Institute for the Study of the Ancient World

35 papers
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The Institute for the Study of the Ancient World is an academic research institution dedicated to the interdisciplinary study of ancient civilizations, cultures, and societies. It focuses on archaeological, historical, and cultural analyses to enhance understanding of the ancient world and its influence on contemporary society.
CONTROLLING IRREGULAR MIGRATION: THE CHALLENGE OF WORKSITE ENFORCEMENT Fieldwork Report Micah Bump, Andy Schoenholtz, Susan Martin, and B. Lindsay Lowell ... SeeContreras v. Corinthian Vigor Ins. Brokerage, Inc., 25 F.Supp.2d 1053 (ND,... more
Last year the United States admitted 137,000 temporary foreign workers on the Specialty H-1B visa. Little has been known until recently about the characteristics of these workers, and nothing has been known about their employers. This... more
Purpose-The author augments an otherwise standard business-cycle model with a rich government sector and adds monopolistic competition in the product market and rigid prices, as well as rigid wages a la Calvo (1983) in the labor market.... more
0055.pdf 56 "A mismatch does not make any statement about an employee's immigration status and is not a basis, in and of itself, for taking any adverse action against an employee. Doing so could subject you to antidiscrimination labor law... more
Regional unemployment rates in Great Britain have narrowed dramatically in recent years. However, significant differences still remain in terms of both employment and economic inactivity rates, which may now better reflect relative labour... more
A number of authors have recently emphasized that the conventional model of unemployment dynamics due to Mortensen and Pissarides has difficulty accounting for the relatively volatile behavior of labor market activity over the business... more
Existing models of the business cycle have been incapable of explaining many of the stylized facts that characterize the US labor market. The standard real business cycle model is modified by introducing two-sided search in the labor... more
Recent critiques have demonstrated that existing attempts to account for the unemployment volatility puzzle of search models are inconsistent with the procylicality of the opportunity cost of employment, the cyclicality of wages, and the... more
Clash of Cultures: Muslims and Christians in the Ethnosizing Process * The paper explores the evolution of ethnic identities of two important and distinct immigrant religious groups. Using data from Germany, a large European country with... more
Clash of Cultures: Muslims and Christians in the Ethnosizing Process * The paper explores the evolution of ethnic identities of two important and distinct immigrant religious groups. Using data from Germany, a large European country with... more
This paper builds and estimates a medium scale, small open economy DSGE model augmented with search-and-matching frictions in the labor market, and different wage setting behavior in new and existing jobs. The model is estimated using... more
It is well known that the standard search and matching model with Rational Expectations (RE) is unable to generate amplification in unemployment and vacancies. We show that relaxing the RE assumption has the potential to provide a... more
A widespread result in monetary policy literature is that the price level should be stabilized and, as corollary, the nominal interest rate should vary with the Wicksellian determinants of the real interest rate. The present paper studies... more
This paper analyzes search models within a framework of aggregate demand shocks and dominated by uncertainty. In this context, agents are bounded rational while wages are determined by some markup mechanism. Differently from the canonical... more
CONTROLLING IRREGULAR MIGRATION: THE CHALLENGE OF WORKSITE ENFORCEMENT Fieldwork Report Micah Bump, Andy Schoenholtz, Susan Martin, and B. Lindsay Lowell ... SeeContreras v. Corinthian Vigor Ins. Brokerage, Inc., 25 F.Supp.2d 1053 (ND,... more
A dynamic Stackelberg game analyzes collective bargaining between a trade union (leader) and a firm (follower) in a monopoly union model. Frictional effects (FE) for the firm encompass symmetric adjustment costs linked to the number of... more
Unlike the classic market vision, where demand and supply meet immediately, at no cost, and prices are determined in such a way that demand equals supply, in the real world frictions occur in the searching process, the price offers of one... more
In this paper we analyse the effects of informal labour markets on the dynamics of inflation and on t he transmission of aggregate demand and s upply shocks. In doing so, we incorporate the informal sector in a m odified New Keynesian... more
The Russian-Ukrainian Earnings Divide * Ethnic differences are often considered to be powerful sources of diverse economic behavior. In this paper, we investigate whether and how ethnicity affects Ukrainian labor market outcomes. Using... more
This study examines the role of interest rate shocks in explaining emerging market business cycle characteristics in a small open economy real business cycle (SOE-RBC) model augmented with working capital requirement on firms' wage... more
This paper examines the role of firm turnover and financial friction in understanding inflation. I augment a standard New-Keynesian DSGE model with the two features and estimate with the Bayesian technique for the US economy. My findings... more
This paper uses a skill-neutral stochastic dynamic general equilibrium framework to investigate the causes of the unemployment gap observed between east and west Germany in the 1990's. By modifying a traditional matching model of... more
est une chaire multi-institutionnelle qui s'appuie sur un partenariat avec les organisations suivantes : Les opinions et analyses contenues dans les cahiers de recherche de la Chaire ne peuvent en aucun cas être attribuées aux partenaires... more
