Information Communication Technologies

393 papers
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Information Communication Technologies (ICT) refer to the diverse set of technological tools and resources used to communicate, create, disseminate, store, and manage information. This encompasses various forms of communication technologies, including the internet, telecommunications, broadcasting, and digital media, facilitating the exchange of information across different platforms and devices.
Abstruct -We show that the operational transconductance amplifier (OTA), as the active element in basic building blocks, can be efficiently used for programmable nonlinear continuous-time function synthesis. Two efficient nonlinear... more
The article presents the basic concept of competitive learning in neural networks. Provides the main machine learning learning models and applications. The analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of these models is carried out. The... more
The views expressed in research reports are the outcomes of the independent research, and should not be regarded as being the opinion or responsibility of the Ministry of Transport. The material contained in the reports should not be... more
Introduction. Today, there is an acute problem of training a new type of specialist, successfully developing in the digital space, striving to improve in the field of modern digital technologies. Digital literacy is moving into the... more
This study evaluated the effectiveness of various teaching methods for teaching indigenous languages reading to grade one learners, including the phonic method, syllabic approach, and whole word method. The findings revealed that the... more
The oscillatory neural networks are kind of networks that try to model the behavior of the biological neurons in the part of the nervous system responsible of the vision processing. These networks are developing fast in the applications... more
The relevance of emoji in social media marketing has attracted tremendous interest from academics and marketing professionals alike ever since emoji became a fixed component in user-to-user and business-to-user communication on online... more
American region also has been characterized by the widespread use of new communication technologies, particularly online social media (Valenzuela et al., 2012). The role of social media in activism merits attention from a communication... more
This dissertation explores whether and how alternative media in El Salvador incorporated information communication technologies (ICTs) for social change, and whether incorporating said technologies changed citizen participation not only... more
Članek obravnava vpliv rabe informacijsko-komunikacijskih tehnologij na migracij­ski proces. V tem smislu poudarja časovno-prostorsko neodvisno delovanje, ki ga te tehnologije omogočajo. Poleg tega, da tovrstno delovanje povzroča prehod... more
This study examines the relationship between instructional interaction and student persistence among adult students in online courses. A survey research methodology was used to examine the frequency and the method of instructional... more
It is widely known that nurses are pivotal in coordinating and communicating patient care information in the complex network of healthcare professionals and service delivery. Yet, despite their pivotal role, information communication... more
It is widely known that nurses are pivotal in coordinating and communicating patient care information in the complex network of healthcare professionals and service delivery. Yet, despite their pivotal role, information communication... more
This chapter focuses on the use of groupware to support local governments in activities in the intelligence cycle. Local governments in The Netherlands have a central role in developing integral safety plans for their district. However,... more
Despite the efficiency of the IP-multicast it has not been deployed in the whole Internet. The main reason is that the wide-area multicasting among the different autonomous systems (AS) has not been solved perfectly. The global address... more
This study was planned to examine potential challenges faced by teachers in the implementation of e-Learning in professional schools. The increasing desire to implement e-Learning programs and the incessant penetration of Information and... more
This study examines the relationship between instructional interaction and student persistence among adult students in online courses. A survey research methodology was used to examine the frequency and the method of instructional... more
One of the key reflective aspects of modern society is the application of information communication technologies. According to SEB Bank and the information and communication technology company TEO [1] more people aged 65 and over are... more
BACKGROUND This study responds to the need for developing effective teaching methods helping students with the acquisition of specific
There is a rising trend in the use of Information Communication Technology (ICT) by academics to work after regular working hours. The dual nature of ICTs enhances work flexibility and also encourages academics to use ICTs to engage in... more
Organizing principles, exchange relationships, and technology affordance of underserved communities in emerging markets are different from privileged communities, which have been the focus in traditional information systems literature.... more
The term "smartgrid" refers to the power system that integrates new digital measurements, new digital control devices, and communication technology. The first step toward this goal is to establish a two-way communication... more
Titles in this Working Paper series aim to disseminate interim climate change, agriculture and food security research and practices and stimulate feedback from the scientific community.
The aim of this paper is to indicate the relations between company’s value added (VA) and intangible assets. Authors declare that Intellectual capital (IC) is one of the most relevant intangibles for a company, and the concept with... more
Titles in this Working Paper series aim to disseminate interim climate change, agriculture and food security research and practices and stimulate feedback from the scientific community.
