding of the city. In the paper, we argue... more
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      Urban GeographyUrban StudiesSmart CityUrban Futures
This PhD thesis, with the Portuguese legal system as background, consists in a legal study of a contractual model, designated as contrato de mediação (a kind of brokerage agreement), by which a person promises a fee to another person if... more
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      Comparative LawCivil LawContract LawLaw of Contract
This chapter focuses on the role of the Caballeros Templarios cartel in local governance from 2011 to 2013. I conducted thirteen months of fieldwork in Michoacán, spread out over five visits between 2013 and 2017. My hypothesis is that... more
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      Sociology of Crime and DevianceState crimePolitical Violence and TerrorismHistory of Political Violence
Banks are most probably the most important type of financial institutions in Bangladesh. Although there are two fully operating stock exchanges in Bangladesh still the majority portion of demand for financial services are addressed by... more
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Muhtars, the lowest level elected political position in Turkey, hold an ambiguously defined place within the administrative hierarchy. They are public officials, but local citizens do not always associate them with the central government.... more
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      Comparative PoliticsPolitical AnthropologyLocal GovernmentUrban Studies
Financial intermediation is an exciting field in the demand and supply of funds for investment, liquidity and consumption purposes. Through financial intermediation economic growth occurs and the improvement of the welfare improves: Funds... more
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      IntermediationInnovation In Saccos
The Great Depression was a moment of rupture and dispossession in the history of the plantation economy and colonial Indian migration in the Bay of Bengal. The developments of this period provide important insights into the shifting... more
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      Labour historyNationalismColonialismIndian Ocean History
This essay explores the Taiwanese anthropologist Tai-Li Hu’s three ethnographic films focusing on Taiwanese indigenous rituals in the 1980s—The Return of Gods and Ancestors: Paiwan Five-year Ceremony (1984), Songs of Pasta’ay (1988), and... more
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      Ethnographic FilmDocumentary FilmCultural ActivismIntermediation
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      European HistoryDiplomatic HistoryPolitical HistoryMoriscos
"China's cattle trade systems: An experiment in using social media to outsource historical ethnographies." This online version excludes the published article's citations and maps, but does have a picture of me holding a puppy.
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      HistoryHistorical AnthropologySocial NetworksEthnography
Recently, increasing attention has been paid to intermediaries, actors connecting multiple other actors, in transition processes. Research has highlighted that intermediary actors (e.g. innovation funders, energy agencies, NGOs,... more
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      Sustainable DevelopmentBoundary-Spanning Knowledge SharingEnvironmental SustainabilityTransition
"Using intermediation to understand Chinese and European cattle trade systems"
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      HistoryEconomic HistoryChinaChina studies
As an agro-based country, Bangladesh has the competitive advantage on vegetable industry since long and due to this fact, many researches has been done on this industry focusing on competitiveness, production & process, trade... more
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      Supply Chain ManagementDisintermediationCross DockingIntermediation
Stella Ghervas, "Le réseau épistolaire d’Alexandre et Roxandre Stourdza : une médiation triangulaire entre Occident, Russie et Sud-Est européen" [The Correspondence Network of Alexander and Roxandra Sturdza: a Triangular... more
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryIntellectual HistoryDiplomatic History
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      Agency TheoryTourismActor-Network TheoryTransparency
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      Business HistoryArgentinaHistory of MarketingIntermediation
The Uber case, decided by the Grand Chamber of the CJEU on 20 December 2017, has the potential to reshape the regulation of contracting in the digital economy. More precisely, it specifies the rules applicable to online platforms serving... more
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      Contract LawDigital EconomyFreedom to provide servicesPlatform design
International alliance negotiations are now a pervasive feature of the contemporary global economy. As the alliancing firms cross national boundaries to forge cooperative partnerships they face the inevitable necessity of bridging the... more
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      BusinessManagementBusiness ManagementAmbiguity
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      Information TechnologyEnterprise ArchitectureKnowledge ManagementHealth Economics
Enseignante, conseillère et coordinatrice pédagogique Etudiante Master 2-Sciences du langage, didactique des langues et communication
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      Sociology of EducationEnterprise ArchitectureContinuing Professional DevelopmentSociology of Knowledge
Platform urbanism has emerged in recent years as an area of research into the ways in which digital platforms are increasingly central to the governance, economy, experience, and understanding of the city. In the paper, we argue that... more
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      Urban GeographyTypologyCorporate GovernanceUrban Studies
