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#LINK: - Nest‐building behaviour was studied in Xylocopa violacea, with particular attention to that exhibited in the construction of each cell, from the formation of the pollen paste to... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyInsect EcologyReproductive BiologyInsects
In the Andes of Central Chile, flowering commences 1–2 months earlier on equatorial-(north-) facing than on polar-(south-) facing slopes, and pollinator assemblages also differ between these habitats. In order to understand the potential... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyGeneticsPlant EcologyClimate Change
The annual occurrence and distribution of the predatory bugs Anthocoris nemorum and Anthocoris nemoralis between apple, pear and herbal vegetation, was assessed in three apple orchards in 2001, and in two apple and two pear orchards in... more
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      Predator-Prey InteractionsApplied EcologyInsect EcologyConservation Biological Control
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      Ancient HistoryBiochemistryArchaeologyAnatolian Archaeology
Tài liệu nghiên cứu về mối gây hại | Công ty Hoa Lâm Ngày nay tại các thành phố lớn tại việt nam, mối là một loài gây hại lớn và gây thiệt hại khá nghiêm trọng đến công trình xây dựng, nhà ở, xí nghiệp….. vì thế trong tài liệu này, Công... more
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      Insect EcologyInsectsTermites
Insect pests are among the most important constraints limiting sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas) production in Africa. However, there is inadequate information about farmers' knowledge, perceptions and practices in the management of key... more
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      EntomologyTraditional Ecological KnowledgeAgricultureAgricultural Entomology
Prostephanus truncatus (Horn) (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae) populations are maintained in wild host plants such as trees that act as pest reservoirs from where beetle infestation of maize granaries take place. In this study, we assessed the... more
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      Environmental modelingIntegrated Pest ManagementInsect Ecology
Although ecological succession is one of the principal focuses of recent restoration ecology research, it is still unclear which factors drive this process and positively influence species richness and functional diversity. In this study... more
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      EcologyInsect EcologyEcological SuccessionBeetles
Urban landscapes harbor diverse man-made land-uses ranging from highly modified residential and industrial areas to semi-natural habitats with their associated biotic communities. Understanding the ecological patterns and processes of... more
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      Conservation BiologyBiodiversityInsect Ecology
The spoil heaps in Ostrava were created during mining of black coal in the first half of the 20th century. Later, there were efforts to “heal” the landscape by technical recla­mations, which are rather expensive. Our studies showed that... more
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      EcologyInsect EcologyPost-industrial landscapesCarabid Beetles
Pack stock are often used in mountain environments and are grazed in uplands and wetlands, particularly subalpine wet meadows. Effects of pack stock on wetlandinvertebrates are unknown. Sequoia National Park, (Sierra Nevada, USA), was an... more
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      EcotourismWetlandsCommunity EcologyGrazing and Range Management
Maize was artificially infested with either 10 or 25 individual Prostephanus truncatus (Horn) and Sitophilus zeamais (Motschulsky) or a mixture of both, and stored in a hermetic grain bag (HGB) or a woven polypropylene bag (WPB) for 150... more
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      ZoologyBiologyAgriculturePopulation Dynamics
To document the relative distribution and abundance of the mottled sculpin Cottus bairdi and the aquatic invertebrate fauna of the Colorado River in Middle Park, Colorado in 2010 and compare the results with historical data and records... more
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      Aquatic EcologyRiversRiver EcologyAnimal Species Loss and Decline
RESUMEN. Los ortópteros comúnmente conocidos como chapulines, saltamontes y langostas se agrupan en la superfamilia Acridoidea. Son de gran importancia agrícola pues suelen hospedar y alimentarse de arvenses, arbustos y cultivos. Los... more
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      EcologyAgricultureInsect TaxonomyInsect Ecology
Odonates play crucial role in ecosystem functioning and can be used as biological indicators of environmental quality. Although much work have been carried out regarding the abundance and distribution of insect orders in Meghalaya, no... more
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      GeographyConservation BiologyDiversityDragonflies
The restoration of endangered relict populations is challenging in conservation biology because they require specific environmental conditions within an inhospitable regional climate. Urothemis edwardsii Selys is the most endangered... more
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      Conservation BiologyRestoration EcologyEndangered SpeciesInsect Ecology
The common housefly with the scientific name Musca domestica is a common pest of man known to cause nuisance, annoyance and has also been discovered to mechanically transport pathogenic microorganisms to man. Housefly is able to transmit... more
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      MicrobiologyRural DevelopmentEcologyInfectious Diseases
La mosca soldado negra Hermetia illucens (L.) (Diptera: Stratiomyidae: Hermetiinae) se encuentra ampliamente distribuida a nivel mundial, y posee relevancia económica (entomofagia), ecológica (descomponedor, entomoremediación), sanitaria... more
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      Insect EcologyNutrition, mass rearing, and field release of benefitial insectsInsect Mass Rearing
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      Pest ManagementApiculturePollinationPollination ecology
Over half of all described species are insects, but until recently our understanding of the reasons for this diversity was based on very little macroevolutionary evidence. Here I summarize the hypotheses that have been posed, tests of... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyPaleobiologyEntomologyPaleontology
s of all papers as well as instructions to authors are available on the Internet at: SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE FOR THIS SUPPLEMENT Professor Ivo Hodek Professor Anthony F. G. Dixon Professor... more
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      BiologyInsect Ecology
The present paper deals with the study of species richness and diversity of butterfly fauna in the Experimental Botanic Garden of Botanical Survey of India (BSI), ERC, Umiam, Meghalaya, India. The study was conducted from June 2013 to May... more
