Recent papers in Inter
Researchers have developed various knowledge management approaches that only focus on managing organizational knowledge. These approaches are developed in accordance with organizational KM strategies and business requirements without the... more
We studied the effects of the Prestige oil spill on Ría de Vigo bacterial abundance, production and community structure by using mesocosms (ca. 3500 l) filled with water from the center of the Ría, to which we added a realistic... more
Terrorism is the unlawful or threatened use of force or violence on people or property to compel or intimidate governments or societies, often to achieve political, religious, or ideological objectives. However it is difficult to define... more
Le dialogisme interdiscursif (montré) correspond au rapport qu'un discours a avec d'autres discours produits antérieurement. Il rassemble toutes les représentations ouvertes du discours de l'autre, tel que le « discours représenté »... more
Le dialogisme interdiscursif (montré) correspond au rapport qu'un discours a avec d'autres discours produits antérieurement. Il rassemble toutes les représentations ouvertes du discours de l'autre, tel que le « discours représenté »... more
personal use only and shall not be self-archived in electronic repositories. If you wish to selfarchive your article, please use the accepted manuscript version for posting on your own website. You may further deposit the accepted... more
Trophic studies are key components in animal ecology and fisheries research. Although stomach samples are often obtained from fisheries, diet studies that consider the influence of fisheries on dietary results are still lacking. Here, the... more
The purpose of this article is to show the dynamics of currency design in a socio-historical context, from antique coins to electronic payment transactions. Currency design visualizes the symbolic features of exchange depending on the... more
Le dialogisme interdiscursif (montré) correspond au rapport qu'un discours a avec d'autres discours produits antérieurement. Il rassemble toutes les représentations ouvertes du discours de l'autre, tel que le « discours représenté »... more
Previously, business management is considered to be more productive with hard work and technical knowledge. In the present century, the productiveness of business management also involves effective communication. Good communication in... more
Macroscopic organic aggregates, which are > 500 µm and known as marine and lake snow, are important components in the turnover, decomposition and sinking flux of both organic and inorganic matter and elements in aquatic ecosystems. They... more
Previously, business management is considered to be more productive with hard work and technical knowledge. In the present century, the productiveness of business management also involves effective communication. Good communication in... more
The concept of palliative care consisting of five distinct, clinically meaningful, phases (stable, unstable, deteriorating, terminal and bereavement) was developed in Australia about 20 years ago and is used routinely for communicating... more
In service-based environments, each accessible service relies on business process(es) such that changing these services usually requires changing their supporting process(es). Managing process changes is not trivial due to there may exist... more
In this paper, a new robust approach is presented to handle demand uncertainty in cell formation and layout design process. Unlike the scenario based approaches, which use predefined scenarios to represent data uncertainty, in this paper,... more
Sightings of minke whales Balaenoptera acutorostrata were recorded in waters off the Isle of Mull between March and November each year from 1992 to 1999. Survey effort amounted to 42 342.5 km, and 850 minke whale encounters were recorded.... more
Though species interactions across local environmental gradients are well studied, the way in which species interactions shift between different habitats on a landscape scale has received less attention. We hypothesised that interactions... more
The pan-European MacroBen database was used to compare the AZTI Marine Biotic Index (AMBI) and the Benthic Quality Index (BQI ES), 2 biotic indices which rely on 2 distinct assessments of species sensitivity/tolerance (i.e. AMBI EG and... more
Supplement. Further details of the δ 13 C and δ 15 N values of samples from the 3 sample locations in each habitat (see Table 1 in the main article)
The spawning grounds of the New Zealand longfinned eel Anguilla dieffenbachii are unknown, but thought to be in the tropical region of the south Pacific Ocean. To determine whether pop-up tags could be used to provide information on the... more
Characterizing the behaviors of sea turtles and identifying high-use areas as they vary in time and space is important for conservation planning, particularly when turtles overlap with fisheries that may unintentionally harm them. Between... more
The study of the early life history of large, open-ocean pelagic fishes such as tunas and billfish, and the identification of spawning and nursery habitats, has been extremely difficult as these animals are intrinsically rare, highly... more
Infection patterns with ectoparasitic flagellates belonging to the genus Ichthyobodo were studied in an Atlantic salmon Salmo salar (L.) hatchery in western Norway during an 11 mo period, from eyed eggs to smoltification. Since the... more
This study aims to identify and to classify Open book accounting (OBA) dimensions according to inter-organizational cost management (IOCM) in petrochemical companies listed in Tehran Stock Exchange. In this research, there are 18... more
<p>Bone structure in control limb is plotted in the x-coordinate, and is indicative of baseline cellular activity in the absence of pressure loading. Relative adaptation is plotted in the y-coordinate, and was found to be negatively... more
Chytridiomycosis, caused by the fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd), has resulted in the decline or extinction of approximately 200 frog species worldwide. It has been reported throughout much of North America, but its presence on... more
Phagotrophic protists are diverse and abundant in aquatic and terrestrial environments, making them fundamental to the transfer of matter/energy within their respective food webs. Recognising their grazing impact is essential to evaluate... more
Growth rates of the major Caribbean reef framework-building coral Orbicella spp. decrease with increasing water depth and light attenuation. However, reliable, spatially distributed growth rates for corals deeper than 30 m are rare, and... more
Xenobiotic mixtures in aquatic ecosystems may compromise fish health by inducing oxidative stress, decreasing resistance, and fostering susceptibility to pathogens such as helminths. Lipid peroxidation (LPO) is one of the most commonly... more
There are broad differences in oceanography and primary production around the southern African coast that are likely to give rise to major differences in trophic pathways. Stable isotope ratios provide integrated information on trophic... more
We investigated the filter-feeding behaviour of individual Mytilus galloprovincialis Lmk in the Ría de Vigo (Galicia, northwest Iberian Peninsula) in order to assess changes in water column biogeochemistry due to mussel culture and the... more
Living with Diversity, volume I, documents the proceedings of the Slovenia-Japan University Cooperation Network Graduate Student Forum Series held at Ljubljana University in 2008. The proceedings comprise the individual research papers as... more
, and on behalf of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs I wish to extend our heartiest welcome especially to the students who have come from South Eastern Europe. In particular, I am happy to see that we have participants from Romania for the... more
Living with Diversity, volume I, documents the proceedings of the Slovenia-Japan University Cooperation Network Graduate Student Forum Series held at Ljubljana University in 2008. The proceedings comprise the individual research papers as... more
Strontium thermometry has been suggested as a powerful tool for reconstructing seawater surface temperature (SST). In corals, an inverse relationship between SST and skeletal Sr/Ca ratios has been found. However, this ratio might also... more