The value gains that alleged to accrue to the large and growing wave of merger and acquisition activity have not been verified. Thus leading the research community in quandary on whether the industry has followed a path of massive... more
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      FinanceMergers & AcquisitionsAccountingBehavioral Economics
'Edgeware' for wireless grid connectivity, utilizes open specifications developed by the National Science Foundation (NSF) Partnerships for Innovation (PFI) 'Wireless Grid Innovation Testbed' (WiGiT) to enable greater interoperability... more
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      Grid ComputingEnterprise ArchitectureMobile Ad Hoc NetworksWireless Communications
El Gobierno Electrónico es un poderoso instrumento para la transformación del tradicional modelo de Estado burocrático hacia el de un moderno Estado proveedor de bienes y servicios. La consolidación de un modelo de gestión digitalizado... more
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      Enterprise ArchitectureE-GovernanceE-GovernmentE-Health
Contemporary financial markets have recently witnessed a sea change with the ‘algorithmic revolution’, as trading automats are used to ease the execution sequences and reduce market impact. Being constantly monitored, they take an active... more
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      Regulatory ComplianceAlgorithmic TradingFinancial RegulationSocial Studies of Finance
Prior to the 2004 reform in the Nigerian banking sector, banks neglected the small and medium class saver and concentrated more on big corporate savers. Many banks abandoned their essential intermediation role of mobilizing savings and... more
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      FinanceAccountingMicrofinanceBank Consolidation
Financer la culture sans intermédiaire, en donnant à tous les projets les mêmes chances de réussite: depuis une dizaine d'années, le crowdfunding est présenté comme le moyen qui permettra à la sagesse des foules de renouveler... more
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      AfricaCapitalismCreative IndustriesCultural Industries
ABSTRACT Previous studies (such as Fung et al., 2007) have revealed that in industries characterized by high degrees of agility, fragmentation and globalization, such as the fashion sector, trade intermediaries play a significant role in... more
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      Supply Chain ManagementOperations ResearchMultidisciplinaryEngineering Science and Technology
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      FlexibilityFlexicurityEmploiSociologie du travail
[This is a pre-print draft of a book chapter for the forthcoming Routledge volume entitled Poetry in Pedagogy: Intersections Across & Between the Disciplines. Eds. D. Gui and J. Polley. Due March 2021; now available online at... more
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      Third SpaceOnline Teaching and LearningIntermediation
In un primo momento Redacted genera nello spettatore la percezione di realtà completamente sorvegliata e riprodotta in tutti i suoi aspetti da un enorme numero di dispositivi che permettono una visibilità totale del mondo. In realtà,... more
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      Media StudiesIntermedialityCinema StudiesContemporary Cinema
"In the context of the emergent Web of Data, a large number of organizations, institutes and companies (e.g., DBpedia, Geonames, PubMed ACM, IEEE, NASA, BBC) adopt the Linked Data practices and publish their data utilizing Semantic Web... more
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      Information SystemsBioinformaticsCognitive PsychologyComputer Science
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      Information SystemsEnterprise ArchitectureData MiningE-Government
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      Information TechnologyEnterprise ArchitectureKnowledge ManagementE-Government
Background. Organisational Interoperability's concern with the re-engineering of work processes is critical for the success of joined-up eGovernment services.
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      Enterprise ArchitectureE-GovernmentE-HealthStandardization
El impacto de la pandemia del Covid-19 está siendo devastador para el sector turístico. Las consecuencias de la pandemia empiezan a verse en forma de fusiones, cierres o adquisiciones que dejarán tras de si un nuevo panorama en el... more
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      DisintermediationTravel AgencyIntermediationSustainability
En el presente artículo exponemos la función del concepto de conatus a partir del De Antiquissima. En primer lugar, revisamos la relación que tiene con el movimiento y, a su vez, con los puntos metafísicos. Luego, exhibimos la posibilidad... more
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      Giambattista VicoBaruch SpinozaSpinozaVico, Giambattista
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      DiscriminationRacial and ethnic discriminationGender DiscriminationVocational Training
Cohen, 2010) qui sont venues s'ajouter à l'histoire comparée, jusqu'alors la seule façon d'étudier plusieurs objets ou phénomènes historiques, le rôle des intermédiaires dans la mise en place de connexions à l'échelle mondiale fait... more
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      History of ScienceWorld HistoryConnected HistoryGlobal History
In the context of the emergent Web of Data, a large number of organizations, institutes and companies (e.g., DBpedia, Geonames, PubMed ACM, IEEE, NASA, BBC) adopt the Linked Data practices and publish their data utilizing Semantic Web... more
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      Information SystemsBioinformaticsCognitive PsychologyComputer Science
Für elektronische Geschäftstransaktionen von und zwischen Behörden wird ein Kennzeichen benötigt, ein so genannter Behördenidentifikator, der die beteiligten Behörden eindeutig identifiziert. Dieser Behördenidentifikator wird in einem... more
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      Public AdministrationEnterprise ArchitectureE-GovernmentE-Health