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Interactive robots are used increasingly not only in entertainment and service robotics, but also in rehabilitation, therapy and education. The work presented in this paper is part of the Aurora project, rooted in assistive technology and... more
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      Cognitive ScienceAutismSocial InteractionTreatment
This paper presents a series of 4 single subject experiments aimed to investigate if children with autism show more social engagement when interacting with the Nao robot, compared to a human partner in a motor imitation task. The Nao... more
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      Cognitive ScienceInteraction Studies
This paper discusses the concept of joint attention and the different skills underlying its development. We argue that joint attention is much more than gaze following or simultaneous looking because it implies a shared intentional... more
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      Cognitive ScienceJoint attentionComputer ModelInteraction Studies
Childcare robots are being manufactured and developed with the long term aim of creating surrogate carers. While total child-care is not yet being promoted, there are indications that it is 'on the cards'. We examine recent research and... more
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      Cognitive ScienceInteraction Studies
A previous observational study suggested that when faced with a partner with its back turned, chimpanzees tend to move around to the front of a non-attending partner and then gesture -rather than gesturing once to attract attention and... more
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      Cognitive ScienceInteraction Studies
Identity negotiation refers to the processes through which perceivers and targets come to agreements regarding the identities that targets are to assume in the interaction. Whereas past work has focused on the contribution of perceivers... more
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      Cognitive ScienceSocial IdentityPersonalitySocial Interaction
Socially assistive robotics (SAR) is a growing area of research. Evaluating SAR systems presents novel challenges. Using a robot for a socially assistive task can have different benefits and ethical implications. Many questions are... more
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      Cognitive ScienceInteraction Studies
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      Cognitive ScienceInteractionCanis FamiliarisInteraction Studies
It is possible for a language to emerge with no direct linguistic history or outside linguistic influence. Al-Sayyid Bedouin Sign Language (ABSL) arose about 70 years ago in a small, insular community with a high incidence of profound... more
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      Cognitive SciencePhonologySyntaxMorphology
In the last few years, researchers have begun to investigate the emergence of novel forms of human communication in the laboratory. I survey this growing line of research, which may be called experimental semiotics, from three distinct... more
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      Cognitive ScienceCommunicationCognitionDistributed Cognition
This paper reports about our investigation on action understanding in the brain. We are taking a three-pronged approach based on some recent results of the neurophysiology, on the modeling from recording of human movement, and on the... more
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      Cognitive ScienceInteractionMirror NeuronAction Understanding
Robots are versatile devices that are promising tools for supporting teaching and learning in the classroom or at home. In fact, robots can be engaging and motivating, especially for young children. This paper presents an experimental... more
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      Cognitive ScienceInteraction Studies
This article presents a set of play scenarios for robot assisted play for children with disabilities. This work was developed as part of the pan-European IROMEC project that investigated how robotic toys can become social mediators,... more
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      Cognitive ScienceInteraction Studies
is paper contrasts two in uential theoretical accounts of language change and evolution -Iterated Learning and Social Coordination. e contrast is based on an experiment that compares drawings produced with 'pictionary' task with those... more
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      Cognitive ScienceInteractionInteraction Studies
Here we study polysemy as a potential learning bias in vocabulary learning in children. Words of low polysemy could be preferred as they reduce the disambiguation effort for the listener. However, such preference could be a side-effect of... more
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      Cognitive ScienceInteraction Studies
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      Cognitive ScienceInteraction Studies
A relatively unexplored question for human-robot social interaction is whether a robot's personality should match that of the human user, or be different in the sense that humans do not want the robot to be like them. In this study, 28... more
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      Cognitive SciencePersonalitySocial CognitionInteraction
This article argues for the gestural origins of speech and language based on the available evidence gathered in humans and nonhuman primates and especially from ape studies. The strong link between motor functions (hand use and manual... more
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      Cognitive ScienceInteraction Studies
Long distance travel is an unusual activity for humans. The economical cabin environment (low air circulation, limited space, low humidity, etc.) during the long haul flights causes discomfort and even stress for many passengers.... more
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      Cognitive ScienceInteraction Studies
This paper illustrates how external (or social) symbol grounding can be studied in simulations with large populations. We discuss how we can simulate language evolution in a relatively complex environment which has been developed in the... more
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      Cognitive ScienceLanguage AcquisitionSituated LearningLanguage Evolution
This paper addresses word learning for human–robot interaction. The focus is on making a robotic agent aware of its surroundings, by having it learn the names of the objects it can find. The human user, acting as instructor, can help the... more
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      Cognitive ScienceRobot LearningInteraction Studies
It has been proposed that the design of robots might benefit from interactions that are similar to caregiver-child interactions, which is tailored to children's respective capacities to a high degree. However, so far little is known about... more
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      Cognitive ScienceInteraction Studies
We describe the relationships between dog owners’ personality attributes (assessed via questionnaire), their behaviours and the dog’s behaviours observed during brief dog-owner and dog-stranger interactions (N = 78). Interactions... more
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      Cognitive ScienceInteraction Studies
This paper contests social psychology's emphasis on the biased, erroneous, and constructed nature of social cognition by: (1) showing how the extent of bias and error in classic research is overstated; (2) summarizing research regarding... more
