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The epidermal growth factor receptor 1 (EGFR) is overexpressed in various malignancies and is associated with a poor patient prognosis. A small, receptor-specific, high-affinity imaging agent would be a useful tool in diagnosing malignant... more
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      Molecular BiologyDirected evolutionMolecularAntibodies
This study explores teachers' reflections on the competences that come into play in technologymediated teaching activities. Underpinned by educational design research, the collaboration between researchers and teachers followed a... more
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      Educational ResearchDesign-based researchAgencyInteraction Analysis
Methods We studied brain activation induced by bilateral electrical stimulation of the median nerve in fi ve patients in MCS (aged 18-74 years) compared with 15 controls (19 -64 years) and 15 patients (19-75 years) in a persistent... more
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      PainAnterior CingulateConsciousnessAdolescent
The first atmospheric event built only from infrasound arrivals was reported in the Reviewed Event Bulletin (REB) of the International Data Centre (IDC) of the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO) in 2003. In the... more
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      Interaction AnalysisSignal DetectionComprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban TreatyTemporal Variability
Biomolecular interaction analysis (BIA) is now utilised increasingly in drug development to kinetically characterise binding events of relevant components. BIA thereby covers a broad range of applications in early ADME (adsorption,... more
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      KineticsDrug developmentExperimental DesignBiosensor
Creativity is often considered to be a mental process that occurs within a person's head. In this article, we analyze a group creative process: One that generates a creative product, but one in which no single participant's contribution... more
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      ImprovisationCreativityEmergenceInteraction Analysis
Although arts-based qualitative research initiatives have recently utilized standard musical notation (SMN) as a potent form of data transcription, extant literature into this approach has largely ignored the critiques of SMN that emerge... more
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      PosthumanismQualitative methodologySoundExperimental Music
This paper describes an analysis of facilitation of a student-centered problem-based learning group. The focus of this analysis was to understand the goals and strategies of an expert facilitator in support of collaborative learning. This... more
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      Problem Based LearningCollaborative LearningInterdisciplinaryInteraction Analysis
This study employs interaction analysis to explore micro-level conflict processes and macro-level phasic structures of conflict management in two jury deliberations. Results indicate that the deliberations have fundamentally different... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceSocial InteractionSmall group Processes
W e investigate the epistemology of trust in social networks. We posit trust as a special epistemic state that depends on actors' beliefs about each others' beliefs as well as about states of the world. It offers new ideas and tools for... more
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      SociologyComputer ScienceEpistemologyDesign
Soup kitchens tend to serve residentially unstable adults characterized by a high prevalence of substance abuse. In this study, 289 soup kitchen guests who reported drug or alcohol problems were randomly assigned to information and... more
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      Social SupportGroup PsychotherapySubstance Abuse TreatmentMotivation
A tanulmány a Társadalmi Megújulás Operatív Program IKT a tudás és tanulás világában - humán teljesítménytechnológiai (Human Performance Technology) kutatások és képzésfejlesztés címet viselő, TÁMOP-4.2.2.C-11/1/KONV-2012-0008... more
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      BibliotherapyPrimary EducationTabletInteraction Analysis
Associations between attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and genetic polymorphisms in the dopamine receptors, transporter and metabolizing enzymes have been reported in different ethnic groups. Gene variants may affect disease... more
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      Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity DisorderPolymorphismIndiaChild
This paper integrates arguments from differential social control theory with sociological research on mental health to develop an interactionist explanation of the relationship between law violation and depression. We focus on the... more
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      CriminologyPhilosophyApplied EthicsInteraction Analysis
We present a system that gathers and analyzes online discussion as it relates to consumer products. Weblogs and online message boards provide forums that record the voice of the public. Woven into this discussion is a wide range of... more
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      Computer ScienceInformation RetrievalMachine LearningComputational Linguistics
Objective: To present preliminary evidence for the reliability and validity of the Four Habits Coding Scheme (4HCS), an instrument based on a teaching model used widely throughout Kaiser Permanente to improve clinicians' communication... more
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      CommunicationPsychometricsNonverbal CommunicationEmpathy
