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Purpose-The purpose of this paper is to provide a viewpoint on the historical roots and future evolution of social media. Design/methodology/approach-This paper provides a summary of the authors' previous research and experience in the... more
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      Information SystemsCognitive ScienceInformation Systems and Technology
Purpose-The purpose of this paper is to provide a viewpoint on the historical roots and future evolution of social media. Design/methodology/approach-This paper provides a summary of the authors' previous research and experience in the... more
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      Information SystemsCognitive ScienceInformation Systems and Technology
PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to consider factors affecting the effective utilisation of information and communication technology (ICT) and the adoption of more sophisticated ICT solutions in small and medium‐sized enterprises... more
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      BusinessInformation SystemsCognitive ScienceComputer Science
In today's global economy Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is often regarded as a strategic tool for achieving success and competitiveness in organisations. In recent times, ICT has had significant impact on the way... more
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      Information SystemsCognitive ScienceInformation and Communication technologyCommunication Technology
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      Information SystemsCognitive ScienceInformation Systems and Technology
ALIFA DIAN RAMADHANI AKUNTANSI KELAS F -17312391 I. DIKAR MODEL DIKAR model adalah model proses yang menghubungkan data, informasi, pengetahuan dan tindakan strategis ke dalam hasil bisnisis. DIKAR model dapat membantu menemukan, mencari,... more
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      Resume WritingData Dan InformasiInformation Systems and TechnologyResumen
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    • Information Systems and Technology
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      Information SystemsArtificial IntelligenceBusiness IntelligenceMultidisciplinary
The paper reports on findings of a study conducted among micro and small enterprises from selected regions of Spain, Portugal and Poland. The research focused on issues regarding the use of Information and Communication Technology... more
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      Information SystemsCognitive ScienceDigital DivideStatistical Analysis
O crescente interesse a nível nacional e mundial pelos sistemas de informação onde se inclui a perspectiva da Web como uma área imprescindível ao desenvolvimento das organizações tem levado ao lançamento em crescendo de oferta de formação... more
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    • Information Systems and Technology
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      Information SystemsCognitive ScienceInformation Systems and TechnologySystems Information
The multicore processor architectures have been gaining increasing popularity in the recent years. However, many available applications cannot take full advantage of these architectures. Therefore, many researchers have developed several... more
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      Information SecurityInformation Systems and TechnologyComputer and Communication Systems EngineeringElectrical Engineering and Computer Science
Cross-case analysis of findings from three case studies are presented which indicate that perceived lack of business benefit, mistrust of the IT industry and lack of time are the main inhibitors to Internet adoption.
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      Information SystemsCognitive ScienceSmall BusinessSmes
The maturation of database management system (DBMS) technology has coincided with significant developments in distributed computing and parallel processing technologies. The end result is the emergence of distributed database management... more
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      Data ManagementInformation Systems and Technology
This study, using longitudinal data analysis, attempts to address the question of whether CSR is linked to financial performance for PLCs in Malaysia. Despite CSR disclosure being at a nascent stage in Malaysia, the findings of this study... more
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      BusinessInformation SystemsMarketingCognitive Science
Purpose–The purpose of this paper is to focus on the developing circular economy (CE) policy within China and its relationship to China's information technology (IT) and IT products industry. It provides a framework... more
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      Information SystemsCognitive ScienceInformation Systems and Technology
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      Information SystemsCognitive ScienceCoping StrategiesGreen Marketing
Usability is considered to be one of the most important quality factors for Web applications, along with others such as reliability and security . It is not sufficient to satisfy the functional requirements of a Web application in order... more
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    • Information Systems and Technology
Purpose-The purpose of this paper is to survey, systemize and analyse the e-readiness of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and determine which new technologies can be applied to build a digital business ecosystem (DBE) for SMEs.... more
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      Information SystemsCognitive ScienceInformation Systems and Technology
The purpose of the paper is to describe the impediments to information technology (IT) adoption and possible solutions in the context of business relationships by drawing on case studies conducted in both Australia and Finland in the... more
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      Information SystemsCognitive ScienceInformation TechnologyCommunication Technology
Purpose: To highlight the importance and complexities of the knowledge transfer process in the provision of effective managed after-sales IT support, when the Web is used for service delivery.
