Recent papers in Instagram
There is a thriving trade, and collector community, around human remains that is facilitated by posts on new social media such as Instagram, Facebook, Etsy, and, until recently, eBay. In this article, we examine several thousand Instagram... more
The paper was presented at the ICA (International Council on Archives) conference in Girona in 2014. it attempts is to place archives and museums in the field of social photography as memory institutions and develop new methods to... more
Destination image (DI) has an important role in destination choice. DI is considered as one of the main factors in destination competitiveness. The main aim of this study was to explore the projected image of Portugal as a tourism... more
This dissertation analyzes the postfeminist tendencies and biopolitics in contemporary media practices by considering the pop culture exemplar, the Kardashian-Jenner family. This dissertation received First Class Honors from Trinity... more
This article takes us into the heart of the complexities of the concept of narcissism, which has been deployed by psychoanalysts, film theorists and cultural critics to various and often contradictory ends. I begin by considering the use... more
This research study the impact of content marketing on customer engagement on Instagram using a research model framework inherited from empirical research of Balio (2017) for the fashion brands in Vietnam. With 199 samples collected and... more
Presentation, Young Scholars workshop at the European Hub meeting of the network of centers (NoC) for Internet research, University of Haifa, Israel. November 2018.
This research explores social network site interaction through digital and gendered labor. Due to enhanced interaction possibilities as well as mining and analytic techniques, all digital interaction is labor, at both the social and... more
"Alford draws upon Pierre Bourdieu's concept of "habitus" and the Aristotelian idea of hexis to explore temperance as a feminist virtue enacted in social media contexts. Examining the circulation of food bowl posts on Instagram, Alford... more
The purpose of this research is to explore the role of online photography in creating experience value in nature-based tourism, and what types of experience value are conveyed through photography-based user-generated content. The paper... more
Investing on Facebook and Google online advertising is essential to increase sales and the organization brand awareness. However, sometimes, it’s difficult to decide which is the right budget for each platform, because there are so many... more
Si la llegada de Internet incorporó notables modificaciones en las redacciones de los medios de comunicación, las redes sociales han producido otra revolución dentro del desarrollo digital. Son unas herramientas indiscutibles de difusión... more
The phenomenon of abbreviation used on Instagram is an interesting thing since the users modify the abbreviation form of expansion words making deviation from the original meaning. The principle of meaning relation between abbreviations... more
Riset naratif yang dilakukan pada tahun 2013 oleh Mohamad Jagad Marcelleno terhadap pengguna instagram dan komunitas iphonesia. Instagram sebagai jejaring sosial yang dijadikan sebagai sarana untuk identitas, kekerabatan, peluang... more
As opposed to traditional nomads, backpackers, or tourists, digital nomads are defined as Internet-enabled remote workers, who maintain a focus on connectivity and productivity even in leisure. This essay discusses the relationship... more
Yaz günleri tatil ve eğlence açısından hareketli olsa da iş hayatında kimi zaman durgunluğa sebep olabiliyor. Bu duruma son vermek, dijital pazarlama çalışmalarınıza aynı hızda devam etmek istiyorsanız kampanyalarınızda özel gün ve... more
This study explores the differences between Snapchat, Instagram, and Twitter in terms of intensity of use and use motivations. Grounded in the theory of Uses and Gratifications, the current research compares the three platforms with... more
Ausgabe der Feministischen Geo-RundMail Nr. 85 (April 2021) zum Thema "feministische digitale Geographien". Mit Beiträgen zu den Themen: digitale Arbeit, Platforum Urbanism, gig economy, digitale Methoden, feministische digitale... more
The advantages of technology in many areas are also reflected in the advertising and marketing sectors. The interaction provided by the technology is also positively reflected in the buying behavior of consumers. Especially in recent... more
Background: Social media has grown into a prominent marketing and communication tool, and Instagram is a leader in this regard due to its distinctive supports for medial rich contents. Due to the challenges faced by... more
Despite growing interest, there is a shortage of research about the methods and challenges that concern researching ephemeral digital content. To fill this gap, the article discusses two research strategies to study Instagram Stories.... more
Die Ökonomisierung des Social Networking und die Kommerzialisierung des Teilens in der Share Economy haben den Stellenwert und den Umgang mit Bildern im Netz weitreichend verändert. Die Einsicht, dass auf den Aufmerksamkeitsmärkten der... more
Neste artigo, temos como objetivo principal construir uma compreensão sobre como professores/as em formação inicial engajam-se em práticas de (multi)letramentos no Instagram, de modo a participar socialmente da divulgação de informações... more
Engaging a framework of post-feminism, we explored the ways college women conceptualize the practice of dressing up for football games at large institutions in the southeastern United States. Additionally, we investigated the ways social... more
La relación entre performance y redes sociales es un tema poco explorado, transformándolo no solo en un espacio potente para la experimentación y la creación, sino también en un asunto a analizar desde el punto de... more
In this era of technology, social media influencers through Instagram has become an asset for certain products and services which can give huge revenue stream for the company. This social media influencer will get paid to promote a brand... more
This article proposes that the experiences of screen tourists in Oxford help to create a theoretical "deep map" of the city which explores place through narrative. Building on the travel writing of William Least Heat-Moon and other recent... more
In 2016 Instagram integrated personalization algorithms into its system, promising to show the moments they believe we will care about the most. The platform's personalization logic and its commercial nature raise concerns regarding the... more
Para além de constituir um importante espaço de divulgação de conteúdos, hoje, a Internet funciona como veículo à construção de narrativas museológicas. A evolução dos museus em ambiente digital remonta aos anos de 1990 com os primeiros... more
The everyday use of smartphones with high quality built-in cameras has lead to an increase in museum visitors' use of these devices to document and share their museum experiences. In this paper, we investigate how one particular photo... more
This research focuses on an emerging influencer category called CGI influencers. CGI influencers are fictional characters created with computer modeling techniques that have profiles on social networks and sociomaterial trajectories built... more
Following up on current discussions of digital youth culture, this article examines the concept of assemblage and its potential for understanding the ambiguous forces that shape young people's everyday media practices. In the first part... more
The aim of this study is to set out a relevant contextual framework for interpreting poetry published on (Czech) Instagram. The author looks at the material under study from a number of perspectives, including generational, economic and... more
The endless and rapid development of technology has revolutionised the way in which we approach ourselves and interact with each other; the introduction of social media has made communication increasingly ubiquitous and effortless.... more
Kontext Die heutige Digitalisierung der Kommunikation wirft ein neues Licht auf traditionelle LL-Praktiken und -Problemstellungen (Androutsopoulos 2014). In Anschluss an Ivkovic & Lotherington (2009) und auf der Pilotstudie von Hiipala... more
O ambiente dos sites de redes sociais possibilita aos seus usuários produzir e compartilhar conteúdos originais por meio da apropriação de símbolos, de bens culturais e representação de materialidades, permitindo-lhes expressar valores,... more