We describe an immersive visualization application for point cloud data gathered by LiDAR (Light Detection And Ranging) scanners. LiDAR is used by geophysicists and engineers to make highly accurate measurements of the landscape for study... more
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      Visual ComputingQuality ControlVisual SystemInteraction Analysis
Communication can be seen as the main ingredient in medical care. In reviewing doctor-patient communication, the following topics are addressed: (1) different purposes of medical communication; (2) analysis of doctor-patient... more
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      SociologyAnthropologyCommunicationTreatment Outcome
Roter’s interaction analysis system (RIAS) is analyzed in this article. Ground rules of linguistic interaction analysis, emphasizing meaning as a product of interaction and turn taking as a basic principle for the understanding of... more
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      CommunicationLinguisticsPatient educationInteraction Analysis
A method for simulation of the dynamic interaction between vehicle and railway track is proposed. The model has been designed to take into account the complexity of wheel-rail contact, railpad and ballast, with low computational... more
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      EngineeringPhysical sciencesSound and VibrationInteraction Analysis
In 1675, English scientist Robert Hooke discovered "the true… …manner of arches for building," which he summarized with a single phrase: "As hangs the flexible line, so but inverted will stand the rigid arch." In the centuries that... more
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      Applied MathematicsArchitectureInteraction Analysis
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      TelecommunicationsInteractionComputer Mediated CommunicationCooperative Learning
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      Educational TechnologyData MiningContent AnalysisStudent Engagement
This paper presents the results of the support capacity estimation for the diversion tunnel of the Urus ß dam site in highly weathered tuff and weak zone. Tunneling in weak rock requires some special considerations, since misjudgment in... more
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      Civil EngineeringGeologyRock MechanicsFinite element method
A method for the interactional analysis of doctor/patient consultations is described and applied to six naturally occuring general practice interviews by three raters. the method is reliable given sufficient training and satisfies the... more
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      SociologyGeneral PracticeAnthropologyCommunication
Soil nails have been widely used to stabilize slopes and earth retaining structures in many countries and regions, especially, in Hong Kong. The analysis of the interaction between a soil nail and the surrounding soil is of great... more
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      Civil EngineeringCase StudyInteraction AnalysisMathematical Model
In den Inkongruitätsexperimenten von Harold Garfinkel werden stabile Alltagssituationen durch künstliche Ereignisse gestört und Krisen herbeigeführt (vgl. z.B. Garfinkel 1980(vgl. z.B. Garfinkel , 1963(vgl. z.B. Garfinkel , 1952). Seinen... more
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      Qualitative methodologyPhenomenologyMaurice Merleau-PontyEthnomethodology
Serum- and Glucocorticoid-inducible Kinase 1 (SGK1) is involved in the regulation of insulin secretion and may represent a candidate gene for the development of type 2 diabetes mellitus in humans. Three independent European populations... more
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      Population GeneticsType 2 DiabetesMultidisciplinaryInsulin
The growing adoption of communication technologies to mediate teaching and learning processes fostered the study of asynchronous communication as an activity that can reveal students' behavior during learning processes. Much of the... more
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      Human Computer InteractionInformation TechnologyWeb 2.0Educational Technology
The interaction between particle size and resin content is one of the most important structural parameters that can influence the accuracy of predictions about wood-composite properties. We developed three kinds of equation (linear,... more
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      ForestryInteraction AnalysisParticle SizeLinear Quadratic regulator
Mycotoxins are secondary fungal metabolites produced mainly by Aspergillus, Penicillium and Fusarium. As evidenced by large-scale surveys, humans and animals are simultaneously exposed to several mycotoxins. Simultaneous exposure could... more
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      Food SafetyToxicologyMycotoxinsSynergy
This paper proposes interaction analysis as an alternative scoring procedure in assessment centers (ACs). Interaction analysis allows for a more fine-grained scoring approach by which candidate behaviors are captured as they actually... more
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      Personnel SelectionAssessment CenterInteraction Analysis
Sexual dimorphism in the brain is known to underpin sex differences in neuropsychological behaviors. The white matter (WM) microstructure appears to be coupled with cognitive performances. However, the issues concerning sex differences in... more
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      Nonparametric StatisticsMagnetic Resonance ImagingDiffusion Tensor ImagingSpatial Statistics
A variety of optical transducers is presented in the literature based on just a few given optical principles. Based on principles like microrefractometry and -reflectivity, a classification is approached, especially for sensors used in... more
