Information Need

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Information need refers to the recognition or awareness of a gap in knowledge that prompts an individual to seek information. It encompasses the motivations, contexts, and processes involved in identifying, seeking, and utilizing information to satisfy specific inquiries or resolve uncertainties.
which could be sufficient for some applications. We discuss how these results can be used in the design of activity-aware hospital information systems.
Hospitals are convenient settings for the deployment of context-aware applications. The information needs of hospital workers are highly dependent on contextual variables, such as location, role and activity. While some of these... more
PurposeThe aim of this paper is to present a framework model for outsourcing asset management services in municipalities.Design/methodology/approachThe authors have analysed the outsourcing of asset management services in the municipal... more
We propose a Core Product Model (CPM) for modeling product information suitable for supporting the information needs of Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) systems over the lifecycle of the product from the earliest ideation to... more
This paper considers the use of controlled languages for query translation in a legislative document retrieval system. Problem statement and analysis of the approach are described. The use of controlled languages is motivated by the fact... more
We present a framework based on Statistical Topics Models, Language Models, Information Extraction, and Ontology Analysis to retrieve healthcare related documents for the CLEF eHealth 2013 Task 3. In this framework we add global... more
Reading is one of the most important skills in today's society. The ubiquity of this activity has naturally affected many information systems; the only goal of some is the presentation of textual information. One concrete task often... more
Short descriptive outlines, both for the processes that occur in the photovoltaic effect and the simplest form of a stand alone photovoltaic system, are described in the present paper. System sizing, description of a few small to medium... more
It is hereby notified that no part of this thesis maybe reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior consent of the author,... more
This paper seeks to contribute to an improved information management and exchange between humanitarian organisations and military agents in complex emergencies. To do so, a theoretical information management process model was developed... more
The Clairvoyance team participated in the High Accuracy Retrieval from Documents (HARD) Track of TREC 2004, submitting three runs. The principal hypothesis we have been pursuing is that small numbers of documents in clusters can provide a... more
In a time of change focusing on the application of technology, there is a high risk of underestimating the compliance of internal needs and adaption to context. The research study employs a qualitative approach using the case study... more
Although heart disease is a major cause of morbidity and mortality the majority of patients do not access existing rehabilitation programs and patient resources are not designed to facilitate patient choice and decision-making. The... more
The Ecological Processes and Effects Committee of the US Environmental Protection Agency Science Advisory Board conducted a self‐initiated study and convened a public workshop to characterize the state of the ecological risk assessment... more
World Wide Web content continuously grows in size and importance. Furthermore, users ask Web search engines to satisfy increasingly disparate information needs. New techniques and tools are constantly developed aimed at assisting users in... more
Various sensing modalities are presently used or conceptualized for use in roadway management projects. These include, among others, bind-type (utilizing inductive loops, reflected light, etc.), acoustical, and radar sensors. However, due... more
Intelligent Information Filtering is the process of receiving or monitoring large amounts of dynamically generated information and extracting the subset of information that would be of interest to a user based on some specified... more
This study sets out to determine the influence of recognition of information need on the research practices of graduate students in the university libraries of South East, Nigeria. The objective was to ascertain how information... more
Proyecto académico sin fines de lucro, desarrollado bajo la iniciativa de acceso abierto Key wrrlr: dengue, epidemiologic surveillince, Aedes a e e p t i E L DENGUE EN las Américas ha ido definiendo su identidad como problema de salud... more
One way to tailor analysis to the special information needs of multiparty decisionmaking processes is discussed. A scenario-based multiattribute trade-off analysis framework is described that parallels the stages in negotiated... more
The potentialities of the use of the UAV survey as a base for the generation of the context mesh are illustrated through the experiments on the case study, the Crotone Fortress, proposing a systematic general methodology and two... more
Grid computing involves the close coordination of many different sites which offer distinct computational and storage resources to the Grid user community. The resources at each site need to be monitored continuously. Static and dynamic... more
Pregnancy and the early years of life (0-3 years) are of crucial importance for a child's survival, health, growth and development. Improving care for young children is now considered fundamental to achieving the Sustainable Development... more
Solvent extraction of bituminous coals has been used as a means of coproducing clean liquid transportation fuels as well as solid fuels for gasification. Coal solvents are created by hydrogenating coal tar distillate fractions to the... more
Although the information available to human operators can increase without obvious bound, human information processing capacities remain fixed. Finding and selecting the relevant information to display in this deluge of options imposes a... more
Scholarly communication is the essence of all scientific work (Gravey, 1979). With the emergence of digital information resources and internet, the modes of accessing, searching, retrieving and consuming scholarly information have been... more
Many methods have been developed and adapted to help designers to understand, empathise with, and quantify users' situations, both through direct user involvement and more indirect use of user data. These methods vary widely, with... more
This study examines the disconnect between the theory and practice of value-based education in Kenya. It finds that Kenyan primary schools lack a culture of values and ethics, and that the curriculum fails to systematically integrate... more
Background: There is increasing interest in developing peer-led and 'expert patient'-type interventions, particularly to meet the support and informational needs of those with long term conditions, leading to improved clinical outcomes,... more
Purpose: Query suggestions are contributive in formulating queries and improving search results on the Web. This tool is used in most search and retrieval systems like the search engines, databases, personal search tools and so on. The... more
This paper is an outgrowth of an effort undertaken by the Department of Energy's Office of Energy Research to assess the fundamental research needs to support a national program in carbon management (Benson et al, 1998). Five topics were... more
Recent concerns about the potential of certain chemicals to modulate estrogen-regulated processes have led to questions as to how chemicals should be tested for such effects. Therefore, AIHC has developed a comprehensive,... more
Virtual communities have a potential to improve the community building process and care services through support for activities, participation and information needs. In this paper, we propose a mobile virtual community platform for... more
The rapid growth of visual data over the last few years has lead to many schemes for retrieving such data. With content-based systems today, there exists a significant gap between the user's information needs and what the systems can... more
Interactions and Transformation in the Chemical Sciences Division. His research interests include theories of chemical reactions, with focus on the effects of molecular environment (liquids, solids, and interfaces) on chemical reaction... more
Advances in the understanding of every oceanic process of concern to scientists, marine resource managers, disaster managers and other decision makers require improved understanding of properties such as sea surface temperature,... more
We present an intelligent agent designed to compile a daily news program for individual users. Based on feedback from the user, the system automatically adapts to the user’s preferences and interests. In this paper we focus on the... more
Use of science in wetland management has increased considerably over the last 50 years but there is still scope for improving the transfer of research results into management. Issues that lead to less than optimal transfer include: (1)... more