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This chapter reviews the extensive literature on bias in favor of in-groups at the expense of out-groups. We focus on five issues and identify areas for future research: (a) measurement and conceptual issues (especially in-group... more
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      Social PsychologyIntergroup RelationsStereotypes and PrejudiceGroup Processes & Intergroup Relations
Past research has focused. primarill on second langauge (L2) acquisition as a tool for pro' moting intcrcultural communication. The social co text model, for etanple, stre9ses the importance of contact, L2 confidence, and. identitJr in... more
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      Ethnic IdentityIntergroup ContactLanguage UseWillingness to Communicate
Contact researchers have largely overlooked the potential for negative intergroup contact to increase prejudice. In Study 1, we tested the interaction between contact quantity and valence on prejudice toward Black Australians (n = 1,476),... more
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      Social PsychologyIntergroup RelationsStereotypes and PrejudiceGroup Processes & Intergroup Relations
Drawing from the intergroup contact model and self-categorization theory, the authors advanced the novel hypothesis of a valence-salience effect, whereby negative contact causes higher category salience than positive contact. As... more
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      Social PsychologyPrejudiceStereotypes and PrejudiceGroup Processes & Intergroup Relations
Imagined intergroup contact (Crisp & Turner, 2009) is a new indirect contact strategy for promoting tolerance and more positive intergroup relations. Despite its relatively recent inception, there have now been over 70 studies showing... more
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      Social PsychologySocial CognitionIntergroup RelationsStereotypes and Prejudice
Although intergroup contact is one of the most prominent interventions to reduce prejudice, the generalization of contact effects is still a contentious issue. This research further examined the rarely studied secondary transfer effect... more
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      PsychologySocial PsychologyCyprus StudiesIntergroup Relations
Contemporary Palestinian citizens of Israel must negotiate disparate identities as they construct a "hyphenated" self. Their status as a national indigenous minority places them in a particular location of subordination and existential... more
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      Social IdentityNarrativeIdentity (Culture)Identity politics
turn determines intergroup evaluations. A 1st study shows that the new measure of perceived importance is indeed distinct from established quantity and quality indicators. The results are cross-validated in a 2nd study that also sheds... more
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    • Intergroup Contact
Organizational life is rife with conflict between groups that pursue different goals, particularly when groups have strong commitments to professional identities developed outside the organization. I use data from a 30-month comparative... more
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      Organizational BehaviorSocial IdentityMental HealthOrganizational Culture
Although hundreds of dialogue programs geared towards conflict resolution are offered every year, there have been few scientific studies of their effectiveness. Across 2 studies we examined the effect of controlled, dyadic interactions on... more
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      Intergroup ContactIntergroup Conflict (Psychology)Social Psychology and Intergroup Relations
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      Group Processes & Intergroup RelationsIntergroup ContactImagined ContactBehavioural Intentions
Background: There is a rich literature on the nature of mental health-related stigma and the processes by which it severely affects the life chances of people with mental health problems. However, applying this knowledge to deliver and... more
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      StigmaDiscriminationIntergroup ContactStigma and Discrimination of Mental Illness
Assuming a cultural psychology approach, this study examines the life stories of 30 Israeli and Palestinian adolescent participants in a coexistence program. Prior to participation, youth identity was characterized by polarization in... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesYouth StudiesPolitical PsychologyNarrative
Research on segregation has tended to focus on relations located at a macro-spatial level of analysis and unfolding in contexts where boundaries to interaction are formally established. This research, by contrast, investigated segregation... more
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      Social PsychologyStereotypes and PrejudiceIntergroup ContactSpatial segregation
We investigated the effects of gender and group size on perceptions of group variability, using groups of students taking different majors that varied in the proportion of men and women (female-majority, parity, and male-majority). We... more
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      SociologyCultural StudiesPsychologySocial Psychology
Most of what we know about the social psychology of intergroup relations has emerged from studies of how one group of people (e.g., whites) think and feel about another (e.g., blacks). By reducing the social world to binary categories,... more
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      Social IdentityCollective ActionGroup Processes & Intergroup RelationsIntergroup Contact
