Interface Definition Language

165 papers
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Interface Definition Language (IDL) is a specification language used to define the interfaces that software components use to communicate with each other, independent of the programming languages used to implement them. IDL facilitates interoperability between different systems by providing a standard way to describe data types and method signatures.
BibTex@ misc {title={Smart Object Architecture for Energy-Efficient Wireless Sensors}, author={Ashutosh Verma, Winston Wu, Sridhar Vemuri, Gregory Pottie, William Kaiser}, abstract={Advances in distributed embedded computing and wireless... more
Divided into four main sessions, the workshop covered some of the most important issues related to object interoperability at different levels (such as protocols or semantics). This report has two main goals. First, it tries to provide a... more
This article seeks to explain and describe the Publish-and-Subscribe concept, and proposes a CORBA PAndSService with interfaces and specifications.
CORBA is a standard proposed by the Object Management Group (OMG) that promotes interoperability between distributed object systems. Following the standardization of this object-oriented middleware, the OMG has specified a set of Common... more
This paper presents an overview of the application of ITU-SOL for the development of distributed systems according to the RM-OOP. The use of the advanced SITE tools for the simulation and prototype code generation of/from SOL... more
Data collections are distributed at many different sites and stored in numerous different database management systems. The industry standard CORBA can help to alleviate the technical problems of distribution and diverging data formats. In... more
Simplifying the administration of location-based access-control policies requires a mechanism that supports both intuitive and scalable spatial constraint specifications and a flexible enforcement architecture. Policy Mapper is an... more
METU INteroperable Database System (MIND) is a multidatabase system that aims at achieving interoperability among heterogeneous, federated DBMSs. MIND architecture if based on OMG distributed object management model. It is implemented on... more
We present a proposal for lowering the overhead of interface contract checking for science and engineering applications. Run-time enforcement of assertions is a well-known technique for improving the quality of software; however, the... more
In this paper, we present, Active Surroundings, a group-aware middleware infrastructure for ubiquitous computing environments. Our system focuses on two key issues: group-awareness and transparent application reconfiguration. To achieve... more
A component-based software system (CBSS) is a software system that is developed by integrating components that have been deployed independently. In the last few years, many researchers have proposed metrics to evaluate CBSS attributes.... more
CORBA is a standard proposed by the Object Management Group (OMG) in order to promote interoperability between distributed object systems. CORBA provides a programming-language neutral Interface Definition Language (IDL) that describes... more
The generic software interface simulator framework for Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA) Common Software (ACS) provides ALMA developers with an easy means to create and configure the behaviour of interfaces that have been defined... more
This paper is focused on the performance analysis, comparison and optimization of distributed object middleware for Java 2: RMI (Remote Method Invocation), CORBA IDL (Interface Definition Language) and RMI-IIOP (Remote Method Invocation... more
Recent developments of global computing systems such as Ninf, NetSolve and Globus have opened up the opportunites for providing high-performance computing services over wide-area networks. However, most research focused on the individual... more
Patterns, middlewares and frameworks have been used for decades in software architecture to address the main problems encountered today by the MPSoC and NoC communities: heterogeneity of languages, programming models, simulation/execution... more
We investigate the trade off between investing effort in improving the features of a research environment that increases productivity and investing such effort in actually conducting the research experiments using a less elaborated,... more
Construction of the first Gemini 8-m telescope is well underway. The software that provides the user interface and high-level control of the observatory, the Observatory Control System (OCS), is also proceeding on track. The OCS provides... more
Recent days, the systems based on mobile agents have attracted the attention of many researchers in different areas, because of the autonomic and pro-active aspects of the agent, as well as its adaptive and dynamic behaviors in solving... more
In this article we examine the augmentation of application interfaces with enhanced specifications that include sequencing constraints called protocols. Protocols make explicit the relationship between messages (methods) supported by the... more
This article describes an approach to the development of highly reliable and reusable CORBA applications. Interface description language (IDL) specifications are extended with LOTOS specifications of the functional and dynamic behavior of... more
Charles is a data structure library for Ada95, modelled principally on the C++ STL. It features both ordered (lists and arrays) and unordered (sets and maps) collections.
