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It is well known, the voice segments and coincident data packets are not equally valued and significant for decoding and comprehension of speech signal. Some lost segments may only slightly worsen audible quality, while others cause... more
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      InformaticaComputer Software
The distributed shared memory model (DSMM) is considered a feasible alternative to the traditional communication model (CM), especiallv in loosely coupled distributed sijstems. While the CM is usually considered a low-level model, the... more
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      Computer ScienceDistributed Shared Memory SystemInformatica
Practical experience shows that the design of very large database schemata causes severe problems, and no systematic support is provided. In this paper we address this problem. We define an Entity-Relationship schema algebra, which... more
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      InformaticaComputer SoftwareDatabase Design
Petri net variants are widely used as a real time systems modeling technique. Recently, UML activity diagrams have been used for the same purpose, even though the syntax and semantics of activity diagrams has not been yet fully worked... more
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      Computer ScienceInformaticaComputer SoftwareUnified Modelling Language
Complex systems are characterized not only by the diversity of their components, but also by the interconnections and interactions between them. For modeling such systems, we often need several formalisms and we must concern ourselves... more
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      Computer ScienceInformaticaComputer Software
RESUMEN: El entorno virtual de aprendizaje (EVA) implementado en la UCM-LTU apoyado en un Repositorio de Objetos de Aprendizaje favorece el desarrollo de la competencia tecnológica del estudiante de Medicina. Al aplicar elementos del... more
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      InformaticaPedagogiaMétodos y técnicas de enseñanza aprendizaje
El ensayo que el estudiante de la asignatura de filosofía de la ciencia debe presentar estará en relación con el libro la ciencia, su método y su filosofía de Mario Bunge Aspectos formales del trabajo escrito En formato PDF, justificado,... more
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      InformaticaCiencias SocialesFacultad de ciencias politicas y socialesCiencias básicas
Estructura y Representación de Datos: Primer departamental: examen y programas Segundo departamental: examen y programas Tercer departamental: programas Hechos ➔ datos  se almacena en un sistema computacional (vida real) Procesamiento de... more
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Le culture del cyberpunk sono culture che si affermano in un ben preciso momento storico, gli anni Ottanta, in cui lo sviluppo del post-fordismo sta fornendo una nuova spinta propulsiva alla storica e progressiva soppressione del tempo... more
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      SociologyCyberpunkHacktivismTime Perception
Müasir dövrdə mövcud olan informasiya təhlükələri və onların insanın mənəvi-psixoloji sağlamlığına neqativ təsirləri araşdırılmışdır. Cəmiyyətdə informasiya təhlükəsizliyi mədəniyyətinin formalaşdırılmasına dair təkliflər verilmişdir.
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      Information ScienceInformation TechnologyInformation SecurityInformatica
Tesi per il Master di 2°livello in Management-Promozione-Innovazioni tecnologiche nella gestione dei beni culturali, Università Roma Tre, relatore Costanza Nosi, a.a.2016-2017. Il bonus cultura è solo uno dei tanti provvedimenti... more
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      ManagementMarketingMarketing StrategyTeenagers
Моделируя информационно-образовательное пространство учреждения на основе новых информационных технологий, мы понимаем сущность Интернет-технологий как средство социальной адаптации социально незащищенных детей. Прослеживается появление в... more
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      Information SystemsInformation ScienceInformation TechnologyInformatics
Este artículo hace una reflexión en torno a los sonidos y las músicas ancestrales y propone que estos se pueden recuperar con el grado de precisión que la ciencia y la tecnología permitan, mientras que estas solo son generables en la... more
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      MusicologyInformaticaInstrumentos Musicalessistemas de tiempo real
We discuss the design and development of a finite state transducer for morphological segmentation, annotation, and lemmatization that allows for merging of three major functionalities into one high-performance monolithic automaton. It is... more
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Abstract: It is becoming increasingly difficult to ignore the complexity of software products. Software metrics are proposed to help show indications for quality, size, complexity, etc. of software products. In this paper, software... more
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      Software EngineeringSoftware TestingInformaticaComputer Software
If citing, it is advised that you check and use the publisher's definitive version for pagination, volume/issue, and date of publication details. And where the final published version is provided on the Research Portal, if citing you are... more
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Intervista con Fabio Chiusi per L'Espresso, 26 Febbraio 2017
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      PropagandaThe InternetInformaticaLibertà Di Stampa
Abstraction (abstracción) Propiedad y/o técnica de software que oculta los detalles de la implementación. Java soporta abstracción de clases y abstracción de métodos. La abstracción de métodos se define separando el uso de un método sin... more
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Le conseguenze dell’errato e improprio uso della misura dei Function Point sono già state nitidamente denunciate; le azioni correttive conseguenze atte ad evitarle già chiaramente identificate. Non rimane altro da fare che denunciare le... more
