Although sketch-to-photo retrieval has a wide range of applications, it is costly to obtain paired and rich-labeled ground truth. Differently, photo retrieval data is easier to acquire. Therefore, previous works pre-train their models on... more
HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific research documents, whether they are published or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or... more
Many real-world applications increasingly involve both structured data and text. Hence, managing both in an efficient and integrated manner has received much attention from both the IR and database communities. To date, however, little... more
Web yang tidak terstruktur saat ini berisi berjuta-juta dokumen yang sulit di query dan struktur yang bercampur. Data terstruktur menjadi suatu hal yang diperlukan dalam suatu sistem informasi yang saling terhubung. Dengan Semantic Web,... more
Text mining is a practice which is regarded as the supporting pillars of Information Retreival. This paper is in simple terms dedicated to text mining and bear a prime focus on mining academic papers. An architecture is proposed by the... more
در این قسمت با مفاهیم عمیق تری مثل
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در زبان جاوا اسکریپت آشنا میشویم
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در زبان جاوا اسکریپت آشنا میشویم
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a developmental disorder that often impairs a child's normal development of the brain. According to CDC, it is estimated that 1 in 6 children in the US suffer from development disorders, and 1 in 68... more
Algoritma adalah urutan langkah logis yang digunakan untuk menyelesaikan suatu masalah. Singkatnya, sebuah masalah harus diselesaikan dengan beberapa Langkah logis. Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, contoh algoritma bias digambarkan dengan... more
Data miningmerupakan proses penggalian informasi tersembunyi dari suatu data yang berukuran besar. Polapola yang ditemukan dalam data mining dapat menjadi suatu informasi yang bermanfaat untuk digunakan selanjutnya seperti pada sistem... more
Search engines are tools used to find information on the Internet. Since the web has a plethora of websites, the engine queries the majority of active sites and builds a database organized according to keywords utilized in the search.... more
In this survey paper, we reviewed the current state of the art in medical question answering (MedQuAn). The MedQuAn systems are concerned with providing relevant answers in response to questions proposed in natural language. This survey... more
Search engines are tools used to fnd information on the Internet. Since the web has a plethora of websites, the engine queries the majority of active sites and builds a database organized according to keywords utilized in the search.... more
How to quickly and reliably learn the preferences of new users remains a key challenge in the design of recommender systems. In this paper we introduce a new type of online learning algorithm, cluster-based bandits, to address this... more
This paper describes an extension of our work presented in the robust English-to-French bilingual task of the CLEF 2007 workshop, a knowledge-light approach for query translation in Cross-Language Information Retrieval systems. Our work... more
DOOH(Digital Out Of Home) advertising targets for reaching consumers through outdoor digital display medias. Traditionally, scheduling of advertisement contents over DOOH medias is usually done by operator's strategy, but an efficient ad... more
Edit distance merupakan jumlah minimum point mutation yang diperlukan untuk merubah suatu string ke string yang lain. Point mutation tersebut adalah mengganti, menambah dan menghapus sebuah karakter. Konsep edit distance banyak digunakan... more
Cet article s'intéresse à la description et l'évaluation d'une nouvelle méthode d'apprentissage non supervisé pour réunir des définitions en espagnol selon leur signification. Nous utilisons comme mesure de regroupement l'énergie... more
Sentiment Analyses are widely used approaches to understand and identify emotions, feelings, and opinion on social media platforms. Most sentiment analysis systems measure the presumed emotional polarity of texts. While this is sufficient... more
On-line information services have become widespread in the Web nowadays. However, Web users are non-specialized and have a great variety of interests. Thus, interfaces for Web databases must be simple and uniform. In this paper we present... more
Social media marketing plays a vital role in promoting brand and product values to wide audiences. In order to boost their advertising revenues, global media buying platforms such as Facebook Ads constantly reduce the reach of branded... more
Text mining is a practice which is regarded as the supporting pillars of Information Retreival. This paper is in simple terms dedicated to text mining and bear a prime focus on mining academic papers. An architecture is proposed by the... more
This paper presents an approach for extending the vector space model (VSM) to perform XML retrieval. The model is extended to support important aspects of XML structural and semantic information such as element nesting level, matching tag... more
La supervision d'evenements a travers les reseaux sociaux ont connu un engouement certain ces dernieres annees. Cependant, le nombre considerable de messages publies rend difficile, voire impossible, pour une personne de suivre... more
Data on the web page can be available in various formats, such as table. With the growing of web pages, the need to extract data from tables is increasing. Results of the extraction can be used for integration with other web tables or... more
