Integer Programming
Recent papers in Integer Programming
Electronic throttle is a DC motor driven valve that regulates air inflow into the engine's combustion system. The goal of the throttle control system is twofold: to achieve fast and accurate valve plate angle reference tracking, and to... more
This work addresses the problem of low power design in high-level synthesis in the scenario of the resources operating at multiple voltages. The problem of resource-and-latency constrained scheduling is tackled and a novel methodology for... more
This paper deals with approximating feedback sets in directed graphs. We consider two related problems: the weighted feedback vertex set (FVS) problem, and the weighted feedback edge set (FES) problem. In the {FVS} (resp. FES) problem,... more
Multiple view 3D video reconstruction of actor performance captures a level-of-detail for body and clothing movement which is time-consuming to produce using existing animation tools. In this paper we present a framework for concatenative... more
It is well known that the standard (linear) knapsack problem can be solved exactly by dynamic programming in O(nc) time, where n is the number of items and c is the capacity of the knapsack. The quadratic knapsack problem, on the other... more
The peer-to-peer technology offers many advantages, but at the same time, it poses many novel challenges for the research community. Modern peer-to-peer systems are characterized by large scale, poor reliability, and extreme dynamism of... more
The advantages of logistics centers for companies, cities, and countries have been discussed in the literature and generally mathematical model-based evaluations besides multi-criteria approaches are proposed for site selection processes.... more
Cone programming is a joint generalization of the pozitive semi-definite programming and linear programming. The requirement that the matrix of variables must be pozitive definite or the vector of variables must be nonnegative resp., in... more
We present a new model for a strategic locomotive scheduling problem arising at the Deutsche Bahn AG. The model is based on a multi-commodity min-cost flow formulation that is also used for public bus scheduling problems. However, several... more
It is widely believed that IP over optical networks will be a major component of the next generation Internet. However, it is not efficient to map a single multicast IP flow into one light-tree, since the bandwidth of an IP flow required... more
The recourse to operation research solutions has strongly increased the performances of scheduling task in the High-Level Synthesis (called hardware compilation). Scheduling a whole program is not possible as too many constraints and... more
Цель настоящей статьи состоит в реабилитации в глазах научной общественности древних представлений о мире, имеющих целочисленное выражение, и в их возвращении в понятийный аппарат современной науки. Целочисленное моделирование, кроме... more
In this paper, an effective mechanism using a fleet of unmanned surface vehicles (USVs) carried by a parent boat (PB) is proposed to complete search or scientific tasks over multiple target water areas within a shorter time. Specifically,... more
This tutorial will focus on several new real-world applications that have been developed using an integrated set of methods, including Tabu Search, Scatter Search, Mixed Integer Programming, and Neural Networks, combined with simulation.... more
We look at the automation of a manual production scheduling process at a pharmaceutical company, by using mixed integer optimization and a simple greedy algorithm. The pharmaceutical company is a make to order producer with highly... more
Multidomain application environments where distributed multiple organizations interoperate with each other are becoming a reality as witnessed by emerging Internet-based enterprise applications. Composition of a global coherent security... more
Many practical problems are concerned with the provision of manufactured components; the provision can be done using three different methods, production in normal and over times, importing/storing, and subcontracting. The decision maker... more
In this paper, we present an optimization approach to depot location in one-way carsharing systems where vehicle stock imbalance issues are addressed under three trip selection schemes. The approach is based on mixed-integer programming... more
One of the most crucial steps in the design of embedded systems is hardware-software partitioning, ie deciding which components of the system should be implemented in hardware and which ones in software. In this paper, different... more
We consider a spatial interaction model for locating a set of new facilities that compete for customer demand with each other, as well as with some pre-existing facilities to capture the ''market expansion'' and the ''market... more
A large number of planning and scheduling problems can be formulated as multiperiod MILP models which often require substantial computational expense for their sohition. This paper presents and demonstrates the value of nonstandard... more
