Information systems models
Recent papers in Information systems models
Space data systems are inherently complex. They are systems-of-systems, typically composed of spacecraft and mission operations systems (MOS) belonging to one (or more) organizations, and multi-mission communication assets belonging to... more
En la práctica los esquemas Entidad Interrelación (ER) generados durante la modelación conceptual no son capaces de especificar reglas necesarias para garantizar la integridad de un sistema de información (SI). Aunque han existido... more
Product lifecycle management (PLM) systems formally represent product information across the different functional departments of an organization throughout an entire product lifecycle. Integrating the PLM systems with the emerging... more
This paper addresses the complexity of conceptual modeling in a sce-nario in which semantic interoperability requirements are increasingly present. It elaborates on the need for developing sound ontological foundations for conceptual... more
Robotics systems designed for surgical applications such as Neurosurgery, likely may need to implement synchronous communication in real time and asynchronous learning. It will likely primarily be oriented towards spatial imaging and 3D... more
This paper presents a diagnosis of mainstream service modeling languages (SoaML, USDL, and ArchiMate) in light of UFO-S, a reference ontology for services. UFO-S is intended as a broad ontology for service phenomena, harmonizing different... more
In recent years, there has been a growth in the use of reference conceptual models to capture information about complex and critical domains. However, as the complexity of domain increases, so does the size and complexity of the models... more
A Spatial Query Language for Building Information Models enables the spatial analysis of buildings and the extraction of partial models that fulfill certain spatial constraints. Among other features, the developed spatial query language... more
Tujuan Instruksional Khusus (TIK) Mengenali teknik pemodelan, model user dan kognitif Menjelaskan model-model interaksi Menyebutkan bagaimana teknik semi formal yaitu analisa status/ kejadian. Pokok Bahasan : Formalisasi Standard,... more
Distribution Automation (DA) is viewed as an integral component of the Smart Grid paradigm. It facilitates the employment of computer technology and communication infrastructure to advance management and operation of the distribution... more
Postgraduate research students often feel isolated studying in their own topic and the long-term effect of isolation and lack of social connectedness brings negative impacts e.g. dropping out from the research program. Gamification is... more
Postgraduate research students often feel isolated studying in their own topic and the long-term effect of isolation and lack of social connectedness brings negative impacts e.g. dropping out from the research program. Gamification is... more
Conceptual modeling plays a fundamental role to capture information about complex business domains (e.g., finance, healthcare) and enables semantic interoperability. To fulfill their role, conceptual models must contain the exact set of... more
An information system is an integrated system of components that cooperatively aim to collect, store, manipulate, process, and disseminate data, information, and knowledge, often offered as digital products. A model of an existing or... more
Conceptual models are often built with techniques that propose a strict stratification of entities into two classification levels: a level of types (or classes) and a level of instances. Multi-level conceptual modeling extends the... more
Over the years, there is a growing interest in employing theories from philosophical ontology, cognitive science, and linguistics to devise theoretical, methodological and computational tools for conceptual modeling, knowledge... more
In recent years, there has been a growth in the use of reference conceptual models to capture information about complex and critical domains. However, as the complexity of domain increases, so does the size and complexity of the models... more
In this article, key points are discussed concerning knowledge representation for clinical decision support systems in the domain of physical medicine and rehabilitation. Information models, classifications and terminologies, such as the... more
A semantic information model to improve reuse and communication of engineering design knowledge is presented in this paper. We consider design to be a process involving a sequence of decisions informed by the current state of information.... more
Materials, and therefore material selections, influence the sustainable impact of a product from beginning to end-of-life. With improved access to material information, product designers can attain newfound insight into the sustainability... more
Business Process Modelling (BPM) plays a major role in the early stages of software development-too large, in the author's opinion. Almost all procedural methods recommend starting with BPM modelling. Almost all business analysts use BPM... more
As the computer literacy spreads among public servants, the focus of communication between system analysts and users is moved on specification forms that appears formal and semi-formal documents, and spreadsheet like descriptions. The... more
Conceptual models are often built with techniques that propose a strict stratification of entities into two classification levels: a level of types (or classes) and a level of instances. Multi-level conceptual modeling extends the... more
One of the most significant advantages of model-based testing is that it optimizes the software testing time and cost. To further make test execution more efficient, the automated validation tools access the shortest possible path from... more
The philosophy of information systems must explain what the field is about, what constituents make up the field, how we advance knowledge about those constituents, and what traditional philosophical issues may arise through the study, use... more
All in-text references underlined in blue are linked to publications on ResearchGate, letting you access and read them immediately.
Many products developed today are becoming increasingly reliant on embedded software to facilitate customisation. Such products are becoming extraordinarily complex systems to design, update and maintain throughout the entire product life... more
The purpose of this research is studying the key dimensions that explain the use of social network systems. In order to achieve this purpose, it was identified a model that explains the use of social systems. The model is an extension of... more
Minimizing implementation time and manual configuration, as well as straightforward upgradability are the key requirements of efficient substation automation systems. For larger utilities this often necessitates achieving interoperability... more
Index 145 157 167 187 PREFACE xi
of the potential for ne5ly created or modified policies to conflict 5ith already deployed policies8 9e propose an approach for policy conflict analysis in 5hich candidate policies (either ne5ly created or modified) are analy<ed on a... more
The purpose of this research is studying the key dimensions that explain the use of social network systems. In order to achieve this purpose, it was identified a model that explains the use of social systems. The model is an extension of... more
The traditional view of data, information, and knowledge as a hierarchy fosters an understanding of information as an independent entity with objective meaning-that while information is tied to data and knowledge, its existence is not... more
This is the presentation from the SpaceOps 2016 conference in Deajeon, Korea, May 2016. It is for the companion paper of the same title that describes the use of a SysML method for accurately modeling complex systems-of-system interfaces.... more
The lack of electronic decision support is an emerging issue for pharmacists in Australia involved in medication reviews. A digital document approach allows a flexible means of communicating and sharing medication-related information... more
In the past decades, the Unified Foundational Ontology (UFO) has played an important role in supporting the development of ontologies in academic and business settings, being employed to represent widely diverse domains. In this period, a... more
Postgraduate research students often feel isolated studying in their own topic and the long-term effect of isolation and lack of social connectedness brings negative impacts e.g. dropping out from the research program. Gamification is... more
Cooperative Management has appeared as a promising paradigm on which Network and System Management (NSM) solutions should be partially or entirely based This paper proposes a conceptual framework to obtain, from any CIM schemas, NSM... more
The network management area has some proposals to use XML to encode information models and managed object instances. In this paper we present a solution to dynamically create SNMP to XML proxies using a SAX parser and the translation... more
The purpose of this paper is to verify the factors that influence acceptance it in the context of cloud computing systems adoption. This study presents the theoretical factors, which influence the acceptance of new information systems.... more