Innovations in Education

425 papers
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Innovations in Education refer to the development and implementation of new teaching methods, technologies, and practices aimed at enhancing learning experiences, improving educational outcomes, and addressing the diverse needs of learners in various educational settings.
Introduction. In the second half of the XIX – first quarter of the XX centuries, a significant theoretical and practical contribution to pedagogical science and educational practice was made by a prominent regional figure of education,... more
La realidad virtual tiene actualmente el potencial de producir transformaciones significativas en la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de la geometría. Los estudios realizados hasta el momento constatan las mejoras que produce el uso de esta... more
except for brief excerpts in connection with reviews or scholarly analysis. Use in connection with any form of information storage and retrieval, electronic adaptation, computer software, or by similar or dissimilar methodology now known... more
El presente articulo da cuenta del analisis efectuado sobre los primeros avances realizados en el marco de un Proyecto de Investigacion cuyo objetivo es determinar si, en la Facultad de Ciencias Economicas de la Universidad Nacional de... more
This article uses oral history, archival material, and published primary sources to examine the competing conceptions of “innovation” at work in the creation and operation of the West Philadelphia Community Free School (WPCFS) from 1969... more
Cet article vise à présenter les innovations dans le domaine de l’éducation sur le long terme de l’histoire humaine. Le mot innovation signifie essentiellement quelque chose de nouveau. Innovation signifie essentiellement nouveauté. Le... more
This article aims to present the innovations that have occurred in education throughout the history of humanity. Innovation means novelty. The word innovation refers to an idea, method or object that is created and that bears little... more
Este artigo tem por objetivo apresentar as inovações em educação que ocorreram ao longo da história da humanidade. Inovação significa em síntese novidade. A palavra inovação se refere a uma ideia, método ou objeto que é criado e que... more
Un approccio innovativo che inserisce la "A" di arte nel sistema STEM, con l'idea che le arti possano costituire un ponte tra le materie scienti che e quelle umanistiche per fornire ai giovani competenze interdisciplinari e trasversali... more
This paper describes a method for analysing the learning processes that take place in a computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL) environment. The approach is based on tracking the interactions between learners and tutors. Keeping... more
A tipikus fejlődésmenetű diákok tanulói teljesítményeiről számos szakirodalom készült, akár fenntartói, akár különböző iskolatípusokban végzett vizsgálatokat tekintve (például Elder–Jepsen 2014; Hegedűs 2020), az atipikus fejlődésmenetű... more
This paper addresses efficiency in educational systems and explores ways to make educational systems more efficient. Starting from the conceptual framework of the education production function, we analyze the inputs, outputs, and... more
Egy oktatási intézmény népszerűségét, teljesítményét az intézmény különböző jellemzői határozzák meg, például az intézmény által kínált oktatási lehetőségek, az oda bekerülő tanulók teljesítménye, versenyeztetési, tehetséggondozási,... more
The adaptation process of Alternative Augmentative Communication (AAC) systems to disabled children is an interdisciplinary and highly knowledgeable decision-making endeavor. The work reported here is part of a project aimed at creating... more
Laboratory assessments in science education involves authentic and complex tasks that align with the goals of contemporary educational objectives. However, there is a notable dearth of studies specifically addressing teachers' practices... more
Note. This book is the result of the projects "Improving the quality and accessibility of education in modernization processes in Serbia" (No. 47008) and "From encouraging initiative, cooperation and creativity in education to new roles... more
Parte de una preocupacion en inicio personal, sobre la utilizacion y rendimiento de los estudiantes en campus virtual. La evidencia durante la docencia de que el estudiante no posee las competencias en el uso de las TIC que se le... more
The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and... more
es la unidad encargada del diseño y aplicación de las pruebas que se aplican a casi la totalidad de los postulantes a los estudios universitarios. En el presente artículo se describe el proceso de construcción de estos instrumentos y se... more
Aquest article fa un lIeuger exercici de reflexió al voltant del concepte de "pedagogia social» 1. Un exercici que neix d'una metatora ("aire de família») que utilitza Wittgenstein en les seves Investigacions filosófiques: "Considera ara,... more
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to analyze the impact of the incubators on entrepreneurial processes in Turkey. Methodology: We divided incubators in the sample universe into four different categories that are business based,... more
