Insurance claims

49 papers
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Insurance claims refer to formal requests made by policyholders to their insurance company for compensation or coverage for losses or damages incurred, as stipulated in the insurance policy. The claims process involves assessment, verification, and approval by the insurer to determine the validity and amount of compensation owed to the claimant.
Epidemiological aspects of Parkinson's disease (PD), co-occurring diseases and medical healthcare utilization of PD patients are still largely elusive. Based on claims data of 3.7 million statutory insurance members in Germany in 2015 the... more
Epidemiological aspects of Parkinson's disease (PD), co-occurring diseases and medical healthcare utilization of PD patients are still largely elusive. Based on claims data of 3.7 million statutory insurance members in Germany in 2015 the... more
Epidemiological aspects of Parkinson's disease (PD), co-occurring diseases and medical healthcare utilization of PD patients are still largely elusive. Based on claims data of 3.7 million statutory insurance members in Germany in 2015 the... more
This edition of our insurance law series discusses the analysis of insurance contracts. Insurance is a special kind of contract. The document which embodies the insurance contract is known as the policy. This chapter reviews the component... more
This study assessed the contribution of fire insurance to the Nigerian economy from 1990 to 2020. It was aimed at examining the effect of fire insurance premium income and claim expenditure on the Nigerian gross domestic product. The... more
Background: The performance of a sample of manufacturing enterprises was measured in terms of return on assets, and this study looked at the impact of exposure to credit risk, liquidity risk, and interest rate exposure. Objective: The aim... more
This open-access article is distributed under Creative Commons licence CC-BY-NC 4.0.
As datasets increase radically in size, highly scalable algorithms leveraging modern distributed infrastructures need to be developed for detecting outliers in massive datasets. In this work, we present the first distributed... more
Detecting fraudulent and abusive cases in healthcare is one of the most challenging problems for data mining studies. However, most of the existing studies have a shortage of real data for analysis and focus on a very limited version of... more
Insurance plays an essential role in stimulating economic growth. Insurance is an intangible product, and prompt claim settlement proves that insurers fulfill their promises to the insureds. This paper analyses the impacts of insurance... more
The statement above suggests that in Nigeria, Insurers are using claims payment as a competitive tool, particularly when premium rates are comparable. This implies that Insurers may seek to differentiate themselves by emphasizing... more
This open-access article is distributed under Creative Commons license CC-BY-NC 4.0.
Resilience to withstand the destructive impact of the external environment and modern challenges contributes to ensure the economic security of the company. The consequences of the pandemic, military actions in Ukraine, rising inflation,... more
Purpose: With this study, the authors aim to design a measure to determine the effectiveness of having Forensic Auditors in the Insurance Business. Moreover, in doing this to determine whether this measure is affected by different... more
Govoreći o uredskom poslovanju i njegovu razvoju na području Hrvatske od 1945. do 1958. godine treba odmah napomenuti da sagledavanje toga razvoja nije moguće izvan konteksta FNRJ, jer su u vrijeme centralizirane uprave i unitarnoga... more
Insurance plays an essential role in stimulating economic growth. Insurance is an intangible product, and prompt claim settlement proves that insurers fulfill their promises to the insureds. This paper analyses the impacts of insurance... more
Extreme value theory is applied to model extreme occurrences, and it is applied in business and finance to measure tail risk. Marine and aviation class of insurance business is an important component of non-life business because it... more
Purpose: With this study, the authors aim to design a measure to determine the effectiveness of having Forensic Auditors in the Insurance Business. Moreover, in doing this to determine whether this measure is affected by different... more
Over the last 11 years, the Law Commission and the Scottish Law Commission have worked on a joint project to modernise the law of insurance contracts. Due to the size of the project, the Law Commissions proceeded in phases and separated... more
This is a PDF file of an unedited manuscript that has been accepted for publication. As a service to our customers we are providing this early version of the manuscript. The manuscript will undergo copyediting, typesetting, and review of... more
