Inheritance Law
Recent papers in Inheritance Law
Este Trabajo Fin de Grado trata de presentar la situación actual y los posibles desarrollos del debate acerca de la libertad de testar en materia de sucesiones hereditarias, según las más recientes contribuciones en España así como en... more
Wills are formal legal affairs that must satisfy strict prerequisites in order to be valid. Otherwise, they will be either automatically null or voidable. The rules pertaining to the form of wills have always been strict and have required... more
Crisis voor een belastinghervorming? 2 Frans VANISTENDAEL Rechtsleer De verschillende gedaanten van belastingvermijding in BEPS, Europees recht en nationaal recht 4 Frans VANISTENDAEL Doorrekening van kosten inzake btw 16 Luc HEYLENS... more
The paper discusses varying jurisdictions and evolving structures of the law of succession in Poland within last 100 years. It proves that basic notions of the law of succession remain unshaken, because the stability of the private law... more
Действия на съдебният изпълнител при смърт на длъжника в хода на изпълнителното производство В хода на времето към мени разбира се и към колегисе отправяха множество въпроси във връзка с проблемите на наследяването в изпълнителното... more
Los cambios sociales, y, en particular, las nuevas formas de organización familiar, han dado lugar a una modificación del Derecho de sucesiones en Alemania, sobre todo, en la regulación de la legítima. La reforma sigue las pautas marcadas... more
Portuguese report to the Common Core of European Private Law volume on "immoral contracts". Report includes analysis of case scenarios on a range of issues, from sex work to surrogacy, from freedom to marry to inheritance issues, from... more
In 2007, in its Final Report on the financial consequences of cohabitation, the Law Commission decided not to recommend any changes to the intestacy rules to cover for the situation where a cohabitant's partner dies. However in June 2008,... more
Przegląd Prawniczy Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego nr 2/2005, s. 117-127
In 1776 Jefferson said that the most important change he made to make Virginia laws more democratic was his bill to alter Virginia's inheritance law. His bill allowed for land and goods of those who died without a will to be equally... more
This paper seeks to respond to defences of the right to bequeath wealth, focusing mainly on arguments that appear in libertarian writings. I argue that bequeathing property is typically subject to a lower opportunity cost than various... more
Ø el interés público del Estado de que, tras la muerte del sujeto, los activos no se conviertan en . res nullius Ø el interés privado del difunto en cuanto a disponer de sus bienes por el tiempo que deja de vivir, y Y el derecho de... more
This collection of articles contains new and important findings concerning the scale and significance of asset transfers through inheritance among different populations, as well as the ways in which inheritance affects economic and social... more
This introduction to private law takes the reader on an intellectual journey through the different facets and dimensions of the field, from the family home to Kuta Beach and from Thomas Piketty to Nina Hagen. This concise book provides an... more
The United States Supreme Court has heard oral arguments in the case Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization, No. 19-1392 (cert. granted May 17, 2021). During said arguments, by many accounts, the majority of the justices seemed to... more
Tener persona On Identity and Identification in Early Modern Societies This article aims to clarify the logics that governed operations of identification and claims to personal identity under the early modern Spanish Monarchy by... more
This opinion gives an explanation of canon 668 of the Code of the Canon Law for the Latin Rite. It deals with the question of a member of a religious institute who inherits a great deal of money. In this particular case the member is a... more
Detta är en bearbetad version av kapitel 2 i min bok Kvinnor och familj i det forn- och medeltida Skandinavien, Skara 1992. Kap. 3 och 4 har just laddats upp.
La produzione del testamento olografo non in originale ma in copia giustificherebbe, secondo la costante giurisprudenza di legittimità, la presunzione che il de cuius lo abbia revocato distruggendolo deliberatamente, presunzione che... more
This paper deals with two selected institutes of czech land inheritance law in the Middle Ages. Based on analysis of legal sources dedicated to the progresive development of legitimate hereditary, which extended the benefit of survivors... more
Erfrechtelijke vraagstukken dienen tot heden opgelost te worden op grond van maatschappelijke spelregels van 1869 hoewel we nu, anno 2007, in een andere tijd leven: een tijd waarin - anders dan in 1869 - het krijgen van kinderen en zelf... more
Succession law has been developing intensively in the Russian Federation since the collapse of the Soviet Union. One of the recent proposals to the Russian succession law has been the introduction of the inheritance contract. The research... more
Abotu writing a will...details, and specifics...
In this paper at hand, an effort has been made to discuss a few matters concerning Western jurisprudence and Islamic jurisprudence as briefly as possible.
The Poetics and Politics of Space and Place in Scottish Literature. Ed. Monika Szuba and Julian Wolfreys. Houndmills: Palgrave, 2019. 31-46. Print.
Memoria final para optar por el título de Magíster en Práctica Legal Sustentada por: AGRADECIMIENTOS 6 A mi amada por el tiempo que me diste, A mis padres por la columna que edificaron A mis amigos por la distancia que nos separa A mis... more
მემკვიდრეობის არსი კანონით და ანდერძით მემკვიდრეობა სავალდებულო წილი მემკვიდრე უღირსი მემკვიდრე სამკვიდრო მოწმობა სამკვიდროს გახსნა სამკივდრო მოწმობის გაცემა, სამკვიდროს მიღება ნოტარიუსის სხვა უფლებამოსილებანი სამემკვიდრეო... more
U radu se govori o svojeručnom testamentu kao jednom od najčešćih oblika zavještanja. Autor navodi većinu nedoumica koje se pojavljuju u teoriji i praksi u vezi sa formom olografskog testamenta. Primjenom naučnih metoda, kritički su... more
Druga część artykułu dotyczy wykładni i stosowania na ziemiach centralnych Polski przepi-sów Kodeksu Napoleona o spadkach wakujących. Kodeks nie zawiera definicji spadku waku-jącego. Kluczowe znaczenie dla interpretacji przepisów o... more
What happens if one dies without a will...
This article deals with the until now research of the possession of serf immoveable properties on the territories of Bohemia and Moravia. Attention is being paid to primary sources and methodological approaches suitable for investigating... more
The so-called principle of the personal character of the testament becomes more and more often raised as an argument by Polish legal scholars. The text provides the first systematic analysis of the principle in Polish law. To verify the... more
One of the most debated issues that European lawyers are tackling is the enforcement of fundamental rights in private law. Nonetheless, the intersection between inheritance law and fundamental rights is still neglected, due to the... more
A draft translation of the 'Edictum de beneficiis regni italici' (Edict on the Benefices of the Kingdom of Italy), also known as the 'Constitutio de feudis' (Constitution or Ordinance on Fiefs) issued by Emperor Conrad II (r.1024-1039) on... more
I. Introducción.— II. Antecedentes normativos y regulación vigente en España del llamado arbitraje testamentario.— III. El arbitraje testamentario como un supuesto atípico de arbitraje.— IV. El árbitro testamentario y otras figuras... more