Recent papers in Inquilinism
In order to survey the ant fauna inhabiting termite nests of Cornitermes cumulans (Kollar) in the Cerrado sensu stricto of Central Brazil, we collected inquiline ants in 36 termitaries in three localities. Termite mounds were fragmented... more
In order to survey the ant fauna inhabiting termite nests of Cornitermes cumulans (Kollar) in the Cerrado sensu stricto of Central Brazil, we collected inquiline ants in 36 termitaries in three localities. Termite mounds were fragmented and the ants collected and preserved in 80% ethanol. Here we present a list of the associated ants found in mounds of C. cumulans. A total of 61 species belonging to nine subfamilies and 32 genera were collected. The subfamily Myrmicinae had the largest number of genera (15) and species (22). The results indicate that termite mounds are an important nesting resource for several ant species in the Brazilian Cerrado.
- by Rodrigo Feitosa and +1
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- Ants, Termites, Brazilian cerrado, Ecological Interactions
Akainothrips francisi sp. nov. is shown to be an inquiline (i.e. it invades, and breeds within, domiciles of another species). Currently, its only known host is Dunatothrips aneurae, a subsocial thrips that creates silken domiciles by... more
Akainothrips francisi sp. nov. is shown to be an inquiline (i.e. it invades, and breeds within, domiciles of another species). Currently, its only known host is Dunatothrips aneurae, a subsocial thrips that creates silken domiciles by securing together phyllodes of mulga (Acacia aneura) in the arid zone of Australia. We found Ak. francisi prolifically breeding inside live D. aneurae host domiciles, both immature and mature. Akainothrips francisi did not kill its host and we saw no evidence of antagonistic host-inquiline interactions. This is thus the second demonstrably inquiline species of Acacia thrips, although other possible inquilines have been suggested including two Akainothrips. We found that Ak. francisi occurred with positive density dependence, and was associated with moderately reduced host reproduction. This latter association was especially evident in larger host domiciles, suggesting that Ak. francisi either inhibits further host reproduction after invasion or exploits poor quality hosts more successfully. Sex ratios were slightly female biased. Akainothrips francisi males were exceptionally variable in size, colour, and foreleg size compared to females, with morphs co-occurring within domiciles, suggesting sexual selection and the possibility of different male reproductive strategies. The discovery of Ak. francisi highlights particular morphological affinities among known or suspected inquiline Acacia thrips within Akainothrips and other genera, allowing us to hypothesize a common origin of this lifestyle from within Akainothrips.
Structural and functional traits of organisms are known to be related to the size of individuals and to the size of their colonies when they belong to one. Among such traits, propensity to inquilinism in termites is known to relate... more
Structural and functional traits of organisms are known to be related to the size of individuals and to the size of their colonies when they belong to one. Among such traits, propensity to inquilinism in termites is known to relate positively to colony size. Larger termitaria hold larger diversity of facultative inquilines than smaller nests, whereas obligate inquilines seem unable to settle in nests smaller than a threshold volume. Respective underlying mechanisms, however, remain hypothetical. Here we test one of such hypotheses, namely, that nest defence correlates negatively to nest volume in Constrictotermes cyphergaster termites (Termitidae: Nasutitermitinae). As a surrogate to defence, we used 'patrolling rate', i.e., the number of termite individuals attending per unit time an experimentally damaged spot on the outer wall of their termitaria. We found that patrolling rate decayed allometrically with increasing nest size. Conspicuously higher patrolling rates occurred in smaller nests, while conspicuously lower rates occurred in larger nests presenting volumes in the vicinity of the threshold value for the establishment of inquilinism. This could be proven adaptive for the host and guest. At younger nest age, host colonies are smaller and presumably more vulnerable and unstable. Enhanced defence rates may, hence, prevent eventual risks to hosts from inquilinism at the same time that it prevents inquilines to settle in a still unstable nest. Conversely, when colonies grow and maturate enough to stand threats, they would invest in priorities other than active defence, opening an opportunity for inquilines to settle in nests which are more suitable or less risky. Under this twofold process, cohabitation between host and inquiline could readily stabilize.