Titles in this Working Paper series aim to disseminate interim climate change, agriculture and food security research and practices and stimulate feedback from the scientific community.
Titles in this Working Paper series aim to disseminate interim climate change, agriculture and food security research and practices and stimulate feedback from the scientific community.
This paper contributes to an ongoing discussion in the research community regarding the role of new technology in the lives of those experiencing homelessness. Ask Izzy is a mobile web app designed to help people who are homeless or at... more
Ссылка для цитирования этой статьи: Чечева Н.А. Развитие soft skills у курсантов в процессе обучения иностранному языку // Интернет-журнал «Мир науки», 2018 №5, (доступ свободный). Загл. с экрана.... more
Ссылка для цитирования этой статьи: Чечева Н.А. Развитие soft skills у курсантов в процессе обучения иностранному языку // Интернет-журнал «Мир науки», 2018 №5, (доступ свободный). Загл. с экрана.... more
The aim of this paper is to indicate the relations between company’s value added (VA) and intangible assets. Authors declare that Intellectual capital (IC) is one of the most relevant intangibles for a company, and the concept with... more
The article analyses possibilities of application of information communication technologies (ICT) during music lessons. The results of the conducted research are presented: the frequency of using ICT by music teachers is revealed; the... more
Like most of the jurisdictions highlighted in this edition, the Northern Territory of Australia has a large Indigenous population who live in small communities isolated from major service centres and urban areas. A digital divide has long... more
Information communication technologies have permeated new consumer markets at remarkable speeds with mobile devices like laptops and mobile phones diffusing rapidly to even the most remote and economically marginalised populations. In... more
A n approach t o t h e design of high-frequency monolithic voltage-controlled oscillators using operational transconductance amplifiers a n d capacitors is given. Results from two 3 p m C M O S prototypes are presented. B o t h frequency... more
An important basis for information support of educational activities is the effective presentation of knowledge and standardization of training tasks based on ontological models of learned subject areas. The competence approach to the... more
The aim of the study is to explore the extent of automation of public libraries in SouthWest , Nigeria. Library automation refers to the application of information communication technologies (ICTs) in the day to day operations of the... more
In the light of technological, economical and social changes, the problems of overall occupation of people and continuous growth of economy become more important and complex. It is universally accepted that continuous development of... more
Achieving the promised business benefits of an IT system is intimately tied to the continued incorporation of the system into the work practices it is intended to support. While much is known about different social, cognitive, and... more
Bokan Madina Yerzhankyzy, 4th year student of the International University of information technologies. Bayanbay Arnur, 4th year student of the International University of information technologies. Nurbekkyzy Altynnur, 4th year student of... more
Women and the elderly living in semi-arid environments of Kenya are vulnerable to the frequent exposure to impacts of changing climate and need to access climate information and support services to build their adaptive capacity. This... more
Information and communication technology (ICT) has the potential to revolutionize teaching and learning as well as school administration, yet little is known about the maturity of ICT planning in schools and the manner in which schools... more
Art therapists help to access and awaken their clients' personal, latent creativity by promoting art making by the client (Snyder, 1997). Art Therapists aid clients by re-establishing creative thought and flow. They encourage the use of... more
This study examines educators’ perceived barriers to technology integration and the relationship to education reform. Educators and administrators from four elementary schools in Washington State were interviewed in their classrooms... more
espanolLa globalizacion ha supuesto un cambio en los estilos de interaccion comunicativa, cada vez mas mediada digitalmente. Por ello, aquellos que encuentran dificultades en el acceso o manejo de las nuevas tecnologias de la informacion... more
Organisations are being forced to invest heavily in the deployment of information systems (IS) to obtain value and benefit in the new knowledge-based environment. Organisational intranets are being used as the platform for developing and... more
This quantitative study surveyed 538 adults in isolated rural settings in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, to examine whether telecenters operated by the nonprofit organization Gems of the Earth improve digital literacy and promote... more
The analysis of contextual information in search engine query logs is an important, yet difficult task. Users submit few queries, and search multiple topics sometimes with closely related context. Identification of topic changes within a... more