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      Materials EngineeringAnalytical ChemistryIntegrated OpticsInterferometry
A design of experiments was conducted to determine the reliability of plastic ball grid array packages under various manufacturing and multiple environmental loading conditions. Parameters included conformal coating methods, underfill,... more
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      Printed Circuit BoardInteraction AnalysisDesign of experimentSolder Joint Reliability
This article explores historical reasoning, an important activity in history learning. Based upon an extensive review of empirical literature on students' thinking and reasoning about history, a theoretical framework of historical... more
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      PsychologyEducational PsychologyInteraction AnalysisDomain Specificity
During the last years an increased interest has been observed on tools analyzing collaborative interactions that could be useful for researchers, teachers, or even students. The paper presents such a tool, based on the formally defined... more
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      Computer Supported Collaborative Learning CSCLInteraction Analysis
While health and suffering are intrinsic to living bodies, the relevant causes are not always based on the function and dysfunction of living tissue. In human beings, tissue connects microbiology to organs, the skin, the “Self” and a... more
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      Language and Social InteractionDistributed CognitionBiosemioticsEnactivism
The detection of frequently occurring patterns, also called motifs, in data streams has been recognized as an important task. To find these motifs, we use an advanced event encoding and pattern discovery algorithm. As a large time series... more
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      Information VisualizationTime SeriesVisual AnalyticsPrediction
Dans ce papier, on s'intéresse à la modélisation, la commande et l'interaction de deux aérogénérateurs à base de machine asynchrone à cage couplés au réseau au travers de convertisseurs statiques. Tout d'abord, nous avons simulé la chaîne... more
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      Wind turbineReactive PowerInteraction AnalysisPower Converter
During the last decade an increased interest has been observed on computer-supported collaborative problem solving. This relatively new area of research requires new methodological approaches of interaction and problem solving analysis.... more
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      Information SystemsDiscourse AnalysisPsychologyCognitive Science
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      Puppetry as an Educational ToolInteraction AnalysisParticipant Observation
This study explores communication patterns between nurses and elderly patients in two different care settings. In a sample of 18 1 video-taped nursing encounters, involving 47 nurses and 109 patients, a study was made of nurse-patient... more
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      NursingCommunicationCorrespondence AnalysisHome Care
The assistive technology and e-learning have been widely used to improve web accessibility for disabled users. One of the issues of online web-based applications is to understand how a user interacts with online application and the... more
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      AccessibilityHidden Markov ModelsInteraction Analysis
This paper presents the results of the support capacity estimation for the diversion tunnel of the Urus ß dam site in highly weathered tuff and weak zone. Tunneling in weak rock requires some special considerations, since misjudgment in... more
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      Civil EngineeringGeologyRock MechanicsFinite element method
Large-scale genetic interaction studies provide the basis for defining gene function and pathway architecture. Recent advances in the ability to generate double mutants en masse in S. cerevisiae have dramatically accelerated the... more
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      GeneticsTechnologyBiological SciencesSaccharomyces cerevisiae
Given that affordances are by definition sociomaterial, studying affordances helps us to provide empirical insights into sociomateriality. Furthermore, this typology of affordances enables us to empirically analyze the role of materiality... more
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      VideoSociomaterialityInteraction AnalysisEthnographic Analysis
Based on the requirements of biomolecular interaction analysis on direct optical transducers, a streptavidin surface is examined. A general protocol was developed allowing the immobilization of biotinylated compounds using the rife... more
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      Analytical ChemistryGlassAntibodiesSurface modification
This paper provides an overview of the tools and techniques used in our analysis of a ten day long cell phone call history data set of the VAST 2008 Challenge 1 . Contestants in this challenge are expected to identify persons and... more
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      Time SeriesBehavioral ScienceTools and TechniquesVisual Analysis
This paper describes a video summarization and semantics editing tool that is suited for content-based video indexing and retrieval with appropriate human operator assistance. The whole system has been designed with a clear focus on the... more
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      User InterfaceMotion estimationVideo IndexingChange detection