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The research aims at investigating the Saudi Secondary school Teachers' Attitudes towards using Interactive Whiteboard in the classrooms. The research uses the Quasi-Experimental approach, with one group (100) teachers, and limited... more
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      Computer ScienceEducational TechnologyTeacher EducationMathematics Education
Mauritius is among the few African countries where the interactive whiteboard has been implemented in all primary schools. The interactive whiteboard is an important tool in the classroom as it changes the mode of instruction. Many... more
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      Educational TechnologyInteractive whiteboardPrimary SchoolsMultimedia Authoring Tool
Interactive Whiteboards in the classroom. In adopting the praxeological perspective theorized by Pierre Bourdieu, we describe the introduction of this innovation in the school practice as the effect of a struggle between three different... more
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      Educational TechnologyTeacher EducationTeacher TrainingInteractive whiteboard
Learn about interactive whiteboards! An interactive whiteboard is sort of an instructional tool allowing computer images to present onto a whiteboard using digital projection. The best part of this technology is that the instructor can... more
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      Interactive whiteboardClassroom ManagementInteractive Whiteboard TeachingInteractive Whiteboards and education
The concept of khôra, which was elaborated but quickly repressed by Plato in Timaeus, has caught the attention of a whole coterie of contemporary philosophers. It is often interpreted as "receptacle" or "uterus." Its presence in Deleuze's... more
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      Philosophy of MindPlatoDao De JingZen Buddhism
The study used the intervention mixed methods design to evaluate the technological, pedagogical and content knowledge (TPACK) of mathematics preservice teachers while doing their lesson planning and teaching with interactive whiteboards... more
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      Interactive whiteboardPreservice Teachers
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      Educational TechnologyLearning and TeachingICT in EducationInteractive whiteboard
En este estudio realizamos una revisión de nuestras acciones pedagógicas encaminadas a la mejora de la práctica docente en Educación Superior. Con esta finalidad, en primer lugar, mostramos un conjunto de investigaciones y estudios... more
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      Educational TechnologyInteractive whiteboardTecnología EducativaPizarra Digital
A vast technology integration project was initiated in Turkey to transform traditional classroomsinto smart classrooms by providing the Internet network, Interactive Smart boards for each classroom, and tablet computers for every teacher... more
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      Use of TechnologyInteractive whiteboardFATİH project
Şad (2012) tarafından geliştirilen beşli derecelendirmeli (Kesinlikle Katılıyorum-Kesinlikle Katılmıyorum) Likert tipi Akıllı Tahta Tutum Ölçeği [ATTÖ] 4.-8. sınıf öğrencilerinin derslerinde akıllı tahta kullanımına yönelik tutumlarını... more
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      EducationICT in EducationInteractive whiteboardInteractive Whiteboard Teaching
The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of using the interactive whiteboard in mathematics teaching process on the 7 th-grade students' achievement. This study was conducted as experimental design. Experimental and control... more
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      Mathematics EducationInteractive whiteboardExperimental Design
The purpose of this report is to present the findings from the evaluation of the ‘Embedding ICT in the Literacy and Numeracy Strategies’ pilot project. In this project interactive whiteboards (IWBs) were installed in Year 5 and Year 6... more
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      Educational TechnologyICT in EducationInteractive whiteboardAchievement and Interactive Whiteboards
Objective: The present study aimed to review the literature on electronic whiteboards and identify the processes, techniques, methods, practices, tools and difficulties for the implementation of this new technology in hospitals. Methods:... more
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      Information TechnologyHealth SciencesHealth InformaticsInteractive whiteboard
El propósito de este estudio ha sido desarrollar dos instrumentos válidos y fiables para evaluar el uso de la pizarra digital interactiva (PDI) a partir de las percepciones de estudiantes y docentes de primaria. Fueron examinados un... more
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      Interactive whiteboardICT UsesTechnology IntegrationQuestionnaires
The research aims at investigating the Saudi Secondary school Teachers' Attitudes towards using Interactive Whiteboard in the classrooms. The research uses the Quasi-Experimental approach, with one group (100) teachers, and limited to the... more
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      Educational TechnologyTeacher EducationE-learningInteractive whiteboard
