Existen hallazgos contrastantes sobre la influencia de los grupos interés en las políticas públicas. A partir de una metodología mixta, se analiza si los grupos de interés empresarial locales influyeron en la formulación de las políticas... more
Louis Wiart est titulaire d'une chaire en communication à l'université libre de Bruxelles, où il fait partie du Centre de recherche en information et communication (ReSIC). Stratégie collective, industries culturelles, vidéo à la demande,... more
Depois de analisar e refletir várias vezes sobre as transformações, muitas vezes disfarçadas, das instituições formais da UE à superfície, dos processos dos seus verdadeiros mecanismos de tomada de decisão e dos constrangimentos... more
Тезата дека во последно време во нашето општество се изгубени и измешани вредностите, не поттикна да ја провериме истата користејќи ја Теоријата на вредности на Шварц. За таа цел беше користен TwIVI инвентарот кој се однесува на десетте... more
a ajuda na revisão do texto português. Sem ela nunca teria acabado de escrever o artigo! Queria também agradecer a todos os entrevistados e, em particular, ao Dr. Seixas da Costa, secretário de Estado para os Assuntos Europeus, pelo tempo... more
Beyond climate change denialism. Conceptual challenges in communicating climate action obstruction D o o o v P ] } v ] u } o u ] } o ] u ] } X Z } } v o o } u v ] o } ] v o ] v o ] u ]
This book argues that a third wave of research on the EU is needed to adequately understand the increased interconnectedness between the European and national political levels. We posit that this third wave should be sensitive to the... more
Different types of interest groups use different lobbying strategies. In this paper, we investigate this already well-established hypothesis once more, but in addition we propose that the institutional framework of the country in which... more
En Chile la producción nacional de vinos de vides para vinificación aumentó de 238 a 736 millones de litros desde 1991 a 2005. Este explosivo crecimiento ha modificado la estructura de la industria vitivinícola chilena, observándose un... more
In this chapter, we address the origin and the pos si ble future of equity planning. Working in cities characterized by inequalities and power differences along lines of class, race, gender, and more, equity planners have strug gled for... more
Cultural Studies Now andin the Future 5-9.4.90 University of llinois (Champagne-Urbana) Il linoisin yliopistossa j arj estettiin huhtikuun alussa I 990 kansainvdlinen kongressi, jonka suureellinen otsikko oli "Cultural Studies Now and in... more
Distribution électronique Cairn.info pour La Découverte. © La Découverte. Tous droits réservés pour tous pays. La reproduction ou représentation de cet article, notamment par photocopie, n'est autorisée que dans les limites des conditions... more
Studies of organised interests in Central and Eastern Europe have overlooked constituencies shaped by the welfare state such as retired people. The article compares the development, structure and strategies of pensioners' interest... more
87 Mikko Vähä-Sipilä EUROKRATIAN OLEMUS Johdanto Eurokraateilla viitataan yleensä Euroopan unionin (EU) keskushallinnon poliittiseen ja erityisesti hallinnolliseen eliittiin, vallanpitäjiin, jotka näyttä-vät toimivan aidon demokraattisen... more
For a recent example where firms have been urged to learn from history, see Argyres et al. (2020).
While understanding interest group systems remains crucial to understanding the functioning of advanced democracies, the study of interest groups remains a somewhat niche field within political science. Nevertheless, during the last 15... more
Objectives: Smoking is the leading cause of premature mortality and morbidity. The aim of this study was to provide the first national description of organizational capacity and involvement in tobacco control (TC) measures outlined by the... more
Background There is a significant global lack of policy action on consumption of sustainable diets. Application of political science theories such as theories of the policy process can help in understanding policy inaction. Applying these... more
Partant du principe que l'amélioration du travail contribue à l'amélioration des sociétés, le défi qu'entend mettre en évidence l'introduction de ce numéro spécial de Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research, consiste à déterminer... more
The paper develops an argument for the criteria that a theory of ignorance should meet. It starts from the distinction between instrumental and non-instrumental action. Usually, the latter is considered irrational and the former rational... more
This paper examines the formation of social organizations in the two forms of urban habitat most commonly used by low-income groups in Buenos Aires-the invasion of vacant land, mostly in peripheral areas, and the occupation of vacant... more
Sophie Jacquot-Tommaso Vitale Résumé : Cet article part d'un premier constat, relatif à un usage très différencié des mobilisations juridiques par deux acteurs collectifs transnationaux, la Lobby Européen des Femmes (LEF) et le Forum... more
Derechos de autoría (©) Los derechos de autor (para la distribución, comunicación pública, reproducción e inclusión en bases de datos de indexación y repositorios institucionales) de esta publicación (Cuadernos Europeos de Deusto, CED)... more
Corpus in fabula. Imperativi benefattivi come azioni congiunte è uno studio cross-linguistico interdisciplinare che mette a confronto alcuni modi di formulare richieste facendo uso dell'imperativo in italiano (I), in portoghese brasiliano... more
This article investigates the extent to which European Union (EU) accession and EU funding contribute to the professionalization of interest groups in Slovenia. Have EU accession and funding had a more profound impact on the... more
Based on a social constructivist framing, this article seeks to address the gap in the literature on the impact of Europeanisation on the national interest group political culture in general and in the post-communist context in... more
Nonprofits in Policy Advocacy "Better engagement between scholars in the not-for-profit and policy advocacy fields is long overdue. In their book Nonprofits in Policy Advocacy, Sheldon Gen and Amy Conley Wright pursue just that. Based on... more
Since political scientists were introduced to the concept of 'the scope and bias of the pressure system' by Schattschneider more than half a century ago, we have grappled with the lack of a standard against which to assess bias. Still,... more
Дваесет и први век! Македонија, земја среде Европа којашто ги поврзува Западот со Истокот. Земја во која што се влеваат сите цивилизации. Дали можеме да претпоставиме дека во дваесет и први век, во Северна Македонија, конкретно во... more
Antitrust Laws consider cartel formation to be one of the most serious infractions. A cartel is an agreement among competitors of the same market, illegal and, therefore, secrete, generally complex and continued in the time, which gets... more
Proyecto académico sin fines de lucro, desarrollado bajo la iniciativa de acceso abierto
Any opinions expressed in this paper are those of the author(s) and not those of IZA. Research published in this series may include views on policy, but IZA takes no institutional policy positions. The IZA research network is committed to... more
Audit on GHG Emission - Auditor report on GHG Emission audit - translated into the Macedonian language from the Spanish language. Пример на извештај за ангажман за уверување за залихи од ЕШГ
Climate change denialism hinders climate action. Researchers have repeatedly attempted to understand and thus influence the phenomenon, but despite these efforts, progress has been slow. Climate Obstruction: How Denial, Delay and Inaction... more
A propos : P.-M. Chauvin, Le marche des reputations, Une sociologie du monde des vins de Bordeaux. Editions Feret, Bordeaux, 2010
In this paper, we aim to present the major challenges in the attempt to quantify the concept of rule of law. At the present, there are several approaches for measurement of rule of law among different countries among time. This paper... more
Les reticences que les puissances occidentales ont eu a intervenir en Syrie illustrent le fait que la Mediterranee n'est plus le centre du monde qu'elle a ete des siecles durant. Epicentre culturel, commercial et politique, elle... more