Urban flooding caused by heavy rainfall is expected to increase in the future. The main purpose of this study was to investigate the variables characterizing the placement of a house, which seem to have an impact when it comes to the... more
In fraud detection paradigms, the role of predictor variables cannot be overemphasized particularly when analytical toolssuch as statistical, machine learning and artificial intelligent tools are employed. These variables or attributes... more
A cross-sectional exploratory survey on occurrence of triple-whammy prescription pattern in Japan ABSTRACT Background: The concurrent use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system blockers, and... more
In fraud detection paradigms, the role of predictor variables cannot be overemphasized particularly when analytical toolssuch as statistical, machine learning and artificial intelligent tools are employed. These variables or attributes... more
Fraud in healthcare insurance claims is one of the significant research challenges that affect the growth of the healthcare services. The healthcare frauds are happening through subscribers, companies and the providers. The development of... more
Purpose: With this study, the authors aim to design a measure to determine the effectiveness of having Forensic Auditors in the Insurance Business. Moreover, in doing this to determine whether this measure is affected by different... more
Confronto tra differenti sensori virtuali tramite differenti tecniche di regressione multivariate per il monitoraggio o controllo di variabili qualità in processi sia in continuo che batch
Purpose: With this study, the authors aim to design a measure to determine the effectiveness of having Forensic Auditors in the Insurance Business. Moreover, in doing this to determine whether this measure is affected by different... more
Extreme value theory is applied to model extreme occurrences, and it is applied in business and finance to measure tail risk. Marine and aviation class of insurance business is an important component of non-life business because it... more
Extreme value theory is applied to model extreme occurrences, and it is applied in business and finance to measure tail risk. Marine and aviation class of insurance business is an important component of non-life business because it... more
The ability to mine relational data has become important in several domains (e.g., counter-terrorism), and a graph-based representation of this data has proven useful in detecting various relational, structural patterns [1]. Here, we... more
This study examined the Effect of general insurance cost of claims on gross claims of insurances industry in Nigeria. The motive of the work is anchored on the gap in the empirical where average cost per claims has not been used to... more
Due to the complexity of the processes within healthcare insurance systems and the large number of participants involved, it is very difficult to supervise the systems for fraud. The healthcare service providers' fraud and abuse has... more
Insurance claims forecasting for extreme weather events that result in large scale destruction such as hurricanes, wildfires, floods, etc. is an important planning activity for insurance firms and any process improvements that can enhance... more
Review of major arson incidents perpetrated as insurance frauds during the 20th century and up to the present day. Features major cases including Leopold Harris in the 1930s and Operation Nero in the 1990s.
Review of the important events impacting the UK general insurance industry during 2019
Every year, billions of dollars are lost due to fraud in the U.S. health care system. Health care claims are complex as they involve multiple parties including service providers, insurance subscribers, and insurance carriers. Medicare is... more
India’s general insurance business is under a double squeeze of meager premium incomes and mega fire claims outgoes. How it got trapped in such an unenviable position is symbolic of poetic justice. In the rudimentary stages, indemnity... more
There occurred a fire mishap in the farmhouse belonging to a gentleman of leisure, which in due course engulfed the neighborhood nursery. Among the properties destroyed in the fire or damaged during the fire-fighting operations were a... more
MSD and Work: A Critical Mapping (Disturbi muscolo-scheletrici e lavoro: una mappatura critica). Trends in Italian and European health statistics show an exponential increase in work-related illnesses. Within the range of work-related... more
Uno dei primi articoli inerente la patologia muscolo-scheletrica del musicista risale al 1885, quando Forbes ha descritto il successo raggiunto tramite la tenotomia di un tendine accessorio del mignolo dell'estensore comune delle dita per... more
Le attività di prevenzione dei rischi e dei danni legati al lavoro non possono prescindere da un adeguato sistema informativo Per orientare gli interventi e le azioni di prevenzione e per valutare i risultati delle azioni intraprese,... more