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      Information SystemsCognitive ScienceKnowledge TransferCommunication Technology
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      EntrepreneurshipInformation SystemsCognitive ScienceInformation Technology
Purpose-Information literacy (IL) training for teachers in developing communities, e.g. rural areas or townships in developing countries, is expected to pose special challenges in terms of sustainability, contextualisation, lifelong... more
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      Information SystemsSocial TheoryCognitive ScienceReference
This study, using longitudinal data analysis, attempts to address the question of whether CSR is linked to financial performance for PLCs in Malaysia. Despite CSR disclosure being at a nascent stage in Malaysia, the findings of this study... more
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      BusinessInformation SystemsMarketingCognitive Science
How can action research be made more rigorous? We discuss in this paper action research, positivism and some major criticisms of action research by positivists. We then examine issues relating the conduct of IS research in organisations... more
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      Information SystemsCognitive ScienceAction ResearchSystems
This research is an empirical examination of the relationship between organizational characteristics and scientific research effectiveness. A sample of research-active scientists (N ¼ 295) from 25 biological and chemical science... more
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      BusinessInformation SystemsMarketingCognitive Science
Purpose-The purpose of this paper is to examine the basis factors involved in the information security management systems of Malaysian public service (MPS) organizations. Therefore, it proposes an empirical analysis which was conducted to... more
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      Information SystemsCognitive ScienceInformation Systems and TechnologySystems Information
This study, using longitudinal data analysis, attempts to address the question of whether CSR is linked to financial performance for PLCs in Malaysia. Despite CSR disclosure being at a nascent stage in Malaysia, the findings of this study... more
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      BusinessInformation SystemsMarketingCognitive Science
The development of Ecommerce within Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Wales is restricted by a number of barriers. Various projects initiated by government and academic bodies exist to assist SMEs overcome these barriers. However,... more
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      EntrepreneurshipInformation SystemsCognitive ScienceInformation Technology
Purpose -The purpose of this paper is to identify and examine the major issues and challenges that impact the implementation of wikis as KMS. Wikis have been referred to as next generation KMS, providing an alternative to traditional... more
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      Information SystemsCognitive ScienceInformation Systems and Technology
The emerging markets of mobile commerce are calling for potential successful products and services. This process is challenging all actors of the mobile commerce industry (MCI). Learning from the future and discovering a route to a... more
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      Information SystemsCognitive ScienceSystemsInformation Systems and Technology
Purpose – An open question in the advanced economies, and in the current crisis even more, is to widely improve knowledge sharing as a driver of innovation and creativity processes. The need of addressing knowledge, creativity and... more
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      BusinessInformation SystemsCognitive ScienceComputer Science
Purpose This purpose of this research is to investigate the project management factors that are affecting the enterprise resource planning (ERP) projects’ performance in Jordan. Based on the conducted literature review, four project... more
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      Information SystemsCognitive ScienceInformation Systems and Technology
Purpose The extended unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT2) model has been adapted and applied by scholars to gain insight into mobile banking (m-banking) usage. By combining three perspectives, UTAUT2, gamification... more
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      BusinessInformation SystemsCognitive ScienceComputer Science
Viruses, worms, Trojan horses, spywares have been effective for quite sometime in the domain of digital computers. These malicious software cause millions of dollars of loss in assets, revenue, opportunity, cleanup cost, and lost... more
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      Information SystemsCognitive ScienceWireless TechnologyCellular Network
... Franco, H., Cohen, M., Moran, N., Rumelheart, D., Abrash, V. (1994), "Context-dependent connectionist probability estimation in a hybrid ... Sheikh Hussain, SS, Ahmad, Z., Zulkarnain, Y.,Rahman, S., Lim, SC (2000),... more
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      Information SystemsCognitive ScienceReadingSpeech Recognition
Purpose -This study aims to examine usage and deployment trends of e-business technologies within the small and medium-sized enterprise (SMEs) community in Wales, since the turn of the millennium. Analysis of prior surveys such as the... more
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      EntrepreneurshipInformation SystemsCognitive ScienceInformation Technology
We propose a reorientation of the way the concept of sustainability is dealt with in relation to information systems, positioning the processing of knowledge at the centre of the concept. The concept of Sustainability of Knowledge (SoK),... more
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      Information SystemsCognitive ScienceKnowledge ManagementSustainable Development
Purpose-Despite the actual prevalence of diverse types of multimedia information, research on video news is still in an early stage. Improving the accessibility of video news seems worth investigating, therefore, the purpose of this paper... more
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      Information SystemsCognitive ScienceComputer ScienceMultimedia
Purpose – In many organisations, the alignment between information technology (IT) and business is viewed as an important catalyst for the organisation's effectiveness and efficiency towards achieving a competitive advantage. Yet, a... more
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      Information SystemsCognitive ScienceEnterprise ArchitectureHuman Interaction
Purpose Despite the widespread use of mobile government (m-government) services in developed countries, the adoption and acceptance of m-government services among citizens in developing countries is relatively low. The purpose of this... more
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      Information SystemsCognitive ScienceInformation Systems and Technology
Sistem dan Teknologi Informasi // Information System and Technology MANAJER MEMILIKI TIGA PERAN DASAR (Mintzberg 1973) -Interpersonal roles figurehead, leader, liaison -Informational roles monitor, disseminator, spokesperson -Decisional... more
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      Business IntelligenceBusiness Intelligence (BI)ResumeResume Writing
This research is an empirical examination of the relationship between organizational characteristics and scientific research effectiveness. A sample of research-active scientists (N ¼ 295) from 25 biological and chemical science... more
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      Information SystemsMarketingCognitive ScienceInformation Technology
Cross-case analysis of findings from three case studies are presented which indicate that perceived lack of business benefit, mistrust of the IT industry and lack of time are the main inhibitors to Internet adoption.
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      Information SystemsCognitive ScienceSmall BusinessSmes
Usability is considered to be one of the most important quality factors for Web applications, along with others such as reliability and security . It is not sufficient to satisfy the functional requirements of a Web application in order... more
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    • Information Systems and Technology
During the past two decades, both academic researchers and business managers have attempted to understand the ways through which information technology (IT) can create business advantages. In this paper, we present a model that tests the... more
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      BusinessInformation SystemsMarketingCognitive Science
Purpose -The purpose of this study is to evaluate the development of a blended e-learning pedagogical model for an undergraduate enterprise programme. The proliferation of e-learning programmes offers new opportunities and challenges for... more
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      Information SystemsCognitive ScienceInstructional DesignEducational Technology
ABSTRACT Purpose ‐ The purpose of this paper was to design ontology for describing semantic context-aware quality services, and to present a new web management tool that provides a great flexibility and enables automatic semantic... more
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      Information SystemsCognitive ScienceSemanticsMobile Technology