Özet: Bilgi ve iletişim teknolojileri günümüzde eğitim öğretim sürecinin önemli bir parçası haline gelmiştir. Öğretmenlerin, bilgi ve iletişim teknolojilerini derslerinin öğretimine başarılı bir şekilde entegre edebilmesi beklenmektedir.... more
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      EducationEducational TechnologyTeacher EducationHigher Education
The research aims at investigating the Saudi Secondary school Teachers' Attitudes towards using Interactive Whiteboard in the classrooms. The research uses the Quasi-Experimental approach, with one group (100) teachers, and limited... more
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      Computer ScienceEducational TechnologyTeacher EducationInteractive whiteboard
The research aims at investigating the Saudi Secondary school Teachers' Attitudes towards using Interactive Whiteboard in the classrooms. The research uses the Quasi- Experimental approach, with one group (100) teachers, and limited... more
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      Educational TechnologyTeacher EducationInteractive whiteboardTeaching Skills
The full-text may be used and/or reproduced, and given to third parties in any format or medium, without prior permission or charge, for personal research or study, educational, or not-for-prot purposes provided that:
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      Educational TechnologyLearning and TeachingICT in EducationInteractive whiteboard
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      Teaching and LearningInteractive whiteboardTechnology and PedagogyIWB
The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of using interactive whiteboard on pre-service science teachers’ achievement in topic of structure of cell membrane and attitudes toward information technology. This study utilized... more
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      Information TechnologyInformation Communication TechnologyInteractive whiteboardAttitudes (Social Psychology)
The teacher’s role has often been described as one of ‘orchestration’, and this musical analogy is a powerful one in characterising the manipulation of features in the classroom setting in order to generate activity or ‘performance’ which... more
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      Interactive whiteboardIWB
This study investigated the opinions of teachers about using interactive whiteboards with an LCD panel that was installed in classrooms within the FATIH educational project. The study was conducted at six high schools in which... more
    • by  and +2
    • Interactive whiteboard
The research aims at investigating the Saudi Secondary school Teachers' Attitudes towards using Interactive Whiteboard in the classrooms. The research uses the Quasi- Experimental approach, with one group (100) teachers, and limited... more
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      Educational TechnologyTeacher EducationInteractive whiteboardTeaching Skills
This study investigates university level students' experiences of designing lessons with an interactive whiteboard as an instructional medium. The sample consisted of 40 students who will be both moderator of technological resources in... more
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      Instructional DesignInformaticsKnowledge ManagementInteractive whiteboard
Concept maps have become a widely used educational tool around the globe. The advancements in computerized interface technologies have enabled even more alternatives for using concept maps in teaching and learning. This study investigates... more
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      Computer ScienceInteractive whiteboardTechnology Acceptance Modellearning attitude
This research investigates the effectiveness of integrating Interactive Whiteboard (IWB) into the junior high school biology teaching. This research adopts a quasi-experimental design and divides the participating students into the... more
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      Interactive whiteboardBiology TeachingInteractive Teaching
Researchers on the topic of Interactive Whiteboard (IWB) use in education stress that while important, teachers’ mastering of the technological and interactive aspects of the IWB is not enough for its productive use. In order to get the... more
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      Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL)Cultural Historical Activity TheoryActivity TheoryInteractive whiteboard
The present study aimed to review the literature on electronic whiteboards and identify the processes, techniques, methods, practices, tools and difficulties for the implementation of this new technology in hospitals. Methods: systematic... more
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      Information TechnologyHealth SciencesHealth InformaticsInteractive whiteboard
The recognition of mind maps written on a white-board is a challenging task due to the unconstrained handwritten text and the different graphical elements — i.e. lines, circles and arrows — available for drawing a mind map. In this paper... more
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      Interactive whiteboardHandwriting Recognition (Computer Vision)Word Recognition
