Integrated Project Delivery

1,068 papers
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Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) is a collaborative project delivery method that integrates people, systems, and practices to optimize project results, increase value to the owner, reduce waste, and maximize efficiency throughout the project lifecycle. It emphasizes shared risk and reward among all stakeholders, fostering teamwork and communication.
The 2014 update of this note is now available at — On the basis of research they did to improve construction productivity in the 1980s, Glenn Ballard and Greg Howell created The Last Planner System (LPS) to... more
During the 1990s, integrative (interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary) approaches gained increasing importance for rural landscape studies and numbers of such projects rose. However, it is not clear, what funding agencies expect from... more
Concerns on the efficiency of design-bid-build have promoted the development and use of alternative project delivery methods and other techniques that have improved performance in other industries. Despite the significance of... more
The 2014 update of this note is now available at — The Last Planner System (LPS) manages the relationships, conversations and commitments that together enable program & production planning decisions to be made... more
Integrated Project Delivery is an emerging delivery system in which participants' success is dependent on collaboration among key parties. Developing and maintaining such a collaborative environment is not easy and requires continuous... more
The present report summarises the research outcomes from SBEnrc Project 2.24 Integrated Project Environments: Productivity Gain through Industry Transformation. It is based on three in-depth reports available at (i)... more
This project aims to deliver on five important areas: (i) Recommendations for policy makers for a nationally consistent strategy for adoption of integrated project environments (which also aligns as far as possible with international BIM... more
Graphical abstract Abstract The Malaysian government has taken the initiative of implementing Industrialised Building System (IBS) in which components are manufactured in mass production under a controlled environment (on or off site),... more
The knowledge and deepening of the Lean Construction methodology, as well as its practical application in the construction industry in Spain, can produce great benefits and the general improvement of a process that continues to be... more
This research is focused on realizing productivity benefits for the delivery of transport infrastructure in the Australian construction industry through the use of building information modeling (BIM), virtual design and construction (VDC)... more
The Malaysian construction industry is a significant contributor to the nation’s economy, due to rapid development of infrastructures in Malaysia. However, there are still issues with the aspects of procurement and management within the... more
Building Information Modelling (BIM) can be described as the digital representation of functional characteristics of an asset, creating a shared knowledge resource for information throughout the buildings life cycle. The premise of BIM... more
Projects in the US and UK that used Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) with Target Value Design (TVD) were brought in as much as 19 percent below market cost and expected costs actually fell as design and construction progressed. Here Alan... more
The growing demand for integrative (interdisciplinary or transdisciplinary) approaches in the field of environmental and landscape change has increased the number of PhD students working in this area. Yet, the motivations to join... more
Purpose: This research aims to clarify that while integrated project delivery (IPD) methods can be momenta for restructuring architectural practice, they do not predetermine specific patterns of restructuration for the roles,... more
In the AEC industry, Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) is a contractual paradigm shift that encourages project parties to change the nature of their relationships by sharing risks and rewards through integration and collaboration in... more
This article reports lessons learned from the case of an international post-merger integration project in the private banking sector. It raises the challenges that were met, describes the methodology and the tools used to manage the... more
The Indian construction industry is in need for a change; a change that can help its people and organizations discard the conventional project management approach of 'Command and control'; a change that can create better collaboration... more
Building on research from the past two academic years and papers presented as a result of that research this paper is based on additional research and added variables to test the viability of collaborative studios between Architecture... more
I am researching equitable and socially just teaching practices when using technology for the mathematical learning of disadvantaged and marginalised students in junior secondary school. Using data gathered from teacher interviews and a... more
The productivity of the construction sector in Spain is very low, as compared to other economic sectors, as with other countries in our environment. It takes us to a deep reflection on whether we are doing things right and what... more
