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      Peace and Conflict StudiesPolitical PsychologyCultural PsychologyIsrael/Palestine
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      Political PsychologyNarrativeNarrative PsychologyIsrael/Palestine
This article explores the idea that racial segregation is a process operating across a range of scales of social life. The focus is upon the way segregation unfolds and is (re)produced at what can be termed the ‘micro-ecological’... more
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      Intergroup ContactSpatial segregation
I am almost confident that most of you would not open the door to a Syrian refugee if you have the slightest doubt that this person could harm you in any way. I am also confident that this doubt and fear could be explained and dissolved... more
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      Refugee StudiesIntergroup RelationsSyrian StudiesGroup Processes & Intergroup Relations
In order to understand when and why social change occurs, we must first understand the psychological processes that lead people to act in ways that sustain or challenge the status quo. This chapter discusses two psychological models of... more
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      Social ChangeCollective ActionIntergroup RelationsIntergroup Contact
This article examines the rhetoric of racial exclusion as applied to South Africa's beaches between 1982 and 1995, a period during which beach apartheid was progressively dismantled. Using a sample of 400 newspaper articles as textual... more
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      Social PsychologyPlace and IdentitySpace and PlaceIntergroup Relations
Failure to adapt is one of the most often cited reasons for the premature return of expatriate assignees. This chapter reviews and builds on research that suggests that the expatriate socialization process involves multiple stakeholders.... more
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      BusinessManagementPsychologyOrganizational Psychology
Do social cohesion activities change the attitudes of the participants? This paper uses intergroup contact theory to explore attitude change resulting from contact with out-group(s) in social cohesion activities. Results from a... more
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      Social PsychologyInternational RelationsPeace and Conflict StudiesPolitical Psychology
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      Social ChangePsychologyCollective ActionPrejudice
Im Zuge der Flüchtlingsbewegungen taucht immer wieder die Frage auf, wie man eine Willkommenskultur in Deutschland aufbauen und erhalten kann. Die sozialpsychologische Forschung legt nahe, dass eine vergleichsweise einfache Maßnahme -... more
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    • Intergroup Contact
Previous research has devoted a great deal of attention to describing the long-term patterns and relationships among trait-level or situation-specific variables. The present discussion extracts kernels of wisdom, based on the literatures... more
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      Intercultural CommunicationStatistical AnalysisEthnic IdentityQualitative Research
Our research speaks to the ongoing debate over the extent and severity of partisan political divisions in the American society. We employ behavioral experiments to probe for affective polarization using dictator, trust, and public goods... more
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      Intergroup ContactPolitical IdeologyPartisanshipUnited States of America
While European nations are in the process of schooling large numbers of refugee youth from the Middle East and Northern Africa, empirical research on successful methods of social integration of this vital next generation of citizens is... more
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      DiversityImmigrationIntergroup ContactSchools
The incidence of interracial marriage is considered a measure of the dissolution of social and cultural barriers, and therefore of social and cultural integration. Attitudes towards those who are in interracial marriages and... more
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      Intergroup ContactSouth Africa
Assuming a cultural psychology approach, this study examines the life stories of 30 Israeli and Palestinian adolescent participants in a coexistence program. Prior to participation, youth identity was characterized by polarization in... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesYouth StudiesPolitical PsychologyNarrative
We bridge the theorizing on mediated and imagined contact and integrate these two contact forms in one sequence within a single design. We experimentally examine whether (1) encouraging people to imagine a positive intergroup encounter... more
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      PrejudiceIntergroup ContactImagined Contact
This collection explores how people use language to construct the relation between their self and the location they occupy, or to which they wish to belong. Narrative practice therefore becomes the context and practice through which these... more
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      Mobility/MobilitiesSegregationStereotypes and PrejudiceIntergroup Contact
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      Social PsychologyStereotypes and PrejudiceIntergroup Contact
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      DiversityDialogueCooperative InquiryDialogue Studies
Recent research demonstrates that intergroup contact effectively reduces prejudice even among prejudice-prone persons. But some assert that evidence regarding the benefits of contact among prejudice-prone individuals is “mixed,”... more
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      Intergroup RelationsStereotypes and PrejudiceDiscriminationGroup Processes & Intergroup Relations
Intergroup contact theory is enjoying a renaissance; positive contact does reduce intergroup prejudice, but intergroup contact has generally been studied in relatively benign settings. With a number of countries either still experiencing... more
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      Social PsychologyPeace and Conflict StudiesIntergroup Contact
This article describes the ways in which music is an important part of identity, and hence serves some similar functions to other forms of identity-related communication (e.g., language). It will describe how music is used to incite... more
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      Social IdentityPsychology of MusicMusic PsychologyIntergroup Relations
Abstract in Englisch: This diploma thesis is a critique of the concept of “contact”. The central starting point for this critical analysis is the identification of “Indigenous Peoples in Voluntary Isolation” as “uncontacted”, or... more
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      Environmental EngineeringCultural StudiesEnvironmental ScienceIndigenous Studies
White Americans’ willingness to engage in dialogues about intergroup commonalities and power inequalities with Asian and African Americans were examined in two experiments. Because Whites perceive that African Americans experience greater... more
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    • Intergroup Contact
Contact with the dominant group can increase opposition, among the disadvantaged, to social policies that would benefit their group. This effect can be explained in terms of contact promoting support for an ideology of meritocracy, which... more
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      Social PolicyIdeologyGroup Processes & Intergroup RelationsIntergroup Contact
Multidisciplinary academic journal exploring the theory and practice of dialogue
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      DiversityDialogueCooperative InquiryDialogue Studies