El trabajo visibiliza cómo es significada por el alumnado una experiencia de innovación docente en la universidad que despliega el proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje desde las ideas del construccionismo social (Gergen, 2015). Sus valoraciones... more
School-level inefficiencies and mismanagement can have serious repercussions for human resource development and labor market outcomes. This paper investigates the extent and consequences of existing technical inefficiency of schools with... more
The article is devoted to an evaluation of school staff teaching and education experiences in an intercultural environment. A part of the MiCREATE project is presented, consisting of forty four interviews and six focus group interviews... more
The quality of supervisory relationships has a significant impact on research students' ability to successfully attain their goals. One risk factor is contrasting expectations of the role of the supervisory team. We report a case where we... more
Формирование эстетики поведения в семье
Research in the field of education plays a pivotal role in developing evidence-based practices in teaching and improving the quality of education. However, research conducted in recent years has highlighted the unwillingness of teachers... more
BACKGROUND: Chronic pain is a common patient complaint in primary care, yet providers and patients are often dissatisfied with treatment processes and outcomes. OBJECTIVE: To assess provider satisfaction with their training for and... more
Напечатано по распоряжению Академии Наук СССР Непременный секретарь академик В. Волгин Главный редактор академик А. Е, Ферсман Зам. главного редактора В. Н. Васильев Ответственный редактор А. И. Ш а с т о в Технический редактор Г. А.... more
Az erőforrások közül egyedül az emberi erőforrások képesek tevékenységük megtervezésére, megszervezésére, saját és mások teljesítményének befolyásolására, valamint szükség esetén a korrekciók végrehajtására. A szervezeti döntésekben... more
Purpose-The purposes of this research are twofold: (a) to conduct content analysis of current literature to specify the differences between business and entrepreneurship education in order to identify competences (learning outcomes)... more
as learning environments in which heterogeneous communities get together to ex-change knowledge through discussion and put it into practice through actual contri-butions to software development, revision and testing. This has encouraged... more
С переходом государственных высших учебных заведений в рыночные условия хозяйствования, с возникновением и развитием частных ВУЗов нередко возникают проблемы, связанные с оценкой профессионального образования студентов. В условиях... more
is in the process of transforming itself from a teaching-based college to a student-centered organization. Faculty-led teams are a critical element in this transformation. With active support from its faculty union, Fleming has reduced... more
This article reports the analysis carried out with regard to the fi rst advances performed within the framework of a research project with the aim of determining if at the Faculty of Economic Sciences, National University of Jujuy,... more
Note. This book is the result of the projects "Improving the quality and accessibility of education in modernization processes in Serbia" (No. 47008) and "From encouraging initiative, cooperation and creativity in education to new roles... more
Az ezredfordulót követő társadalmi, gazdasági problémákra számos területnek választ kell adnia, így az oktatásnak is. A globalizációs folyamat során a tudásgazdaság tekintetében megfigyelhető, hogy a nemzetközi innovációs rendszerek... more
Blockchain irrumpe en el escenario educativo ofreciendo alternativas de mejora sobre ciertos procesos administrativos, como son el reconocimiento de identidad del usuario, la validación no mediada de certificados académicos, o la... more
The COVID-19 pandemic has profoundly affected every facet of human life worldwide. Its spread has significantly restricted outdoor human activities. COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by coronavirus 2, leading to severe acute... more
This paper presents brief results of the analysis of educational potential dynamics and its relation with development of regional labour markets. The educational potential is described by the structure of the economically active... more
Yüksək keyfiyyətli təlim nəticələrinin əldə edilməsi üçün effektiv yeniliklərə ehtiyac çoxdur. Təhsildə innovasiyalar tədris və təlim praktikasının təkmilləşdirilməsində, eləcə də şagirdlərin və valideynlərin maraqlarının təmin... more
Doctoral education represents an important path for entry into the global research community. At the same time, doctoral degrees contribute to modern societies by aiming to produce competent researchers. Being a successful doctoral... more
The EdLead project included several knowledge-generating events and activities. One was an international scientific conference entitled 'Challenges and dilemmas of professional development of teachers and leaders in education' , organised... more
E tanulmány "A helyi innovációk keletkezése, terjedése és rendszerformáló hatása az oktatási ágazatban" c. kutatás ("Innova kutatás"-OTKA/NKFIH azonosító: 115857) keretei között készült (a kutatás weblapját lásd itt:... more
Cet article présente les résultats d'une étude réalisée auprès de quatre écoles secondaires d'une localité catalane pendant la période allant de 1996 à 1998. Cette étude a appliqué la théorie du dispositif pédagogique de Basil... more