We designed a simple computational exercise to compare weak and strong integer programming formulations of the traveling salesman problem. Using commercial IP software, and a short (60 line long) MATLAB code, students can optimally solve... more
In sensor network applications, data gathering mechanisms, which are based on multi-hop forwarding, can be expensive in terms of energy. This limitation challenges the use of sensor networks for applications that demand a predefined... more
The aim of a traceability system is to collect in a rigorous way all the information related to the displacement of the different products along the supply chain. This information proves essential when facing food safety crisis, and... more
This paper proposes a new cost function based on distance and load of the vehicle for the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem. The vehicle-routing problem with this new load-based cost objective is called the Energy Minimizing Vehicle... more
Tamsayılı Programlama (TP) Lineer Programlamada (LP) olduğu gibi amaç fonksiyonu ve kısıtlara sahiptir. • TP ve LP arasındaki temel fark bir ya da birden fazla değişkenin çözüm sonucunda tamsayı değeri alma zorunluluğunun bulunmasıdır.... more
Football is the most followed and practiced sport in Brazil, with a major economic importance. Thousands of jobs depend directly on the activity of the football teams. The Brazilian national football championship is followed by millions... more
User-provided object bounding box is a simple and popular interaction paradigm considered by many existing interactive image segmentation frameworks. However, these frameworks tend to exploit the provided bounding box merely to exclude... more
This paper introduces an interactive approach to support multi-criteria decision analysis of project portfolios. In high-scale strategic decision domains, scientific studies suggest that the Decision Maker (DM) can find help by using... more
This paper proposes a mixed-integer conic programming formulation for the minimum loss distribution network reconfiguration problem. This formulation has two features: first, it employs a convex representation of the network model which... more
This paper presents a Matlab based Scheduling toolbox TORSCHE (Time Optimization of Resources, SCHEduling). The toolbox offers a collection of data structures that allow the user to formalize various off-line and online scheduling... more
We propose a model-based approach to nonpreemptive multi-project management problems, based on a hierarchical two-stage decomposition of the planning and scheduling process. Two performance criteria are considered: the net present value,... more
Empirical studies have shown that demand for multimodal transport systems is highly correlated with activity schedules of individuals. Nonetheless, existing analytical equilibrium models of multimodal systems have only considered... more
Wireless devices are personal, and the advertiser can schedule ads to reach the prospect at the proper time and place, which makes wireless advertising an ideal direct marketing tool. Industry associations, fearing a backlash from... more
This paper presents a new mathematical model to select an optimal combination of productivity improvement techniques. The proposed model of this paper considers four-stage cycle productivity and the productivity is assumed to be a linear... more
This paper deals with the problem of scheduling bus maintenance activities. The scheduling of maintenance activities is an important component in bus transit operations planning process. The other components include network route design,... more
In this paper, what i have been discussed, is analyzing penalties and cost shifts based on several elements for nurse scheduling problem (NSP). NSP’s issue is to assign nurses to different tasks based on constraints. The problem is known... more
The main aim of the present paper is to show how GLM method, as it was suggested by H. Everett, can be used in enumeration algorithm. First of all we give a new optimality test. Though the test is a general one, its use in integer... more
Computer Automated Multi-Paradigm Modelling (CAM-PaM) is an enabler for domain-specific analysis and design. Traffic, a new untimed visual formalism for vehicle traffic networks, is introduced. The syntax of Traffic models is... more
The school bus routing problem discussed in this paper, is similar to the standard vehicle routing problem, but has several interesting additional features. In the standard VRP all stops to visit are given. In our school bus routing... more
In this paper, we present a framework for computer-aided composition (CAC) that uses exact combinatorial optimization methods to generate guitar solos from a newly proposed dataset of licks over an accompaniment based on the 12-bar blues... more
j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w . e l s e v i e r . c o m / l o c a t e / t r e underutilized links in favor of concentrating flow on hub edges and better utilization of facilities operating there. As a result of this flow... more
Το 23o Εθνικό Συνέδριο της Ελληνικής Εταιρίας Επιχειρησιακών Ερευνών (Ε.Ε.Ε.Ε.), με τίτλο «Διαχείριση Ενεργειακών Πόρων και Συστημάτων» έλαβε χώρα στις 12-14 Σεπτεμβρίου 2012. Ήρθε για να δημιουργήσει τις βάσεις για μια συστηματική... more