In recent years, user's trust has gained attention in recommender systems. Trust plays a vital role in the recommendation of online products. Trust is a dynamic feature which evolves with passage of time and varies from person to person.... more
Feature Maximization is a feature selection method that deals efficiently with textual data: to design systems that are altogether language-agnostic, parameter-free and do not require additional corpora to function. We propose to evaluate... more
La F-Mesure de trait est une metrique de selection de variables statis-tique sans parametres qui a montre de bonnes performances pour la classification , l'etiquetage de clusters ou encore la mesure de qualite des clusters. Dans cet... more
Pemanfaatan data atau berita yang tersebar di internet untuk meningkatkan peluang keberhasilan dalam sebuah usaha melalui analisa trend pasar adalah hal yang sangat umum pada saat ini. Penjelajahan Web (Crawl) dan ekstraksi data dari web... more
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a developmental disorder that often impairs a child's normal development of the brain. According to CDC, it is estimated that 1 in 6 children in the US suffer from development disorders, and 1 in 68... more
Dans le cadre de la veille ou de l'analyse prospective, il est très courant d'avoir recours aux méthodes de clustering pour traiter de gros volumes de données textuelles. Les algorithmes de clustering affichent généralement de bonnes... more
This paper presents an information retrieval model on XML documents based on tree matching. Queries and documents are represented by extended trees. An extended tree is built starting from the original tree, with additional weighted... more
Terdapat milyaran dokumen web di world wide web yang terus bertumbuh dalam volume, kecepatan dan kompleksitas yang besar dan secara alamiah sebagian besar kontennya tidak terstruktur. Diperlukan adanya teknik atau alat untuk mengekstraksi... more
Dans cet article, nous présentons les améliorations que nous avons apportées au système ExtraNews de résumé automatique de documents multiples. Ce système se base sur l'utilisation d'un algorithme génétique qui permet de combiner les... more
This talk focuses on retrieval models and methods for the document-centric view on XML and their evaluation within the INEX initiative. INEX has studied two types of tasks so far:
This report describes the joint work by Kyoto University and the University of Melbourne for the TREC Genomics Track in 2007. As with 2006, the task for this year was the retrieval of passages from a biomedical document collection. The... more
In contrast with their monolingual counterparts, little attention has been paid to the effects that misspelled queries have on the performance of Cross-Language Information Retrieval (CLIR) systems. The present work makes a first attempt... more
This paper describes an extension of our work presented in the robust English-to-French bilingual task of the CLEF 2007 workshop, a knowledge-light approach for query translation in Cross-Language Information Retrieval systems. Our work... more
Les réseaux sociaux contiennent une quantité importante d'information qui peut être divisée en deux dimensions : d'abord une dimension structurelle composée par l'information concernant les connexions entre les acteurs du réseau, puis une... more
Implemented with a fuzzy logic language by using the FLOPER tool developed in our research group, we have recently designed a fuzzy dialect of the popular XPath language for the flexible manipulation of XML documents. In this paper we... more
Due to the emerging technology era, today a number of firms share their service/product descriptions. Such a group of information in the textual form has some structured information, which is beneath the unstructured text. A new... more
Implicit feedback recommender systems provide personalized suggestions for items that are predicted to be of interest to the user, by collecting online users’ activity and inferring from it users’ preferences. While the state-of-the-art... more
Mes dédicaces ne sont que l'expression de mes profondes gratitudes, de mes salutations chaleureuses et de ma sincère reconnaissance à tous ceux qui comblent ma vie et y confèrent son goût et sa saveur. Je dédie cette thèse à : Mon père Ce... more
This talk focuses on retrieval models and methods for the document-centric view on XML and their evaluation within the INEX initiative. INEX has studied two types of tasks so far:
This talk focuses on retrieval models and methods for the document-centric view on XML and their evaluation within the INEX initiative. INEX has studied two types of tasks so far:
Being lightweight and cost-effective, IR-based approaches for bug localization have shown promise in finding software bugs. However, the accuracy of these approaches heavily depends on their used bug reports. A significant number of bug... more
Malaria, Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever, and Bird Flu are three examples of various infectious diseases that spread in Indonesia in recent years. For example, Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) is the main problem in tropical countries that emerges... more
In the past few decades recommender system has reshaped the way of information filtering between websites and the users. It helps in identifying user interest and generates product suggestions for the active users. This paper presents an... more
XQuery is the standard language for querying XML documents using structural and content restrictions. In this paper, we propose to extend XQuery with selection operations that allow for the selection of the interesting subset of elements... more
In the biomedical domain, there are immense data and tremendous increase of genomics and biomedical relevant publications. The wealth of information has led to an increasing amount of interest in and need for applying information... more