METU INteroperable Database System (MIND) is a multidatabase system that aims at achieving interoperability among heterogeneous, federated DBMSs. MIND architecture if based on OMG distributed object management model. It is implemented on... more
This paper describes a proposal for typing the behavior of objects in component models. Most component models, CORBA in particular, do not offer any support for expressing behavioral properties of objects beyond the "static" information... more
Submitted for the DPP05 Meeting of The American Physical Society Modernization and Componentization of Fusion Modules for Future Integrated Modeling OVSEI VOLBERG, SVETA SHASHARINA, JOHAN CARLSSON, Tech-X Corporation-We discuss the... more
Many architecture description languages (ADLs) have been proposed to model, analyze, configure, and deploy complex software systems. To face this diversity, extensible ADLs (or ADL interchange formats) have been proposed. These ADLs... more
We present a technique for analysing structural constraints on data aggregates in high-level languages. Our technique includes a formal constraint language and a dataitow algorithm for automatically checking equality constraints. The... more
I would like to thank my supervisor, Dr. Mudawwar, for inspiring and advising me in all the phases of the thesis. Also, I would like to thank all the Computer Science Department’s Professors for the knowledge they conveyed to me and for... more
The Common Component Architecture (CCA) provides a means for software developers to manage the complexity of large-scale scientific simulations and to move toward a plug-and-play environment for high-performance coputing. In the... more
CORBA is a standard proposed by the Object Management Group (OMG) in order to promote interoperability between distributed object systems. CORBA provides a programming-language neutral Interface Definition Language (IDL) that describes... more
This study presents an in-depth analysis of the performance of Software Communications Architecture (SCA) component-based waveform applications in terms of inter-component communications. The main limitation with SCA, in the context of... more
Abstract. Generic programming is a paradigm for systematic design and clas-sification of software components for optimal reuse. It has been the guiding methodology behind the design of the C++ Standard Template Library and nu-merous other... more
This paper looks at the issues which are relevant to devising charging schemes based on information content and usage
VCE/ OSE' offers a comprehensive RPC-based solution fair the development of open distributed applications across network of heterogeneous multiple-vendor machines. However, o e n simple DCE applications may have a rather complicated... more
PSL is a framework for describing dynamic and architectural properties of open systems. PSL extends established interface-based tactics for describing the functional properties of open systems to the realm of protocol description. PSL... more
Next-generation telecommunication software must be flexible and reusable. These requirements motivate the use of object-oriented (OO) middleware like the Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA). However, many existing... more
The Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) is the most successful representative of an object-based distributed computing architecture. Although CORBA simplifies the implementation of complex, distributed systems significantly,... more
The Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) is the most successful representative of an object-based distributed computing architecture. Although CORBA simplifies the implementation of complex, distributed systems significantly,... more
We propose a model for building object-oriented applications based on the composition of application slices or fragments that provide their own overlapping definitions or expectations of the same domain objects. Different slices may... more
Generic typing is a very desirable and useful language feature; in particular it is a welcome feature in the teaching of data structures in CS2. Hence its introduction in Java in 1.5 version was indeed a welcome addition to one of the... more
We investigate the trade off between investing effort in improving the features of a research environment that increases productivity and investing such effort in actually conducting the research experiments using a less elaborated,... more
Object oriented programming and design patterns form a very good framework for implementing a computational algebra system. Object oriented programming offers different kinds of mechanisms for obtaining high level of genericity; and these... more
Language interoperability is a difficult problem facing the developers and users of large numerical software packages. Language choices often hamper the reuse and sharing of numerical libraries, especially in a scientific computing... more
CORBA is a standard proposed by the Object Management Group (OMG) in order to promote interoperability between distributed object systems. CORBA provides a programming-language neutral Interface Definition Language (IDL) that describes... more
The advantages of object-oriented (OO) programming are well-known. Nevertheless, distributed OO middleware systems (OOM) such as CORBA, DCOM or Java RMI have not been widely adopted for the developing of Internet applications. Developers... more
METU INteroperable Database System (MIND) is a multidatabase system that achieves interoperability among heterogeneous, federated DBMSs. MIND architecture is based on OMG distributed object management model. It is implemented on top of a... more