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DSA Lab Skills Rubric is used to evaluate students' lab skills in Data Structures & Algorithms subject.
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      Computer Science EducationData Structures and AlgorithmsInstructional Materials
This study aimed to evaluate Worktext in Drafting Technology 4 (Mechanical Drafting) for Bachelor of Technology (BT) major in Drafting Technology. It was conducted at University of Rizal System with twenty Drafting and Mechanical... more
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      Instructional MaterialsWorktext
Large class size is foreseen to be one of the concerns in different countries including the Philippines. As such, to give solutions in a growing school population, the Department of Education has coped with these shortages by allowing the... more
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      Classroom ManagementInstructional MaterialsStragetgyPhysical Conditioning
Now that English is considered as the language of trade and development, your one way ticket to being a successful global citizen is to become proficient in the language. English will always be the most indispensable medium of... more
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      Teacher EducationEvaluationEnglish GrammarVocabulary Acquisition
Teaching materials is a generic term used to describe the resources teachers utilize to deliver instruction with ease and greater effectiveness. Regardless of their variation, these materials support learning content, allow students to... more
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      Teaching Learning ProcessSenior High SchoolsInstructional Materials
Printed educational materials such as teacher’s handbook may affect the quality of education as much as teachers, curriculum, educational environment, and the other course materials. Perspectives of eighty-two pre-service elementary... more
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      Music EducationElementary Music EducationTextbook ResearchTextbook
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      Science EducationScience Teaching MethodsCurriculum and InstructionInstructional Materials
Purpose-This study reports the integration of a music-based teaching tool "musichemistry" and determine whether this music-based teaching strategy places a significant influence on the motivation, engagement and proficiency of the... more
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      Music EducationScience EducationChemistry EducationStudent Motivation And Engagement
Arab World English Journal (AWEJ) Volume.7 Number.1 March Pp.326-340... more
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      Textbook EvaluationInstructional MaterialsAcademic WritingsTeachers’ Perspectives
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    • Instructional Materials
The paper examines the role of teaching aids in effective instructional delivery. Teaching aids are those relevant materials utilized by the teacher during instructional process and they in turn affect the behaviour of the learner. To... more
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    • Instructional Materials
Cookery is perceived today as an instructive methodology that involves at least two cooks working together to develop something that is consumable in the market. Moreover, cooking is depicted as an approach of the coordination of the... more
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      CompetencyCookingCommercialInstructional Materials
This research work investigated the effects of audiovisual instructional materials on teaching science concepts in secondary schools in Bwari Area Council, Abuja, Nigeria. The study adopted a pre-test, post-test quasi-experimental design.... more
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      Science Teaching MethodsAudiovisualInstructional Materials
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      EducationEducational TechnologyInstructional TechnologyComputer and Instructional Technology
This study looked at the availability, uses and improvisation of instructional materials and the implications on teaching and learning of physics in secondary schools. All secondary schools offering physics at WAEC level and one technical... more
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      ImprovisationEducational TechnologyScience EducationLearning
In this portfolio, I am presenting an overview of my student teaching experience which shows my own understanding of teaching as well as a compilation that will help me define my teaching philosophies and styles. This portfolio serves as... more
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      Teacher EducationMathematics EducationTeaching practiceTeaching practices
As technology advances, the demand for innovative instructional materials also increases. As a result, the Department of Education urges teachers to develop instructional materials. This study was conducted at Bulusan National High... more
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      GeneticsEducationTechnologyDevelopment Studies
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    • Instructional Materials
Language experts claim that it is easier for pupils to learn when the mother tongue is used in the teaching learning process including the learning of a second language. This study determined the reading comprehension level of Grade I... more
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      EducationReading ComprehensionInstructional Materials
As teachers of language subjects in our tertiary institution (Federal College of Education, Kontagora in particular), it is disturbing to find that the quality of students admitted from our secondary schools into the NCE programme is low.... more
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      Language TeachingLanguage TeachersInstructional MaterialsInstructional Media in Language Teaching
The study examined the impact of the availability and effective utilization of instructional materials such as basic laboratory apparatus on the attitude of learners towards Physics and their sustained interest while offering the subject.... more
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      Effective TeachingInstructional Materials
Variation in students’ learning makes the teacher creative in delivering lessons. To cope with the 21st-century learners with different learning styles that learn best through experience, the researcher made an innovation, “Manipulative... more
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    • Instructional Materials
This research aims at investigating Factors influencing the use of Instructional Materials in the Teaching of Social Studies in Junior Secondary Schools in Gwagwalada Area Council, Abuja . A survey research design was adopted for the... more
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      Educational ResearchInstructional Materials
The purpose of this project was to survey the availability and the extent of utilization of instructional materials in the teaching and learning of Financial Accounting in Lagos State Secondary Schools. Five research questions were... more
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      Learning and TeachingFinancial AccountingInstructional Materials
The study sought to determine the effectiveness of using multimedia instructional materials in teaching phonemic awareness to preschool children. Phonemic awareness is a crucial skill to learn for emergent readers as it is the skill to... more
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      MultimediaKindergardenPreschool EducationPhonemic Awareness
