Informal Economy
Recent papers in Informal Economy
On 29 April 2021, the European Platform tackling undeclared work (hereafter the ‘Platform’) held a webinar on ‘COVID 19: combating fraud in short-term financial support schemes’. The event brought together 31 participants from 20... more
At the beginning of the 19th century, Pierre and Jean Laffite moved back and forth across fluid lines of law. Within the context of their times, pirate or outlaw behaviours might also be socially constructive entrepreneurship. Their story... more
No plan for local economic development within the larger metropolitan region of Kolkata can realistically succeed unless based on an understanding of the informal sector and taking account of it in subsequent local development strategy.... more
"This book took around a decade to write. Three of us, coming from different locations and contexts, coming from different histories, experiences and lived lives, coming from different intellectual traditions, shared some initial... more
“You can tell the condition of a nation by looking at the status of its women” - Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru Despite having a fairly long and enlarged provisions including a host of other laws enacted by the government, the empirical reality... more
This paper evaluates critically the third-sector approach that encourages involvement in groups in order to foster community participation in deprived neighbourhoods. Analysing recent government surveys of community participation in the... more
The poor and marginalized women in India have not just experienced the inequalities of class and gender but also of caste and religion. Since most of them are employed informally, they are further exposed to job-related insecurities. The... more
Ovaj izvještaj istražuje pokretače neprijavljenog gospodarstva u Hrvatskoj, dosadašnju organizaciju borbe protiv neprijavljenog rada i preispituje aktualni te potencijalni pristup politika i mjera u rješavanju problema neprijavljenog rada... more
This paper looks at the substantial role of informal traders in ensuring food security, and other economic and social goods in South Africa and how they have been impacted by Covid-19 and responses to it. The state responses have... more
What kinds of governance agendas emerge at frontiers of commercial expansion, where routine economic relations traverse differences of ethnicity and degrees of formality? In the Balim Valley in the highlands of Indonesia's easternmost... more
Since the establishment of ISO 26000, which is the international standard for social responsibility, companies around the world have increased their focus on corporate social responsibility (CSR) and on how their actions, products and... more
All UNESCO urban World Heritage sites are strictly regulated. In Antigua, Guatemala, this includes building façades and streets, as well as the use of public places. Homeowners and building owners, however, challenge regulations by using... more
With the support of local and international organisations, the municipality of Quito, Ecuador, relocated approximately 6000 street vendors from the streets to eleven Popular Commercial Centres. The research examines the extent to which... more
Recent archaeological studies have highlighted the sociability of drinking spaces as a means to better understand quotidian activities of non-elites. Through research conducted at Smuttynose Island, in the Isles of Shoals, Maine, I... more
Trade in marketplaces is central to the domestic distribution of food and other goods throughout the developing world. The commodity networks involved are often complex with numerous intermediate transactions between producer and... more
Local Exchange Trading Schemes (LETS) are networks for exchanging goods and services using a local currency. They are seen by some as providing an `alternative' way of negotiating changing and complex livelihoods. Current literature... more
A growing literature demonstrates the significance of aesthetics within processes of world-class city making, as decisions about who gets to live and work in the city are increasingly made on the basis of codes of appearance. However,... more
This chapter focuses on informal trafficking of daily consumption goods between Israel and the West Bank since the redeployments of the Palestinian Authority’s security forces in summer 2007. Through the study of these traffics and the... more
Radical feminist analyses have always placed considerable emphasis on the crucial role played by social reproduction for the development of capitalism. Early social reproduction analyses – primarily premised on housework but also more... more
To tackle undeclared work, a voluntary disclosure initiative was implemented for a 6-month period in 2019 to enable those voluntarily disclosing to the Lithuanian State Tax Inspectorate (STI) their past undeclared work to have the... more
To advance understanding of the reasons for informal sector entrepreneurship, this article evaluates the determinants of cross-country variations in the extent to which enterprises are unregistered when they start operating. Reporting the... more
Es lo de siempre. En las situaciones de crisis, lo más fácil, tanto para los poderes como para las mayorías sociales, es dirigir el foco acusador a los sectores más frágiles de la sociedad, que han de ver cómo a los abusos que sufren se... more
The informal economy is an important part of urban economies in the global South. Almost half of Colombia's working population relies on the informal economy to obtain income. This study examined street vendors in downtown Cali, Colombia.... more
What happens to informal institutions and practices when political actors decide to implement democratic institutional reforms aimed at relieving formal institutions of informal constraints? Does informality disappear, or do the elites... more
Since 2015, Egyptian government has announced several initiatives to integrate the informal economy into the country's formal economy. To achieve this goal, five-year tax breaks as well other incentives have been declared by government... more
Purpose -Naples, Italy in the last decade has become a destination for Ukrainian migrants escaping the economic uncertainty of their homeland. A sign of the city's importance in the diaspora is that the Ukrainian government in 2008 opened... more
The City of Johannesburg wants to introduce a R50 recycling levy so that residents would pay for the expansion of a pilot separation at source (S@S) project that pays private companies to collect recyclables. The pilot has been expensive,... more
There are millions of ‘‘subsistence’’ entrepreneurs around the world, located primarily in developing countries, engaging in micro enterprise to eke out a survival living when other labor market options become unavailable. However, the... more
Urbanization is driving Southeast Asia’s economies, moving vast numbers of people to urban centers at a pace unheard of in the West. As impressive as these cities are, they bring with them massive problems in terms of sanitation,... more
"When I Wear My Alligator Boots examines how the lives of dispossessed men and women are affected by the rise of narcotrafficking along the U.S.-Mexico border. In particular, the book explores a crucial tension at the heart of the “war on... more
Drawn from grounded perspectives of a Bangkok night market that is part of a franchise known as "Talad Rod Fai" (or "Train Station Market"), this article argues that the market's popularity rested originally on its liminoid character,... more
Urinboyev, R., 2017. Migration and Transnational Informality in Post-Soviet Societies: Ethnographic Study of ‘Po rukam’ Experiences of Uzbek Migrant Workers in Moscow. In: A.-L. Heusala and K. Aitamurto, eds. Migrant Workers in Russia:... more
In the last decades, the occupation of the pedestrian routes and in general of the public space in the city center of Cali Colombia, have been evidencing diverse phenomena, which to a great extent respond to the accelerated growth of the... more
This article evaluates critically the competing explanations for the persistence and growth of informal employment in contemporary societies. These interpret the normality of informality either through a structuralist lens as arising out... more
Capitolo del volume "Città Immaginate. Riuso e nuove forme dell'abitare". A cura di M. Gissara, M. Percoco, E. Rosmini, manifestolibri, Roma, 2018
Community-based tourism (CBT) offers both opportunities and challenges in the quest for holistic community development. The evolution and development of CBT projects can follow different trajectories. This conceptual paper’s main... more
Over the past four decades, information technology (IT) has had a profound e!ect on the US economy, resulting in a shift from a manufacturing to an information economy. This e!ect, however, has also produced what may be labeled the... more