The recognition of mind maps written on a whiteboard is a challenging task due to the unconstrained handwritten text and the different graphical elements -i.e. lines, circles and arrows -available for drawing a mind map. In this paper we... more
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      Interactive whiteboardHandwriting Recognition (Computer Vision)Word Recognition
The purpose of the present research is to examine the perceptions of teachers regarding use of the interactive whiteboard (IWB) in classroom teaching, and the impact of these perceptions on their self-image as ICT literate. The research... more
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      Educational TechnologyInteractive whiteboardComputer-Assisted Instruction
... It is not difficult to see how NNS in ESL classrooms would have a much better chance of retaining and understanding information with the visual support provided by ... Smith HJ,; Higgins S,; Wall K,; Miller J. . 'Interactive... more
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      PsychologyEducationEducational TechnologyTeaching English as a Second Language
Based on preliminary investigation data by interviewing animal structure lecturers and students from IAIN Batusangkar, it is known that there are obstacles in animal structure lectures, one of which is related to the learning media used,... more
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      Computer ScienceInteractive whiteboardCurrent Sciencewhiteboard
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      Computer ScienceInteractive whiteboardElementary Education
This paper describes the uses of interactive whiteboard in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) primary classroom. The purpose is to explore the potential of the Interactive Whiteboard (IWB) as a learning pedagogical tool to support the... more
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      Computer ScienceInteractive whiteboardwhiteboard
En este estudio realizamos una revisión de nuestras acciones pedagógicas encaminadas a la mejora de la práctica docente en Educación Superior. Con esta finalidad, en primer lugar, mostramos un conjunto de investigaciones y estudios acerca... more
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      Educational TechnologyInteractive whiteboardTecnología EducativaPizarra Digital
En este estudio realizamos una revisión de nuestras acciones pedagógicas encaminadas a la mejora de la práctica docente en Educación Superior. Con esta finalidad, en primer lugar, mostramos un conjunto de investigaciones y estudios acerca... more
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      Educational TechnologyInteractive whiteboardTecnología EducativaPizarra Digital
The research aims at investigating the Saudi Secondary school Teachers' Attitudes towards using Interactive Whiteboard in the classrooms. The research uses the Quasi-Experimental approach, with one group (100) teachers, and limited... more
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      Educational TechnologyTeacher EducationInteractive whiteboardTeaching Skills
The research aims at investigating the Saudi Secondary school Teachers' Attitudes towards using Interactive Whiteboard in the classrooms. The research uses the Quasi- Experimental approach, with one group (100) teachers, and limited... more
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      Educational TechnologyTeacher EducationInteractive whiteboardTeaching Skills
The research aims at investigating the Saudi Secondary school Teachers' Attitudes towards using Interactive Whiteboard in the classrooms. The research uses the Quasi- Experimental approach, with one group (100) teachers, and limited... more
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      Educational TechnologyTeacher EducationInteractive whiteboardTeaching Skills
The research aims at investigating the Saudi Secondary school Teachers' Attitudes towards using Interactive Whiteboard in the classrooms. The research uses the Quasi-Experimental approach, with one group (100) teachers, and limited... more
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      Educational TechnologyTeacher EducationInteractive whiteboardTeaching Skills
The research aims at investigating the Saudi Secondary school Teachers' Attitudes towards using Interactive Whiteboard in the classrooms. The research uses the Quasi-Experimental approach, with one group (100) teachers, and limited... more
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      Educational TechnologyTeacher EducationInteractive whiteboardTeaching Skills
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      Interactive whiteboardInteractive Whiteboard Teaching
Digital game-based learning (DGBL) has successfully brought traditional game-based learning (GBL) into a new horizon due to its multimedia features, high interactivity, immediate and various feedbacks, authentic and vicarious contexts,... more
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      Interactive whiteboardDigital game-based learningPreschool Children
The full-text may be used and/or reproduced, and given to third parties in any format or medium, without prior permission or charge, for personal research or study, educational, or not-for-prot purposes provided that:
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      Educational TechnologyLearning and TeachingICT in EducationInteractive whiteboard
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      Interactive whiteboardICT adoption