Injury Biomechanics
Most cited papers in Injury Biomechanics
To gain insight into the adaptive response of human tendon to paralysis, we compared the mechanical properties of the in vivo patellar tendon in six men who were spinal cord–injured (SCI) and eight age-matched, able-bodied men.... more
A powerful tool for investigating the physical process producing head trauma is finite element (FE) modeling. In this paper, we present a 3D FE model of the human head that accounts for important geometric characteristics of the various... more
The aim of this study was to investigate muscle damage indicators and electromyography activities of quadriceps muscles at 25° of hip flexion in untrained healthy females after an eccentric exercise induced muscle fiber damage.
Soccer is the world's most popular sport and unique in that players use their unprotected heads to intentionally deflect, stop, or redirect the ball for both offensive and defensive strategies. Headed balls travel at high velocity pre-and... more
Knee abduction/adduction moment and knee internal rotation moment are known surrogate measures of anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) load during tasks like sidestepping and single-leg landing. Previous experimental literature has shown that... more
The Hybrid III 50th percentile male anthropomorphic test device (ATD) is the most widely used human impact testing surrogate and has historically been used in automotive or military testing. More recently, this ATD is finding use in... more
ABSTRACT – Dating to Colonel John Paul Stapp MD in 1975, scientists have desired to measure live human head impacts with accuracy and precision. But no instrument exists to accurately and precisely quantify single head impact events.... more
Background: Athletes suffering an anterior cruciate ligament injury tend to exhibit similar body postures that in sidestep cutting are associated with increased knee moments. This relationship, however, has not been investigated in... more
Background: Lack of the neuromuscular control during locomotion in the knee joint leads to an increased risk of anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury in children. Hence, we aimed to explore the effects of a repetitive, model-oriented,... more
In contrast to most scientific disciplines, sports science research has been characterized by comparatively little effort investment in the development of relevant phenomenological models. Scarcer yet is the application of said models in... more
Eccentric hamstring strength is an aetiological risk factor for soccer injury. The temporal pattern of recovery post-exercise is critical in injury management. 18 male professional soccer players completed baseline assessments of... more
The purpose of the study was to investigate the effects of fatigue on lower extremity joint kinematics, and kinetics during repetitive drop jumps. Twelve recreationally active males (n=6) and females (n=6) (nine used for analysis)... more
Injury prevention frameworks are critical for preventing musculoskeletal injury and improving rehabilitation outcomes. However, their relative successes in translation arguably rely on two interlinked components: 1) the quality of the... more
H istorically, linear acceleration has been the main parameter by which to measure athletic head injury risk; however, combinations of linear and rotational impact dosage have been widely acknowledged as contributors to head injury.... more
Adequately shaped femoral plate is critical for the fixation of fracture in the pertrochanteric regions. Lateral aspect of greater trochanter is an important region where the proximal femoral plate anchored. However, little is known... more
The kinematics and kinetics of head impact due to a standing fall onto a hard surface are summarized. Head injury due to impact from falls represents a significant problem, especially for older individuals. When the head is left... more
Limited research has been conducted into the effect of load carriage on discomfort and injuries. This study aimed to determine the skeletal discomfort for part-time soldiers who completed a 1-hour field march carrying 24 kg. A postmarch... more
Unobtrusive observations of bicyclists were conducted at two-way, three-way, and four-way stop-controlled intersections. Consistent with previous reports, most cyclists did not stop at the stop sign.
BACKGROUND: A better coupling of the occupant to the car seat in the early phase of a frontal or far side impacts using pretensioner systems may reduce the likelihood of the submarining effect or increases the likelihood of seat belt... more
BACKGROUND: A better coupling of the occupant to the car seat in the early phase of a frontal or far side impacts using pretensioner systems may reduce the likelihood of the submarining effect or increases the likelihood of seat belt... more
This study aimed to develop a 2-dimensional (2D) video screening tool capable of predicting an athlete's peak 3-dimensional (3D) knee moments during unplanned sidestepping. 2D video-based kinematic measures were simultaneously captured... more
Existing rigid body dynamics and finite element computer codes do not have adequate databases for manikin neck structures to properly model head/neck system dynamics occurring in crash or ejection testing. This report describes measured... more
The risk of rib fracture significantly increases with age with compounding deleterious effects. Previous research identifying rib properties has provided useful information for application in car safety. However, no study to-date has... more
There is strong evidence linking an athlete's movement technique during sidestepping with anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury risk. However, it is unclear how these injurious postures are influenced by prior movement. We aim to... more
Background: In taekwondo (TKD), the incidence of concussion is four times greater than in American gridiron football. Biomechanical studies of concussion in taekwondo are scarce. Research question: To assess the effect of head impact... more
Objective: Previous researches on sports injuries primarily focused on specific games or sports or on specific types of injuries. None of them had tried to explore the injury patterns of games and sports altogether. The current study... more
Pelvic obliquity angles were hypothesised to influence mediolateral (ML) foot position estimates during sporting manoeuvres. Pelvic angles and ML foot position estimates during the weight acceptance phase of sidestepping and straight-line... more
Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries have been shown to place a severe burden on the injured athlete and the Australian health care system. Significant research has been dedicated to injury prevention training programs with limited... more
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