In two correlational studies in Mexico (Study 1: N = 152, Mexican Indigenous people) and Chile (Study 2: N =185, Chilean Indigenous people, Mapuche), we investigated how different layers of common ingroup identity (CII) and intergroup... more
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      Collective ActionIntergroup ContactCommon Ingroup Identity
Full Dissertation
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      Academic MobilityIntercultural EducationIntergroup ContactInternational Baccalaureate
Based on intergroup contact theory, we conducted a social media campaign to improve the relationship between Chinese sojourners and Singaporeans. We found that perceived discrimination fully mediated the effects of face-to-face contact as... more
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      Intercultural CommunicationImmigrationImmigration StudiesComputer-Mediated Communication
This work explores the results of a creative and art-based intervention to foster reconciliation in Colombia. The paper presents a novel methodology defined as ‘Art for Reconstruction’, piloted with victims of violence, veterans of armed... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesDisability StudiesIntergroup RelationsPeacekeeping
Research on intergroup prejudice has generally adopted a model of social change that is based around the psychological rehabilitation of members of advantaged groups in order to foster intergroup harmony. Recent studies of... more
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      Social ChangeSocial PsychologyCollective ActionIntergroup Contact
The core of social identity theory is that individuals define themselves in terms of the groups that they have strong ties with. In this chapter we seek to explore the circumstances in which individuals have multiple identities that are... more
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      Social IdentityIntergroup ContactCyprus conflict
Contemporary Palestinian citizens of Israel must negotiate disparate identities as they construct a "hyphenated" self. Their status as a national indigenous minority places them in a particular location of subordination and existential... more
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      Social IdentityNarrativeIdentity (Culture)Identity politics
This study offers new insights into the power of peer networks for shaping intergroup relations in a diverse school. Data were drawn from a longitudinal study of sixth-eighth graders (N = 524; M ageT1 = 11.87; 48% girls; 9% Asian... more
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      Intergroup ContactFriendshipPeer to Peer NetworksPeers
This paper aims to encourage greater reflexivity about the limits of prejudice reduction as a model of social change, particularly when applied to societies characterised by historically entrenched patterns of inequality. We begin by... more
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      PsychologySocial PsychologyPrejudiceIntergroup Relations
Two studies investigated the role of perceived realistic and symbolic threats in predicting collective action tendencies, and in mediating effects of intergroup contact and social identity on collective action in the context of an... more
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      Social IdentityCollective ActionIntergroup ContactPerceived Threat
The positive effects of intergroup contact on prejudice reduction have been widely validated by now. However, the potential of contact for intergroup relations is only available when there is readiness to have contact with outgroup... more
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      Social PsychologySocial IdentityIdentity politicsIntergroup Contact
Mixed-model encounters, focusing on both intergroup commonalities and status disparities, have become a popular intervention in efforts to improve relations between Jews and Palestinians within Israel. A quasi-experiment with Jewish and... more
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      Intergroup RelationsIntergroup ContactPsychology of HopeIntergroup Conflict (Psychology)
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      Social PsychologySouth African Politics and SocietyIntergroup ContactIntergroup Contact and Race
Contact researchers have largely overlooked the potential for negative intergroup contact to increase prejudice. In Study 1, we tested the interaction between contact quantity and valence on prejudice toward Black Australians (n = 1,476),... more
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      Social PsychologyIntergroup RelationsStereotypes and PrejudiceGroup Processes & Intergroup Relations
Positive intergroup contact is effective in reducing prejudice in both high and low-status groups. However, it is important to study the impact of contact between groups in conflict-ridden societies on additional outcomes, such as... more
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      Collective ActionGroup Processes & Intergroup RelationsIntergroup ContactKurdish Question in Turkey
Although integration involves a process of mutual accommodation, the role of majority groups is often downplayed to passive tolerance, leaving immigrants with the sole responsibility for active integration. However, we show that common... more
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      Social IdentityPolitical PsychologyImmigrationGroup Processes & Intergroup Relations
There is a rich literature on the nature of mental health-related stigma and the processes by which it severely affects the life chances of people with mental health problems. However, applying this knowledge to deliver and evaluate... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceStigmaDiscrimination
Most of what we know about the social psychology of intergroup relations has emerged from studies of how one group of people (e.g., whites) think and feel about another (e.g., blacks). By reducing the social world to binary categories,... more
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      Social IdentityCollective ActionGroup Processes & Intergroup RelationsIntergroup Contact
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      Social NetworksSymbolic BoundariesIntergroup ContactEuropean identity
This chapter reviews the extensive literature on bias in favor of in-groups at the expense of out-groups. We focus on five issues and identify areas for future research: (a) measurement and conceptual issues (especially in-group... more
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      Social PsychologyIntergroup RelationsStereotypes and PrejudiceGroup Processes & Intergroup Relations
Two experiments investigated the role of intragroup communication in intergroup conflict (de-)escalation. Experiment 1 examined the effects of intragroup communication (vs. individual thought) and anticipated face-to-face intergroup... more
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      Social IdentityStereotypes and PrejudiceSmall group ProcessesGroup Processes & Intergroup Relations
Although hundreds of dialogue programs geared towards conflict resolution are offered every year, there have been few scientific studies of their effectiveness. Across 2 studies we examined the effect of controlled, dyadic interactions on... more
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      Intergroup ContactIntergroup Conflict (Psychology)Social Psychology and Intergroup Relations
Two studies examined the role of temporal-based social categorizations for attitude change during intergroup contact between Polish and Jewish students. In Study 1 (N = 190 Polish students), a cross-sectional analysis showed that contact... more
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      Intergroup ContactCollective MemoryJews in PolandContact Hypothesis
Northern Ireland is characterised by extensive segregation between its predominantly Catholic and Protestant communities. With the aim of overcoming this segregation, the current study experimentally evaluated the effectiveness of... more
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      ReligionSociologyPsychologyCognitive Science