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      Cognitive ScienceInteractionInteraction Studies
Close relationships are described in lerllls of' the temporal coordination of behavior based on the similarity of partners' internal stales (e.g., moods, per sonality traits) Coupled nonlmear dynamical systems (logistic equal'ions) w'ere... more
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      Cognitive ScienceSocial InteractionSynchronizationSocial Influence
Although rapidity of fading has been long identified as one of the crucial design features of language, little is known about its effects on the design of communication systems. To investigate such effects, we performed an experiment in... more
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      Cognitive ScienceCommunication SystemInteraction Studies
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceEmotionCommunication
Behavior oftentimes allows for many possible interpretations in terms of mental states, such as goals, beliefs, desires, and intentions. Reasoning about the relation between behavior and mental states is therefore considered to be an... more
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      Cognitive ScienceInteraction Studies
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      Cognitive ScienceComputer Mediated CommunicationResearch AgendaInteraction Studies
Robots should be able to represent emotional states to interact with people as social agents. There are cases where robots cannot have bio-inspired bodies, for instance because the task to be performed requires a special shape, as in the... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceInteraction Studies
This paper examines the task of understanding dialogues in terms of the mental states of the participating agents. We present a motivating example that clarifies the challenges this problem involves and then outline a theory of dialogue... more
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      Cognitive ScienceInteraction Studies
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      Cognitive ScienceInteraction Studies
Current work in the evolution of language and communication is emphasising a close relationship between the evolution of speech, language and gestural action. This paper briefly explores some evolutionary implications of a range of... more
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      Cognitive ScienceEnglishNeurolinguisticsCognitive Process
The study of imitation and other mechanisms of social learning is an exciting area of research for all those interested in understanding the origin and the nature of animal learning in a social context. Moreover, imitation is an... more
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      Cognitive ScienceRobot ArmInteraction StudiesTest Bed
This paper explores the use of Laban's effort actions from the field of dance and drama 36 as a means to document user responses to physical product interaction. A range of 37 traditional and modern product pairs were identified and... more
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      Cognitive ScienceInteraction Studies
We previously showed ) that owner personality and human-dog relationship predicted the performance of a human-dog dyad in a practical task. Based on the same data set we presently investigate the effects of individual and social factors... more
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      Cognitive SciencePersonalityInteractionCompanion Animals
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      Cognitive ScienceInteraction Studies
In this paper, we investigate how the interactions of a robot with its environment can be used to create concepts that are typically represented by verbs in language. Towards this end, we utilize the notion of affordances to argue that... more
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      Cognitive ScienceInteraction Studies
This paper presents an algorithm for analyzing social situations within a robot. We contribute a method that allows the robot to use information about the situation to select interactive behaviors. This work is based on interdependence... more
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      Cognitive ScienceHuman Robot InteractionInteraction Studies
This paper examines interaction involving a child with an Autistic Spectrum Disorder, a humanoid robot and a co-present adult. In this paper data from one child (collected as part of the ROBOSKIN project) is analysed in order to evaluate... more
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      Cognitive ScienceInteraction Studies
Speech is a perceptuo-motor system. A natural computational modeling framework is provided by cognitive robotics, or more precisely speech robotics, which is also based on embodiment, multimodality, development, and interaction. This... more
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      Cognitive ScienceVisual perceptionCognitive RoboticsSpeech Communication
Research of tutoring in parent-infant interaction has shown that tutors -when presenting some action -modify both their verbal and manual performance for the learner ('motherese', 'motionese'). Investigating the sources and effects of the... more
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      Cognitive ScienceInteraction Studies
Intentionality plays a fundamental part in human social interactions and we know that interpretation of behaviours of conspecifics depends on the intentions underlying them. Most of the studies on intention attribution were undertaken... more
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      Cognitive ScienceInteraction Studies
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      Cognitive ScienceGestureCognitionInteraction
Classically, the question of recognizing another subject is posed unilaterally, in terms of the observed behaviour of the other entity. Here, we propose an alternative, based on the emergent patterns of activity resulting from the... more
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      Cognitive ScienceInteraction Studies
I-BLOCKS are an innovative concept of building blocks allowing users to manipulate conceptual structures and compose atomic actions while building physical constructions. They represent an example of enabling technologies for tangible... more
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      Cognitive ScienceInteraction DesignUser InterfaceLearning
During the perception of human actions by robotic assistants, the robotic assistant needs to direct its computational and sensor resources to relevant parts of the human action. In previous work we have introduced HAMMER (Hierarchical... more
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      Cognitive ScienceComputer ArchitectureComputational MechanicsRobots
Young children often treat robots as social agents after they have witnessed interactions that can be interpreted as social. We studied in three experiments whether four-year-olds from three cultures (China, Japan, UK) and adults from two... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceInteraction Studies
Most current modeling for evolution of communication still underplays or ignores the role of local action in spatialized environments: the fact that it is immediate neighbors with which one tends to communicate, and from whom one learns... more
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      Cognitive ScienceSpatial OrganizationLearning StrategiesInteraction Studies