Two studies investigated the role of perceived realistic and symbolic threats in predicting collective action tendencies, and in mediating effects of intergroup contact and social identity on collective action in the context of an... more
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      Social IdentityCollective ActionIntergroup ContactPerceived Threat
Two experiments investigated the role of intragroup communication in intergroup conflict (de-)escalation. Experiment 1 examined the effects of intragroup communication (vs. individual thought) and anticipated face-to-face intergroup... more
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      Social IdentityStereotypes and PrejudiceSmall group ProcessesGroup Processes & Intergroup Relations
Increasingly, adolescents are growing up in multiethnic multicultural societies. While intergroup pre- judice can threaten the multicultural societal cohesion, intergroup friendships are strong predictors of reduced prejudice. Thus, more... more
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      PrejudiceStereotypes and PrejudiceIntergroup ContactLongitudinal Research
This study examined changes in and predictors of preference for same-ethnic friendships among German (N = 106) and Turkish (N = 45) preadolescents (M age = 10.4 years) during their 1st year in an ethnically heterogeneous school. Drawing... more
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      Child DevelopmentGroup Processes & Intergroup RelationsIntergroup ContactSocial Developmental Psychology
This study offers new insights into the power of peer networks for shaping intergroup relations in a diverse school. Data were drawn from a longitudinal study of sixth-eighth graders (N = 524; M ageT1 = 11.87; 48% girls; 9% Asian... more
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      Intergroup ContactFriendshipPeer to Peer NetworksPeers
Contact with the dominant group can increase opposition, among the disadvantaged, to social policies that would benefit their group. This effect can be explained in terms of contact promoting support for an ideology of meritocracy, which... more
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      Social PolicyIdeologyGroup Processes & Intergroup RelationsIntergroup Contact
Past research on member-to-group generalization has failed to distinguish the effect of member descriptive deviance from the effect of member evaluative deviance. In addition, researchers have used group judgments that confound... more
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      Social PsychologyIntergroup RelationsStereotypesStereotypes and Prejudice
We bridge the theorizing on mediated and imagined contact and integrate these two contact forms in one sequence within a single design. We experimentally examine whether (1) encouraging people to imagine a positive intergroup encounter... more
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      PrejudiceIntergroup ContactImagined Contact
This paper investigates the relationship between perceived ethnic, age and income diversity and neighbourhood attachment, accounting for measures of objective diversity calculated for small, individualised neighbourhoods. With data from... more
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      Intergroup ContactNeighbourhood EffectsSocial DiversityEthnic diversity
Intergroup contact and group relative deprivation have both been shown to play a key role in the understanding of intergroup relations. Nevertheless, we know little about their causal relationship. In order to shed some light on the... more
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    • Intergroup Contact
In a survey study of Arab and Jewish Americans, we examined which beliefs best predicted support for a two-state solution. We compared the role of a sense of collective victimhood, dehumanization of the outgroup, a zero-sum view, and a... more
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      Social identity processesIsrael StudiesNarrative PsychologyIsrael/Palestine
The positive effects of intergroup contact on prejudice reduction have been widely validated by now. However, the potential of contact for intergroup relations is only available when there is readiness to have contact with outgroup... more
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      Social PsychologySocial IdentityIdentity politicsIntergroup Contact
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      Political PsychologyNarrativeNarrative PsychologyIsrael/Palestine
People often view out-groups as less human than their in-group. Some media video content is heartwarming and leaves one feeling touched or moved. Recent research indicates that this reflects a positive social emotion, kama muta, which is... more
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      Social PsychologyPolitical PsychologyIntergroup RelationsEmotions (Social Psychology)
Inter-ethnic contact has long been held as a key means of ameliorating possible inter-group tensions and facilitating the integration of increasing immigrant populations into society. However, our understanding of the role of contact in... more
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      SociologySocial PsychologyEthnic StudiesSocial Sciences
Postwar Polish−Jewish relations are heavily affected by divergent narratives about the Holocaust. Debates about the role of Poles as passive bystanders or perpetrators during the Holocaust have deeply influenced mutual perceptions of... more
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      Social PsychologyPolitical PsychologyHolocaust StudiesIntergroup Contact