This paper focuses on the Core Front End (CFE) activities of the innovation process to say, Opportunity Identification and Opportunity Analysis. In the CFE of innovation, several tools are used to facilitate and optimise decisions. To... more
The Fuzzy Front End of innovation is the messy getting started part of the product development process before a solid product concept it in place. Since Smith and Reinertsen coined the term in 1991, several research teams have... more
The Russian-Ukrainian Earnings Divide Ethnic differences are often considered to be powerful sources of diverse economic behavior. In this paper, we investigate whether and how ethnicity affects Ukrainian labor market outcomes. Using... more
Since the early 1990s, NAIRU estimates have declined and unemployment duration has risen relative to the unemployment rate. We argue that these developments can be explained by a combination of demographics and other factors that have... more
In most European countries, money wages are given in collective agreements or individual employment contracts, and the employer cannot unilaterally cut wages, even after the expiration of a collective agreement. Ceteris paribus, workers... more
, as well as participants at presentations at Harvard University and Virginia Polytechnic and State University, for useful comments on earlier drafts, to Larry Katz and Greg Mankiw for helpful discussions, and to NBER for the hospitality... more
The paper explores the evolution of ethnic identities of two important and distinct immigrant religious groups. Using data from Germany, a large European country with many immigrants, we study the adaptation processes of Muslims and... more
There are few studies on occupational choices in Germany, and second-generation occupational choice and mobility is even less investigated. Such research is important because occupations determine success in the labour market. In a... more
Equilibrium Employment in a Model of Imperfect Labor Markets * This paper presents a simple model of imperfect labor markets with endogenous labor market participation and home production. We show that a two-sector economy (home and... more
In this paper we challenge the conventional view that increasing working time flexibility limits the amplitude of unemployment fluctuations. We start by showing that hours per worker in European countries are much less procyclical than in... more
A widespread result in monetary policy literature is that the price level should be stabilized and, as corollary, the nominal interest rate should vary with the Wicksellian determinants of the real interest rate. The present paper studies... more
This paper uses the concept of ethnic self-identification of immigrants in a two-dimensional framework. It acknowledges that attachments to both the country of origin and the host country are not necessarily mutually exclusive. There are... more
The labor market performance of Portuguese workers in Germany is analyzed in this article. While previous work has compared wages and characteristics of migrants to natives only, this study also matches the data set with an equivalent... more
Clash of Cultures: Muslims and Christians in the Ethnosizing Process * The paper explores the evolution of ethnic identities of two important and distinct immigrant religious groups. Using data from Germany, a large European country with... more
Occupational Choice Across Generations * There are few studies on occupational choices in Germany, and the second generation occupational choice and mobility is even less investigated. Such research is important because occupations... more
Using a large new dataset, we analyze the labor market performance of Portuguese workers in Germany. While previous work compares wages and characteristics of migrants only to those of the natives, we match the data also with an... more
Recently, Pissarides (2009) has argued that the standard search model with sunk fixed matching costs increases unemployment volatility without introducing an unrealistic wage response in new matches. We revise the role of matching costs... more
A competing approach views the trend rate of output growth as shifting stochastically, with stationary components around each trend; see, for example, Hamilton (1989).
In aggregate U.S. data, exogenous shocks to labor productivity induce highly persistent and hump-shaped responses to both the vacancy-unemployment ratio and employment. We show that the standard version of the Mortensen-Pissarides... more
The Economics of Circular Migration * Circular migration receives increasing attention due to its empirical relevance and as a policy concept to manage labor flows. This review discusses the advantages and disadvantages of circular... more
Clash of Cultures: Muslims and Christians in the Ethnosizing Process * The paper explores the evolution of ethnic identities of two important and distinct immigrant religious groups. Using data from Germany, a large European country with... more
Clash of Cultures: Muslims and Christians in the Ethnosizing Process * The paper explores the evolution of ethnic identities of two important and distinct immigrant religious groups. Using data from Germany, a large European country with... more
In 2004 all publications will carry a motif taken from the €100 banknote.
We analyse the effects of money growth within a standard New Keynesian framework and show that the interaction between staggered nominal contracts and money growth leads to a long-run trade-off between output and money growth. We explore... more
This paper studies labour market policy in a society where differently gifted individuals can invest in training to further increase their labour market productivity. Furthermore, the government seeks both efficiency and equity. Frictions... more
The successful matching model developed by Mortensen and Pissarides seems to find its hardest task in explaining the cyclical movements of some key labor market variables such as the vacancy rate and the vacancy-unemployment ratio.... more