Inquiry Based Learning
Recent papers in Inquiry Based Learning
Inquiry Based Learning (IBL) is a student-centered strategy within the constructivist learning approach. This strategy is an important approach that makes students active inside and outside the classroom, and enables students to work in... more
Responding to the call for reform in science education, changes were made in an introductory meteorology and climate course offered at a large public university. These changes were a part of a larger project aimed at deepening and... more
The proposed Biomedical Signal Processing Laboratory incorporates several components that enhance its usefulness for inquiry-based learning. The Laboratory orients around the physical construction and testing of a variety of simple signal... more
Inquiry-based learning is important for students to understand scientific knowledge and the working systems of scientists to develop their knowledge. For this, students should have some skills, and if they do not have, these skills need... more
Calls for reform in university education have prompted a movement from teacher-to student-centered course design, and included developments such as peer-teaching, problem and inquiry-based learning. In the sciences, inquiry-based learning... more
Hakkarainen and Sintonen (2002) praise the descriptive adequacy of Hintikka's Interrogative Model of Inquiry (imi) to describe children's prac- tices in an inquiry-based learning context. They further propose to use the imi as a... more
Este estudo insere-se num relatório de estágio, referente ao grau de Mestre em Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico, e baseia-se numa problemática assente na análise das potencialidades do trabalho prático de... more
This review's overarching goal is to synthesize what the research tells us about the impact of teacher professional development programs for both pre-service and in-service science teachers' self-efficacy for the enactment of... more
Models are simplified representations of more complex systems that help scientists structure the knowledge they acquire. As such, they are ubiquitous and invaluable in scientific research and communication. Because science education... more
Laboratory activity is an important part of chemistry learning, but cookbook instructions is still commonly used. However, the activity with that way do not improve students thinking skill, especially students creativity. This study aims... more
Lernprozesse bei problemorientierten Lernaufgaben mit und ohne Experimentieranleitung Der Einbezug von Vorwissen im inquiry based learning in der Grundschule Schon in der Grundschule sollen Kinder mit naturwissenschaftlichem Lernen... more
The purpose of this article is to empower those interested in teaching students powerful and engaging social studies. Through the lens of Supreme Court simulations, this article provides educators with a viable, classroom-tested lesson... more
La realización de prácticas y experimentos por parte del alumnado siempre ha sido un tema de controversia acerca de si realmente aporta aprendizaje de las ciencias o simplemente genera motivación e interés. La diferencia entre hacer... more
Η σχέση αλληλεξάρτησης δομής-λειτουργίας αποτελεί βασικό θέμα της βιολογίας. Μια σημαντική εφαρμογή αυτής της σχέσης αποτελεί το πώς η τρισδιάστατη δομή των πρωτεϊνών συνδέεται με τους ρόλους που διαδραματίζουν σε επίπεδο κυττάρου.... more
This paper presents initial results from a survey of project based learning conducted across a dozen strata of high schools including several major reform networks. This approach to instruction appears to be central to progressive reforms... more
There are some trends currently being monitored in the country: interest in science studies and related professions is decreasing; unsatisfactory results of international student achievement research (PISA, TIMSS). In order to make... more
Children transitioning into school are often confronted with formal teaching and learning approaches that contrast sharply with what they have experienced in contemporary early childhood education (ECE) settings. This research project... more
Nowadays, education is no longer to provide information to students, but rather to prepare learners to become active 21st Century critical thinkers (UNESCO, 1998). The need to communicate is instinctive (Stegmaier, 2011) and from this... more
Promoting students’ attitudes, a part of affective domains is a major goal in higher education. Unfortunately, only a few studies were available related to the improvement of pre-service chemistry teachers’ attitudes as this domain was... more
It is widely accepted in the mathematics education community that pedagogies oriented toward inquiry are aligned with a constructivist theory of learning, and that these pedagogies effectively support students' learning of mathematics. In... more
A case study of 10 PYP teachers of Mandarin as a foreign language in Hong Kong and the implementation of inquiry in their classes. The study seeks to find out how much is an inquiry-based approach, as designed by the IBO, applied in... more
Increased student diversity in classrooms and the need for equitable STEM opportunities for all, creates an impetus for educators to establish inclusive and equitable environments and use teaching practices that facilitate meaningful... more
In early 2020, due to the COVD-19 pandemic, Australian schools were closed and students began an unprecedented time of remote learning. The current study aimed to understand how teachers planned and implemented mathematics learning... more
The US Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology recently put a new spin on experimentation skills in engineering education. Specifically, outcome 3b of Engineering Criteria 2000 states that engineering graduates must have... more
In this case study the processes and outcomes of an educational design research project focusing on the creation of a professional development programme for early childhood teachers to foster inquiry-based science education are discussed.... more
A lthough inquiry is more engaging and results in more meaningful learning (Minner, Levy, and Century 2010) than traditional science classroom instruction, actually involving students in the process is difficult. Furthermore, many... more
This chapter from Becoming (Other)wise describes the "Mockingbird Monologues," a four month curriculum project that uses Harper Lee's novel To Kill a Mockingbird to teach empathy through inquiry and readers theater.
This paper will explore how online technologies may be used to enhance the quality of inquiry-based humanities courses. More commonly found in science and math classes, inquiry-based skills engage with content in ways that emphasize such... more
Movie clips can be an effective way to contextualise mathematical problems and engage students. These challenging tasks use a short video clip as a prompt to launch the problem.
The teaching of professions in which technical and manual acts combined with excellent judgment are used to enhance the safety of people, poses challenges to educators. Book learning combined with mock or simulated situations goes a long... more
Resumo Neste trabalho apresenta-se a planificação, implementação e avaliação de uma atividade investigativa enquadrada numa visita de estudo ao Jardim Botânico da Universidade de Lisboa. A atividade teve como participantes 29 alunos do... more
This paper reports on findings from a research project concerned with how electronic networking tools (e-networked tools), such as the Internet, online forums, and mobile technologies, can support authentic science inquiry in junior... more, an art + design + environment eco web, introduces what design is, what it does, and why it is important to the design denied public. connects personal choices with local place based information, object,... more
The shown monograph reacts on the need of development of the pedagogic theory in the fi eld of inquiry based instruction which focuses on the competences of a teacher of technical and natural sciences subjects and on the current needs... more