Self-cleaning properties have received significant attention for the importance of their potential. Coatings at Nano-scales offer possibilities of using materials for self-cleaning surfaces. Recent efforts have begun to focus on the kinds... more
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      Materials EngineeringMaterials ScienceMaterials ChemistryComputational Materials Science
Electronic learning or e-Learning instructional materials were developed for the ICNS152 Southeast Asia Ecology course, a natural science course offered at the Mahidol University International College, Thailand. The course provides an... more
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      E-learningInstructional Materials
Abstract It is important that meaningful educational experiences are offered to children during the early years to ensure high quality teaching and learning. The fundamental elements of quality preschool teaching and learning practice... more
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    • Instructional Materials
This study inquired into the preparedness of teachers in teaching K to 12 Secondary Science Curriculum (SSC) through finding out their extent of understanding on K to 12 SSC in terms of instructional contents integrated with science... more
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      Instructional MaterialsTeachers Challengesteachers preparedness
Teaching as it is dynamic in nature has several innovations of various magnitudes and designs which are being used in making learning process a worthwhile activity. The core of this research include self supporting materials which are... more
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    • Instructional Materials
ÖZ Öğretim materyalleri, öğrenme-öğretme sürecinin en önemli unsurlanndan birisidir. Bu süreçte temel amaç, bireyin daha yakınından daha somut olandan başka bir ifade ile daha iyi bilinenden hareket ederek öğrenmeyi daha kolay ve daha... more
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      EducationInformation SocietyConcept MapCognitive Map
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageSemanticsSecondary EducationPostsecondary Education
The study examined the impact of the availability and effective utilization of instructional materials such as basic laboratory apparatus on the attitude of learners towards Physics and their sustained interest while offering the subject.... more
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      Effective TeachingInstructional Materials
This study dealt with the use of interactive e-learning portal for the enrichment of Grade 8 learners’ conceptual understanding in Physics at Luis Palad National High School for the School Year 2014 - 2015. This study utilized... more
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      PhysicsE-learningScience EducationInstructional Materials
Araştırma, etkisi hızla artan bilişim teknolojilerinin en önemli bileşeni bilgisayarın veri girişini sağlayan F klavyenin Acar Metoda göre öğrenenlerin derse ve öğretim materyaline ilgi düzeylerini ortaya koymayı amaçlamaktadır.... more
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      Instructional DesignComputer Assisted Instructional MaterialComputer keyboardingInstructional Materials
The study aimed to develop a Training Module in Switching Logic as instructional material in the teaching of students of Bachelor of Technology in subjects such as Industrial Design Process and Control, Industrial Electronics and... more
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      IMSInstructional MaterialsTraining Module
The State Board of Education extends its appreciation to the members and staff of the Commission for the Establishment of Academic Content and Performance Standards (Academic Standards Commission) for their outstanding work in developing... more
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The Department of Education Order 105, s. 2009 stated that as this country advances through the 21 st-century, the use of technology to research, organize, evaluate and communicate information has grown. In response to this, the use of... more
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      TechnologyEducational TechnologyIndependent learningInstructional Materials
Instructional material is a very important tool in the teaching-learning process in a classroom situation. This is in a form of textbooks, reference texts, the chalk and blackboard, computer aided presentations and other materials that... more
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      Differential EquationsInstructional Materials
Higher order thinking skills are essential for the 21 st century youth and the workforce. There is however, concern on the extent to which various teaching practices enhance these skills in the secondary school student in Cameroon. The... more
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      Teaching and LearningEducationTeacher EducationAssessment
This study aimed to evaluate Worktext in Drafting Technology 4 (Mechanical Drafting) for Bachelor of Technology (BT) major in Drafting Technology. It was conducted at University of Rizal System with twenty Drafting and Mechanical... more
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      Instructional MaterialsDRAFTING TECHNOLOGYWorktext
This study aimed to design and develop a learning material in consumer electronics servicing (LM-CES) for grade 7 technology and livelihood education (TLE) for La Union National High School, Cabadbaran City, Philippines, and to address... more
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      PsychologyDesignLearning and TeachingEvaluation
This study determined the effectiveness of the lessons in Chemistry integrating UNESCO ICT-based instructional material on the achievement of Chemistry students at Central Bicol State University of Agriculture. It aimed to identify... more
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      ICTIntegrationAchievementInstructional Materials
A rising epistemological paradigm in the cognitive sciences-embodied cognition-has been stimulating innovative approaches, among educational researchers, to the design and analysis of STEM teaching and learning. The paradigm promotes... more
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      EducationInstructional DesignEducational TechnologyScience Education
The study described the teaching methods used by pre-service teachers in Science. It focused on the strategies, techniques, materials, innovative methods and pattern of teaching science used by the pre-service teachers as described in... more
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      Teaching MethodsStrategiesTechniquesInstructional Materials
This research aims to develop learning science teaching materials based on scientific. The methods of this study are a research and development (R & D) by Borg and Gall. The instruments that used to collect data were observation sheets,... more
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      Teaching and LearningEducationDevelopment StudiesTeacher Education
One of the most challenging tasks in teaching high school students is using appropriate learning material suitable to their level of proficiency, learning styles, and interests. This study aimed to develop and validate a graphic novel... more
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      ChemistryChemistry education (Education)Comics and Graphic NovelsValidation
This study aimed to design and develop a learning material in consumer electronics servicing (LM-CES) for grade 7 technology and livelihood education (TLE) for La Union National High School, Cabadbaran City, Philippines, and to address... more
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      PsychologyDesignLearning and TeachingEvaluation