As integrated project delivery continues to gain prominence, educators need to adjust their traditional teaching approaches to prepare students for the interdisciplinary collaboration they will encounter in their professions. This paper... more
: Using a 3-tier framework for a study of the acquisition of an Advance Military Vehicle (AMV), we explore the shaping of the buyer-supplier relationship in the context of the United Kingdom's defense acquisition process. This... more
... This analyti-cal design aims to integrate the top-down data and indicator based model-ling with a bottom-up, value driven participatory ... The SIAT tool, which is a translation of the analytical architecture of SENSOR into a decision... more
I am researching equitable and socially just teaching practices when using technology for the mathematical learning of disadvantaged and marginalised students in junior secondary school. Using data gathered from teacher interviews and a... more
This paper is a synthesis of contributions to the project of implantation of Competitive Intelligence Nuclei in Santa Catarina, Brazil. These Nuclei will be coordinated by UFSC, UDESC and UNISUL universities, as an integrated project... more
This paper aims to present the interdisciplinary interactions between design students (Master in Product and Industrial Design-MDIP) and engineering students (Integrated Master in Environmental Engineering-MIEA) at the Faculty of... more
... This analyti-cal design aims to integrate the top-down data and indicator based model-ling with a bottom-up, value driven participatory ... The SIAT tool, which is a translation of the analytical architecture of SENSOR into a decision... more
Purpose-This paper targets the development of comprehensive approaches to prequalifying teams for Public Private Partnerships (PPPs). Approach & Findings-Research outcomes from a study into 'relationally integrated project teams' (RIPTs)... more
Edson Pinheiro de Lima Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Produção – PPGEP/UFSC – e-mail: [email protected] Laboratório de Automação e Sistemas – LAS/PUC-PR – e-mail: [email protected] ... Sandra Leandro Pereira Programa... more
Research in the INTELS project has revealed that many integrative (= interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary) landscape projects frequently face similar challenges. There are, however, few guidelines available to help projects avoid... more
The dissimilarity between principal contractor and contractor organisations under CDM 2007 can often be over measured. In an effort to clearly distinguish the two, so as to understand the role of principal contractor as part of an... more
Professional development programmed can improve the effectiveness and capability of the contractor. A well organized development programme is a critical strategy for construction companies. In coming years, professional development was... more
Outbursts of nationalism and partisan squabbles generated by the current economic and migration crisis in Europe suggest an unraveling of the integration project and a resurgence of the international anarchy associated with the... more
This paper looks at current BIM adoption overseas vis-à-vis the Malaysian BIM scenario. Issues in BIM usage to be addressed by the industry are discussed. The benefits of adopting BIM for Quantity Surveyors (QS) are numerous and the... more
/ Integrative (interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary) landscape research projects are becoming increasingly common. As a result, researchers are spending a larger proportion of their professional careers doing integrative work,... more
We report the preliminary results of PrestoPRIME, an EU FP7 integrated project, including audiovisual (AV) archives, academics and industrial partners, focused on long-term digital preservation of AV media objects and on ways to increase... more
Forensic odontology is the branch of forensics that deals with human identification based on dental features. In this paper, we present a system for automating that process by identifying people from dental X-ray images. Given a dental... more
Graphical abstract Abstract The Malaysian government has taken the initiative of implementing Industrialised Building System (IBS) in which components are manufactured in mass production under a controlled environment (on or off site),... more
An aircraft measurement campaign involving the Russian high-altitude aircraft M55 Geophysica and the German DLR Falcon was conducted in Darwin, Australia in November and December 2005 as part of the European integrated project SCOUT-O3.... more
Aquatic Invasions is an electronic open-access journal focusing on biological invasions in European inland and coastal waters and potential donor areas of aquatic invasive species for Europe. The journal, established in 2006 as an... more
A new approach of Integrated Design and Delivery Solutions (IDDS) aims to radically improve the performance of the construction industries. IDDS builds upon recent trends in the construction industries that has seen the widespread... more
One of the main stages of the ontology authoring process is the adoption of the appropriate specifications to ensure that the ontology structure and design adheres to a set of common best practices. Existing ontology authoring tools on... more
BIM technology has become a perceptive design process that adds worth across the entire building lifecycle. It can handle each and every aspect of the project lifecycle, right from design, documentation to manufacturing and field support.... more
Clase en la Universidad de Salamanca, Campus Zamora, Master en Dirección de Proyectos