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      Software EngineeringICTInformaticaSw
Jaja asi es
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      Information TechnologyInformaticaComputo
La metodología de desarrollo iterativo y creciente (o incremental). Es un proceso de desarrollo de software, creado en respuesta a las debilidades del modelo tradicional de cascada. Para apoyar el desarrollo de proyectos por medio de este... more
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      Software DevelopmentInformaticaDesarrollo de Aplicaciones
This paper presents a machine learning approach to automatic recognition of human emotions from speech. The approach consists of three steps. First, numerical features are extracted from the sound database by using audio feature... more
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      InformaticaComputer Software
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Claude Shannon estableció la Teoría de la Información Clásica (o también los que algunos denominan teoría estadística de la información, otra teoría seria la algorítmica ..) Dos Teoremas Fundacionales:
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Ensayo de conferencia
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Fondamenti di Programmazione in Linguaggio Assemblativo MIPS descrive i principi che sono usati per programmare i microprocessori della famiglia Microprocessor without Interlocked Pipelined Stages. In particolare, il testo delinea la... more
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      Information SystemsInformation TechnologyInformatica
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      Computer ScienceSystem AdministrationInformaticaCertification
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      Machine LearningActivity RecognitionInformaticaComputer Software
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      Computer ScienceInformaticsComputer EngineeringComputer Networks
Guía para usuarios informáticos
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    • Informatica
A) Se refiere al equipamiento lógico intangible de una computadora, comprende el conjunto de los componentes lógicos necesarios para hacer posible la realización de una tarea específica. B) Se refiere a todos los componentes físicos de... more
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The museums' conservation labs and the treatments on the artifacts many times are overlooked and are not obvious for the public. Nevertheless, their content, which is more specialized than the content of the main museum, may be of... more
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      InformaticaComputer Software
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      OntologyApplied OntologySemantic Web TechnologiesInformatics
Indian retail is changing radically and many companies are joining the retail landscape. In present modern retailing in India, most of the organized retail stores have private label branded products on their shelves along with the reputed... more
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Yo ______________________________________________ en calidad de padre de familia y/o encargado del alumno ___________________________ del grado ______, por medio del presente escrito hago constar el motivo de la ausencia de mi hijo (a) a... more
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En 1901 surge la BSI (British Standards Institution): Se crea la primera entidad de normalización a nivel mundial. En 1995 surge la norma BS 7799 de BSI, con objeto de proporcionar a cualquier empresa un conjunto de buenas prácticas para... more
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      Information SystemsInformation TechnologyInformation SecurityInformatica
L'importanza dell'ipertesto nell'ambito della didattica, e le sue implicazioni sociologiche.
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Redes de computadoras. Libro.
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      InformaticaRedes informaticasRedes De Computadoras
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      InformaticaCiencias de la ComunicaciónAccion Social
L'Enciclopedia Informatica tratta centinaia di argomenti in maniera semplice e chiara in modo tale che possa essere consultate sia dal neofita sia dal professionista. Acronimi, sigle, gergo tutto è spiegato senza mai dare per scontato che... more
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      Computer Science EducationSocial MediaJava ProgrammingApple
Lo scopo di questo lavoro è quello di creare una formula matematica che permetta di generare numeri di Harshad in base 10, ossia numeri interi positivi (espressi in forma decimale) divisibili per la somma delle proprie cifre.
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Software Administrativo Integral, es una solución sencilla, flexible y confiable que responde a las necesidades específicas de las micro, pequeñas y medianas empresas mexicanas, especialmente aquellas con varias sucursales.
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comandos en sql
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Éste es un examen diagnóstico diseñado para conocer los conocimientos básicos de los alumnos sobre informática.
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The aim of this descriptive, co-relational investigation was to identify the preferred learning styles and their role in quality of performance at secondary, intermediary and university level for language students from six different... more
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      Data AnalysisLearning StyleInformaticaAcademic Performance
In today's society, following the exponential development of ICT, the classical method of learning has undergone numerous changes. The emergence of the Internet has accelerated these changes due to its capacity to offer multiple... more
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      Higher EducationAccess To InformationInformaticaNew Technology
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