- by Og DeSouza and +3
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- Allometry, Termites, Ecology of Termites, Inquilinism
Comunicação Científica Resumo. Com o objetivo de conhecer a fauna de formigas que coabita os cupinzeiros de Cornitermes cumulans (Kollar) no Cerrado sensu stricto do Brasil Central, foram realizadas coletas em 36 cupinzeiros em três... more
Comunicação Científica Resumo. Com o objetivo de conhecer a fauna de formigas que coabita os cupinzeiros de Cornitermes cumulans (Kollar) no Cerrado sensu stricto do Brasil Central, foram realizadas coletas em 36 cupinzeiros em três localidades. Os cupinzeiros foram fragmentados e o material coletado foi armazenado em frascos com álcool a 80%. Apresentamos aqui uma lista das formigas associadas aos cupinzeiros de C. cumulans. Um total de 61 espécies distribuídas em nove subfamílias e 32 gêneros foi coletado. A subfamília Myrmicinae apresentou o maior número de gêneros (15) e de espécies (22). Estes resultados indicam que ninhos de cupins são importantes recursos de nidificação para várias espécies de formigas no Brasil Central. Palavras-chave: Cupins; Inquilinos; Nidificação; Riqueza de espécies. Ants (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) Associated with Nests of Cornitermes cumulans (Kollar) (Isoptera, Termitidae) in the Cerrado of Central Brazil Abstract. In order to survey the ant fauna inhabiting termite nests of Cornitermes cumulans (Kollar) in the Cerrado sensu stricto of Central Brazil, we collected inquiline ants in 36 termitaries in three localities. Termite mounds were fragmented and the ants collected and preserved in 80% ethanol. Here we present a list of the associated ants found in mounds of C. cumulans. A total of 61 species belonging to nine subfamilies and 32 genera were collected. The subfamily Myrmicinae had the largest number of genera (15) and species (22). The results indicate that termite mounds are an important nesting resource for several ant species in the Brazilian Cerrado.
Your article is protected by copyright and all rights are held exclusively by Springer Science +Business Media Dordrecht. This e-offprint is for personal use only and shall not be selfarchived in electronic repositories. If you wish to... more
Your article is protected by copyright and all rights are held exclusively by Springer Science +Business Media Dordrecht. This e-offprint is for personal use only and shall not be selfarchived in electronic repositories. If you wish to self-archive your article, please use the accepted manuscript version for posting on your own website. You may further deposit the accepted manuscript version in any repository, provided it is only made publicly available 12 months after official publication or later and provided acknowledgement is given to the original source of publication and a link is inserted to the published article on Springer's website. The link must be accompanied by the following text: "The final publication is available at".
How do termite inquilines manage to cohabit termitaria along with the termite builder species? With this in mind, we analysed one of the several strategies that inquilines could use to circumvent conflicts with their hosts, namely, the... more
How do termite inquilines manage to cohabit termitaria along with the termite builder species? With this in mind, we analysed one of the several strategies that inquilines could use to circumvent conflicts with their hosts, namely, the use of distinct diets. We inspected overlapping patterns for the diets of several cohabiting Neotropical termite species, as inferred from carbon and nitrogen isotopic signatures for termite individuals. Cohabitant communities from distinct termitaria presented overlapping diet spaces, indicating that they exploited similar diets at the regional scale. When such communities were split into their components, full diet segregation could be observed between builders and inquilines, at regional (environment-wide) and local (termitarium) scales. Additionally, diet segregation among inquilines themselves was also observed in the vast majority of inspected termitaria. Inquiline species distribution among termitaria was not random. Environmental-wide diet similarity, coupled with local diet segregation and deterministic inquiline distribution, could denounce interactions for feeding resources. However, inquilines and builders not sharing the same termitarium, and thus not subject to potential conflicts, still exhibited distinct diets. Moreover, the areas of the builder's diet space and that of its inquilines did not correlate negatively. Accordingly, the diet areas of builders which hosted inquilines were in average as large as the areas of builders hosting no inquilines. Such results indicate the possibility that dietary partitioning by these cohabiting termites was not majorly driven by current interactive constraints. Rather, it seems to be a result of traits previously fixed in the evolutionary past of cohabitants.
- by Og DeSouza and +5
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- Entomology, Ecology, Species Coexistence, Inquilinism
Termite nests are often secondarily inhabited by other termite species ( = inquilines) that cohabit with the host. To understand this association, we studied the trail-following behaviour in two Neotropical species, Constrictotermes... more
Termite nests are often secondarily inhabited by other termite species ( = inquilines) that cohabit with the host. To understand this association, we studied the trail-following behaviour in two Neotropical species, Constrictotermes cyphergaster (Termitidae: Nasutitermitinae) and its obligatory inquiline, Inquilinitermes microcerus (Termitidae: Termitinae).
- by Anna Jirošová and +2
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- Evolutionary Biology, Pheromones, Ecology, Evolution
Termite nests are often secondarily inhabited by other termite species ( = inquilines) that cohabit with the host. To understand this association, we studied the trail-following behaviour in two Neotropical species, Constrictotermes... more
Termite nests are often secondarily inhabited by other termite species ( = inquilines) that cohabit with the host. To understand this association, we studied the trail-following behaviour in two Neotropical species, Constrictotermes cyphergaster (Termitidae: Nasutitermitinae) and its obligatory inquiline, Inquilinitermes microcerus (Termitidae: Termitinae).
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