This work adopts a perspective that construes acculturation as a dynamic intergroup process and social contact with members of the new community as a key mechanism underlying cultural adaptation. We argue that migrants' initial... more
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      Intergroup RelationsIntergroup ContactLongitudinal ResearchInternational Students
Institutional structures of segregation typically entrench social inequality and sustain wider patterns of intergroup conflict and discrimination. However, initiatives to dismantle such structures may provoke resistance. Executive... more
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      Stereotypes and PrejudiceGroup Processes & Intergroup RelationsIntergroup ContactNorthern Ireland and the Troubles
Two studies examined the role of temporal-based social categorizations for attitude change during intergroup contact between Polish and Jewish students. In Study 1 (N = 190 Polish students), a cross-sectional analysis showed that contact... more
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      Intergroup ContactCollective MemoryJews in PolandContact Hypothesis
Affective interethnic ties are highly effective for improving out-group attitudes, especially during adolescence. Yet, young people face several obstacles to developing such ties in society. One potential means of fostering greater... more
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      SociologySocial PsychologyEthnic StudiesSocial Sciences
The goal of this study is to empirically determine the extent to which controlled intergroup communicative contact—such as structured intergroup meetings between Israeli-Jews and Palestinians—increases the propensity for peaceful conflict... more
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      Israel/PalestineIntergroup Contact
Extensive research explores how increasing ethnic out-group populations in society affects inter-group attitudes. Drawing on the threat and contact hypotheses, this study develops and tests a framework examining the role of segregation in... more
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      SociologySocial PsychologyMulticulturalismRace and Racism
Intergroup contact is probably the longest standing and most comprehensively researched intervention to reduce discrimination. It is also part of ordinary social experience, and a key context in which discrimination is played out. In this... more
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      StigmaIntergroup ContactStigma and Discrimination of Mental IllnessApproach and Avoidance Goals
In two correlational studies in Mexico (Study 1: N = 152, Mexican Indigenous people) and Chile (Study 2: N =185, Chilean Indigenous people, Mapuche), we investigated how different layers of common ingroup identity (CII) and intergroup... more
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      Collective ActionIntergroup ContactCommon Ingroup Identity
This study advances the current literature investigating the relationship between contextual out-group exposure, inter-group attitudes and the role of inter-group contact. Firstly, it introduces the concept of contact-valence into this... more
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      SociologySocial PsychologyEthnic StudiesMulticulturalism
This article explores the idea that racial segregation is a process operating across a range of scales of social life. The focus is upon the way segregation unfolds and is (re)produced at what can be termed the ‘micro-ecological’... more
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      Intergroup ContactSpatial segregation
Research frequently demonstrates diverse communities exhibit lower intra-community cohesion. Recent studies suggest there is little evidence perceived ethnic threat plays a role in this relationship. This paper re-examines the roles of... more
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      SociologySocial PsychologyMulticulturalismRace and Racism
Background: Bridging educational and social psychology, we examine the impact of positive intergroup relations in schools on minority and nonminority school careers. Purpose of Study: The study aims to estimate and explain the attainment... more
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      Intergroup ContactTurkish Immigrants in EuropeEducational Gap
Literature on intergroup contact shows that in the absence of the required structural conditions, contact is not necessarily always a positive experience and that when it is negative, it can lead to heightened conflict and increased... more
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      Sociology of ReligionYouth StudiesAustraliaIntergroup Contact
This article analyses the impact of international migration on the formation and maintenance of stereotypes about the ethnic and national identities of migrant workers. It demonstrates that the employment conditions of Indonesian domestic... more
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      Stereotypes and PrejudiceIntergroup ContactHong KongFemale Migrant Domestic Workers
Visible negative attitudes towards Muslims, especially in the last decade, brought about a need to analyse anti-Muslim prejudice in detail as a cultural, political and also religious phenomenon. This article provides a micro-level... more
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      European UnionIntergroup ContactIslamophobia
Interethnic friendships between students are important for harmonious intercultural rela- tions at school. Drawing on research on intergroup contact and cultural distance between immigrant and non-immigrant groups, we examined how... more
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      Intergroup RelationsIntergroup ContactCultural DiversityGermany