Innovation Networks
Recent papers in Innovation Networks
Global' corporations are being held accountable for conditions at sites of production, formerly the domains of their foreign contractors. This shift was exemplified when consumers in Nike's largest markets began replacing the excitement... more
Cooperatives serve both social and economic collective purposes and the members of a cooperative are at the same time both owners and users of the cooperative. This dual character leads to ambiguity, and the contradictory activities of... more
This thesis analysis the characteristics, importance and role of tourism innovation developed at territorial level and its impact on destination development. It is a multidisciplinary study based on an extensive literature review on... more
""In networked or open innovation processes, so-called innovation communities have been identified, in which innovation champions from different levels in the innovation system supposedly act as a team. Connecting the literature on... more
This study aims at describing and analyzing the network formation of technological innovation. Studying this research phenomenon as processes generally and as sociomaterial processes specifically calls for a holistic and process driven... more
O presente estudo tem por objetivo estabelecer os princípios básicos para a configuração de uma rede de inovação tecnológica voltada ao segmento madeireiro da Amazônia Legal. Dessa forma, é possível criar oportunidades para o... more
This paper examines how and why news organizations are deploying open Application Programming Interfaces (so-called “open APIs”) as part of their online strategy, connecting this phenomenon with the “open innovation” paradigm (Chesbrough,... more
Innovations have become indispensable in global intercity competition. Local actors must be able to forge links to different domains of global innovation in order to be able to gain access to and benefit from global flows of values. In... more
The global space industry has recently seen a structural transformation through the emergence of "New Space", i.e. a significant expansion of the development of smaller, cheaper and more modular space-related products in services. One... more
The number of publicly funded initiatives to establish or strengthen networks and clusters, in order to enhance innovation, has been increasing. Returns on such investments vary, and the aim of this study is to explore to what extent the... more
Transitie in de Openbare Bibliotheeksector en het doel om de vernieuwingskracht van bibliotheekorganisaties te versterken heeft geleid tot een netwerk brede innovatieagenda. Hierin zijn netwerksamenwerking, netwerkrollen en... more
El artículo propone un modelo para la gestión del conocimiento en el tema de bioetanol. La propuesta consiste en una plataforma denominada BIOred, que está construida usando el modelo propuesto por Nonaka & Takeuchi, en la cual se... more
Gegenstand des Projektkberichts ist die Zusammenarbeit von Stiftungen und Staat auf dem Gebiet der Schulreform. Es geht dabei um die Frage, welche Rolle sektor-übergreifende Netzwerke für Innovationsprozesse in komplexen sozialen... more
Previous research has shown that formal networks can play a crucial role in the formation of technological innovation systems (TIS). Firms and other actors collaborate in formal networks not only to generate new knowledge but also to... more
The development and diffusion of novel technologies, e.g. for decentralized energy generation, crucially depends on supportive institutional structures such as R&D programs, specific regulations, technical standards, or positive... more
Dynamic capabilities (DC) Theory highlights the need for organizations to constantly innovate their service offerings. With growing digitalization, service innovation processes (SIP) are particularly reliant on sensing capabilities of the... more
Ao longo dos últimos dois séculos, o Brasil enfrentou diversas mudanças e instabilidades no seu contexto institucional em Saúde Pública. Visando amortecer essas instabilidades, foi introduzida pelo Governo Federal uma política de indução... more
The aim of this thesis is to investigate the main factors influencing the access to and commercialisation of new knowledge by Taiwanese biopharmaceutical firms.
This case study assessed local food stakeholders’ use of Facebook and Twitter to support interaction and build their networks of innovation in Ontario. Data were collected using Netlytic − an online data mining tool from the social media... more
Firms situated within innovation networks require specific abilities to acquire, from their network partners, the knowledge and the complementary assets that facilitate their innovation performance. Drawing on the resource-based view and... more
Reputation is often overlooked in the geography of innovation studies, but may represent a relevant outcome of the participation in multi-scalar research and innovation networks. To date, a limited number of studies have outlined how... more
In this paper we introduce a novel entrepreneurial model for funding and managing future intelligent educational environments and other academic business enterprise; the Faculty-Cooperative. The goal of this model is to create a business... more
This paper focuses on the innovation networks of high-technology Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) within a Science and Technology Park (STP). More specifically, the study examines the role of network ties in high-technology SMEs... more
This Dissertation is brought to you for free and open access by the Graduate School at Scholar Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Graduate Theses and Dissertations by an authorized administrator of Scholar Commons. For more... more
Netzwerke sind beliebte Lösungsansätze für komplexe Probleme im Bildungsbereich. Was sollten vernetzungswillige Stiftungen und ihre Partner rund um die Gründung und Durchführung eines Netzwerks bedenken? Für welche Art von Problem eignet... more
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Economic geographers have recently made important contributions to understanding of the relationship between regional transformation , industrial specialisation and innovation networks in the emergence of new industries. However, most... more
The aim of this work is to give an overview on the development of theoretical concepts and methodological approaches to investigate innovation networks, in particular the use of social network analysis in the study of university industry... more
The range of inter-organisational innovation networks existing in the global economy today show a wide variance in structure, purpose, location, lifespan and maturity. These differences between network instantiations highlight the need... more
Recent agenda-setting exercises in the national innovation systems and industrial dynamics literatures have highlighted the unresolved methodological challenges faced by those seeking to explore the innovation process in a co-evolutionary... more
In this assignment, we have studied the topic of lead users as a source of innovation. For this study, we have used the course literature as well as other articles and books available on the subject. Due to the extent of the research done... more
This chapter discusses responses to severe structural problems faced by post-industrial cities in developed countries. The driving force behind this development is deindustrialization and related need to find ways to compensate the job... more
Nanotechnology is an emerging interdisciplinary field that, according to the European Commission, represents one of the world’s new technological frontiers. Nanoscience and nanotechnology play a key role in European Union research... more
We investigate some of the properties and extensions of a dynamic innovation network model recently introduced in [36]. In the model, the set of efficient graphs ranges, depending on the cost for maintaining a link, from the complete... more
This paper examines the roles for managing in business nets. The roles are studied by applying an initial conceptual framework built on network management research and role theory. The study empirically grounds the framework by using the... more
The knowledge-based economy has created new opportunities for marginal regions, even though some areas in advanced economies still show unbalanced development patterns. This article uses the Italian partnerships created within the... more
Purpose of investigation work that is presented was to study, with focus of Study of Knowledge Networks, integration among a group of projects of Central University Marta Abreu of Las Villas (UCLV) and Municipal University Center (MUC) of... more