Information Techology
Recent papers in Information Techology
In IT companies, people are relevant the most relevant asset in the chain value, it is mandatory to have efficient HR management for their sustainability. In order to validate the Hypothesis "Are non-financial factors more important than... more
Este trabajo se encuentra dividido en 6 partes. La primera (apartado II) aborda el proceso electrónico y la tendencia generalizada al abandono del papel como soporte de comunicación, pasando revista sobre el proceso de escasa cuantía y... more
In the modern world of social media dominance, the microblogs like Twitter and Facebook are probably the best source of up-to-date information. The amount of information available on these platforms is huge, although most of it is... more
- Result of “the Onlife Initiative,” a one-year project funded by the European Commission to study the deployment of ICTs and its effects on the human condition - Inspires reflection on the ways in which a hyperconnected world forces the... more
In current days, Big Data is stored and produced in massive volumes and from multiple sources. Using such data is becoming a vital process for the work of governments, business, and individual. One of the benefits is demonstrated in... more
Teknologjia po ecën me hapa të shpejtë dhe ndikimin më të madh mendohet që ta ketë tek bizneset. Vetëm duke hedhur një vështrim rreth e rrotull mund të shohim se sa rëndësi ka marrë ajo sot, duke ndryshuar mënyrën e komunikimit apo të... more
Our goal is to prepare students for the future challenges in managing and analysing the rapidly growing amounts of data that is produced manually by humans as well as automatically generated by, for example, sensors in emerging Internet... more
Radar telah menjadi instrumen yang sangat penting sejak masa Perang Dunia II. Kapal perang dan pesawat tempur dilengkapi dengan radar untuk mendeteksi keberadaan musuh. Pada zaman sekarang radar berperan penting dalam navigasi dan piranti... more
AABSTRAK Arsip elektronik memiliki peranan penting dalam sistem administrasi, selain itu juga sebagai alat bukti yang sah berdasarkan Undang-undang Nomor 11 pasal 5 ayat (1) Tahun 2008. Perkembangan teknologi informasi mengharuskan... more
This descriptive correlational study aimed at the level of Phonemic awareness as a predictor of Word Decoding ability among BS-IT students using a total enumeration technique that involves students enrolled in the course program.... more
La ingeniería del conocimiento es un área de la computación empleada en las organizaciones como una estrategia para conservar el conocimiento clave y emplearlo de manera estratégica. Este artículo muestra como la investigación de mercados... more
Water bodies like lakes or tanks or ponds play a significant role in preserving and restoring the ecological stability. They are in existence for several centuries, serving the water needs of communities. Encroachment of water bodies for... more
This research describes and analyses the sociotechnical and political dimensions of dataveillance as they are found within the security apparatus of the National Security Agency and the commercial apparatus of Google corporation. The goal... more
This dissertation asserts the relevance, suitability and relatable nature of pure trance film in a contemporary society with issues of isolation, anxiety and alienation. Issues closely related to recent increase in Internet and social... more
The central aim of this study was to test a model that integrates determinants of educational computer use. In particular, the article examines teacher and school characteristics that are associated with different types of computer use by... more
This essay advocates for a significant reorientation and reconceptualization of communication studies in order to accommodate the opportunities and challenges introduced by increasingly intelligent machines, autonomous decision making... more
Readers of this research will find on the following pages the result of a combination of methods and investigative approaches dedicated to the contextualization and measurement of how IT professionals in the city of... more
La metodología de seguridad está diseñada para ayudar a desarrollar una estrategia para proteger la disponibilidad, integridad y confidencialidad de los datos de los sistemas informáticos. La metodología ofrece un acercamiento sistemático... more
China’s Digital Silk Road is an ambitious and important vision to catalyze global digitalization. What will it mean for digital governance?
Social media has become a prominent and a powerful forum for voter enlightenment, political activism and fastest means of information dissemination. An individual without a social media account is seen in the society as obsolete. Social... more
Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN) is a replacement technology that can be used to incorporate these devices & thereby provide health monitoring applications in healthcare. Further development of wireless communications in recent years has... more
Citizens are allowed to convene their opinions on public policies online without any interference in an open democracy. The internet helps citizens’ voices to be heard irrespective of the status or position in the society. It is the voice... more
Admittedly, the internet users in the remote and rural areas are less in embracing broadband usage due to the technology and economic factors leading them in continuously using low-speed dial up access in lieu of demanding for higher... more
The study aims at measuring the effects of information technology on the transformation of businesses in communication companies in Jordan. The study population consisted of companies' directors as well as their deputies, assistants,... more
The study evaluated the level of ICT skills and competencies needed by the industries from BS Information Technology graduates intended for curriculum enhancement in Zamboanga Peninsula Polytechnic State University. Academic and the... more
Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN) is a replacement technology that can be used to incorporate these devices & thereby provide health monitoring applications in healthcare. Further development of wireless communications in recent years has... more
In today’s highly challenging knowledge-based economy, many universities are have been taking additional value from their technologies developed in their research laboratories by licensing their intellectual property (Tidd & Bessant,... more
Data insecurity affects the general public to a significant degree, and the law needs to step forward and cope with the challenges posed by data breaches, data misuse, and data injuries. The primary goal of this article is to provide a... more
Decision tree modelling, as one of data mining techniques, is used for credit scoring of bank customers. The main problem is the construction of decision trees that could classify customers optimally. This study presents a new hybrid... more
Data insecurity affects the general public to a significant degree, and the law needs to step forward and cope with the challenges posed by data breaches, data misuse, and data injuries. The primary goal of this article is to provide a... more
In this study, a method to simulate Gartner’s hype cycle [1] is proposed. A search of the academic literature on this topic provides no clear guidance on how to draw hype cycle curves with mathematical functions. This article explores a... more
This paper considers a Geo/Geo/1/N queueing system with retention of reneging customers, in which retention probability depends on the number of customers in the system. The steady state distribution of the number of customers in the... more
The adoption of video games as an alternative classroom resource is acknowledged in technology and multiliteracies discourses as a strategy for meaning-making and developing cultural knowledge. This chapter addresses how educators may be... more