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      BiochemistryConservation BiologyWildlife BiologyWildlife Conservation
The state of Jharkhand (India) is a biodiversity hotspot owing to its topography and geographical features and is blessed with tropical zone dry and wet forests. The mainstay of tribal communities is agriculture. Acridoids have long been... more
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      Insect TaxonomyInsect EcologyInsect Diversity
Nearly 5,000 mayfly (Ephemeroptera), stonefly (Plecoptera), and caddisfly (Trichoptera) (EPT) species records collected from the South Platte River Basin (SPRB) were compiled from literature, field surveys, and institutional and personal... more
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      EcologyRiver EcologyInsect Molecular BiologyInsect Taxonomy
The aquatic and semi-aquatic Heteroptera represent a group of insects with a multitude of shapes, being the result of adaptations to a broad niche variety. Heteroptera were collected in five streams (from 1st to 4th order) in the Pindaíba... more
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      Aquatic EcologyHeteropteraInsect EcologyLimnology, Periphyton, Zooplankton, Phytoplankton, Fish, Macroinvertebrates, Submerged Aquatic Vegetation, Food Web Dynamics
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      Evolutionary BiologyFeminist TheoryPlant EcologyAnthropology of Science
Question: How is variation in offspring size (between broods) related to brood size? Hypotheses: Variance in offspring size (between broods) should decrease with increasing brood size as predicted by Charnov and colleagues’ (Charnov and... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyAnimal BehaviorLife historyBiology
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      ZoologyInsect EcologyArthropods
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    • Insect Ecology
Locust migrations are strictly connected with climatic factors and a historical reconstruction of their invasions in Europe may be useful in dealing with this plague. From records of medieval chroniclers and more recent sources till 1800,... more
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      Climate ChangeBoundary Layer MeteorologyInsect Ecology
Bibliographies are lists which convey idenfication information of different publications like books, papers and articles on specific subjects in a certain order. They are prepared with the intention to provide those who conduct studies... more
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      EntomologyBibliographyOrganic agricultureUrban Biodiversity Conservation
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    • Insect Ecology
Universitas Indonesia memiliki keanekaragaman fauna yang cukup tinggi. Kampus UI Depok juga memiliki 6 danau yang berfungsi untuk daerah resapan air. Danau yang berada di wilayah Kampus UI Depok, antara lain Danau Kenanga, Danau Aghatis,... more
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      EcologyInsect Ecology
Arthropoda © Oktober 2017 Eklektikus: Sonja Verra Tinneke Lumowa Editor: Jantje Ngangi Master Desain Tata Letak: Krisna Budi Restanto Pertama-tama penulis ucapkan puji dan syukur kehadirat Tuhan Yang Maha Esa yang telah melimpahkan rahmat... more
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      AnthropologyBiologyInsect EcologyBiologia
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      English languageEnglishInsect EcologyMetamorphosis
Despite the high abundance of arthropods in many terrestrial environments, our understanding of their ecological diversity and abundance remain unknown in some habitats. The aim of this study is to assess the abundance, diversity and... more
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      Biodiversity and Ecosystem FunctionInsect Ecology
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    • Insect Ecology
I am still on the first stretch of this nomadic exploration, but I think I can begin to answer the question that is guiding this exploration—'how can the Natural-Indigenous Worldview support our understandings of the potential for an... more
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      Critical TheoryIndustrial And Labor RelationsReligionAncient Egyptian Religion
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    • Insect Ecology
This review paper is aimed to find out the role of plant based water treatment and its insecticides effects on the use of Moringa seeds powder, based on the previous research attempts and in comparison with some trials that are summed up... more
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      Insect EcologyIndiaWater and Wasterwater TreatmentMORINGA oleifera
One of the most frequent cases in which vermin appear in Ottoman official correspondence is when they "attack" or "invade" human settlements, consuming or destroying food produced specifically for human consumption. Until effective ways... more
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      Ottoman HistoryMiddle East HistoryCritical Animal StudiesEnvironmental History
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    • Insect Ecology
Semut api merah (Solenopsis invicta) merupakan jenis semut yang berasal dari daerah amerika selatan. Semut ini termasuk serangga yang berasal dari keluarga formicidae, ordo hymenoptera. Semut ini memiliki wilayah asli di hutan – hutan... more
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      BiologyInsect EcologyInsects
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    • Insect Ecology
Here we build on the manifesto 'World Scientists' Warning to Humanity, issued by the Alliance of World Scientists. As a group of conservation biologists deeply concerned about the decline of insect populations, we here review what we know... more
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      Ecosystem ServicesDecompositionPollinationInsect Ecology
The fate of humans and insects intertwine, especially through the medium of plants. Global environmental change, including land transformation and contamination, is causing concerning insect diversity loss, articulated in the companion... more
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      Ecosystem ServicesConservationBiodiversityForest Ecology
Ekologia w krótkim czasie zyskała rzesze zwolenników na całym świecie, stała się nie tylko nieodłącznym składnikiem intelektualnego krajobrazu i elementem codziennej praktyki, ale również doskonałym produktem marketingowym. Jednak... more
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      Landscape EcologyEvolutionary BiologySociologyHuman Ecology
The present paper deals with the study of species richness and diversity of butterfly fauna in the in the experimental garden. The population trends of butterflies were monitored for one year using transects counting method. A total of 66... more
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      BiochemistryConservation BiologyWildlife BiologyWildlife Conservation