Interactive Art
Recent papers in Interactive Art
With the fusion in the world of art and science, technology has made a dent in the course of art, and there is now a time and place for those actively interested in both the academics of art and science like never before. Interactive art... more
The Digital Boundaries exhibition includes works that use multimedia to address issues of multiculturalism, identity, and awareness. By placing technology in new contexts to explore multimedia's impact on culture (and vice versa) we... more
This article discusses the relationships between interactive installations and ethics by describing a perspective that emphasizes the function of an artwork rather than its medium or genre. The text proposes that aesthetic judgements... more
Leif Kramp untersucht erstmals umfassend die Gedächtnisrelevanz des Massenmediums Fernsehen sowie den archivischen und musealen Umgang mit der Fernsehgeschichte. Anknüpfend an die interdisziplinären Zweige der Gedächtnisforschung... more
ParticipART is an initiative aimed at exploring participation in interactive works using ubiquitous computing and mixed reality. It supports and analyses work of artists and creative practitioners incorporating or reflecting on... more
Human communication is fostered in environments of regional communities and cultures and in different languages. Cultures are rooted in their unique histories. Communication media have been developed to circulate these cultural... more
It has been commonly acknowledged that the acceptance of a product depends on both its utilitarian and non-utilitarian properties. The non-utilitarian properties can elicit generally pleasurable and particularly playful experiences in the... more
This article reviews research into why people watch television. Christensen (2003) proposes businesses are best understood by looking at the way they help people address their jobs-to-be-done. If new forms of television are more likely to... more
The PhD dissertation Cyberpunk and New Media Art: Digital Art and Performance aims to examine the literary and visual legacy of the Cyberpunk movement and to explore its ideas, concepts and methodologies in the context of New Media... more
El fenómeno de asimilación e interacción entre televisión e internet está creciendo de forma significativa en los últimos años. Eso se está traduciendo en un impulso en la penetración de la televisión conectada e híbrida, hasta el punto... more
This dissertation aims to understand in detail the relationship between play and the sense-making process in interactive art encounters. It argues that play and the ludic character observed in such encounters are fundamental dimensions,... more
This paper proposes the use of single frequency networks -SFN as a mechanism to aid the expansion of the relay service for digital television, as well as address issues of possible shadow areas of coverage and provide a better environment... more
This short course introduces the interactive digital TV services and applications development. The main concepts around interactive digital TV, and the technology overview, are showed. It encloses since datacasting concepts until the... more
The development of the use of computers and software in art from the Fifties to the present is explained. As general aspects of the history of computer art an interface model and three dominant modes to use computational processes... more
Özet Antik Yunan’da ilham perilerinin tapınağından ismini alan müzeler, binlerce yıllık geçmişe sahip bir oluşumdur. Bu oluşum, canlı varlık gibi fiziksel ve içeriksel değişimler ile kapsamlarını genişleterek günümüze kadar gelmiştir.... more
An interactive artwork takes on the shape of an event. An artist does not make a final, completed piece of art, instead produces an area of activity for the receivers, whose interactive actions bring to life an artwork-event. Regardless... more
Öz Bu araştırmada, Lev Manovich'in yeni medya yaklaşımından yola çıkarak, yeni medyanın özellikleri olarak tanımladığı görsel atomizm, montaj, tipografi ve yeni bakış kavramlarının görsel sanatlar ve sinema alanında göstergeleri ve... more
"Grâce à une étude théorique des différentes conceptions de la narrativité en musique, et à travers l’adaptation de la pensée de Monika Fludernik pour une narratologie ‘naturelle’, nous souhaitons montrer que la narrativité de la musique... more
An artist cannot work without material. Everything, including immaterial resources such as time, can be material I use to form things.—Franz Erhard Walther, “Material." This chapter thinks about a selection of Walther's works from his... more
Ev ery time the word metadesign is used, it causes even more confusion than the word design. The term seems vague, elusive. Semantically, the principal meaning of the Greek word meta-when used as a prefix is "change of place, order, or... more
The better quality pdf is downloadible from here: " Through recent artistic practices and technology of interactive systems for music, composition and... more
This article deals with the philosophical idea of worldmaking pursued through techné, meaning the fusion of the technical means of artistic creation, theorizing, and analysis, but specifically occurring in a feedback loop involving... more
Video feedback systems have been largely discounted by media artists in favour of digital tools and code-based programming languages, which offer a more robust, data-driven approach to developing generative and interactive moving image... more
Új utak a zene megközelítéséhez módszertani segédlet pedagógusoknak interaktív zenés foglalkozások szervezéséhez SZÉKELY CSILLA IMOLA "A kutatás a TÁMOP 4.2.4.A/1-11-1-2012-0001 azonosító számú Nemzeti Kiválóság Program-Hazai hallgatói,... more
Tekst był publikowany w: Interaktywne media sztuki. Red. Antoni Porczak. Wydawnictwo Akademii Sztuk Pięknych im. Jana Matejki w Krakowie. Kraków 2009.
This PhD research project builds on thirteen years of enquiries as an academic practitioner, developing/critiquing interactive audio-visuals. This approach interweaves theory and practice so that both build on each other. It responds to... more
The assimilation and interaction between television and the Internet has grown significantly in recent years, boosting the penetration of the connected and hybrid television, until the HbbTV (Hybrid Broadcast Broadband TV) standard... more
Nam June Paik is mostly known as the father of video art. At the same time, he can also be regarded as a creative pioneer of interactive art. Unfortunately, most scholars and art historians still neglect Paik's remarkable achievement in... more
Diseño Plakket-Burman, servicios interactivos, t-commerce, televisión digital, experimento de laboratorio, utilidad percibida.
A proposal for developing a theory of interactive musical works by defining and evaluating 'interactivity' according to the type of control input, directness of control, sound techniques under control, performer type, and performance type.
This thesis analyses the current relation between art and audience, focusing on the collective creativity in social media and the function of audience collaboration in the art zone. Attempting to define the act of artistic participation... more
Trevor Wishart is an electroacoustic composer who obtained his PhD at the University of York in 1973 . books On Sonic Art (1984 and 1996) and Audible Design (1994), which present his ideas about sound treatment, perception and... more
I'm kind of a digital renaissance guy—composer, filmmaker, visual artist, designer, web/interactive creator, and writer. While I enjoy creating my work in those roles, I want to dissolve boundaries between these disciplines, reexamine... more
Mass media has always been a useful way for marketers to attract consumers towards their products. But since the market is highly differentiated today the term "target market" is used widely. TV being the highly used media for... more
Jacques Rancière’s concept of dissensus can be understood as an activity or process that modifies or reorders the consensual operations of social, cultural, and economic orders. The sensible is his concept of the common spaces and sites... more