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Background. Estimates of US childhood asthma prevalence were affected by the 1997 National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) redesign. In 1997, only 5.5% of children were estimated to have asthma compared with 7.5% in 1995. The contribution... more
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      PediatricsGrowthDesign methodInfant
Background: In Jordan, as in neighboring countries in the Middle East, higher education and higher employment rates in recent years among women have had an impact on traditionally based infant feeding. The objective of this study was to... more
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      NursingHigher EducationMiddle EastBreastfeeding
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      NeonatologyAdipose tissueBody CompositionInfant
Infant feeding problems are extremely common during breastfeeding establishment. To objectively assess infant sucking, consistent methods to analyze ultrasound images of the infant's oral cavity are required. We developed and assessed the... more
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      Ultrasound ImagingUltrasoundLinear modelsMovement
Aim. This study had two main objectives: (1) to describe the experiences of parents who had a child in the Flinders Medical Centre neonatal unit with a feeding difficulty at 36 weeks gestational age and (2) to develop a preliminary model... more
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      PsychologyNursingSouth AustraliaInfant feeding
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      ImmunologyAsthmaFamily historyProspective studies
Human milk provides infants with antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and immunomodulatory agents that contribute to optimal immune system function. The act of breastfeeding allows important bacterial and hormonal interactions between the... more
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      Early ChildhoodInfant feedingImmune systemBreast feeding
Little is known about premature infants' feeding skill development and the contribution to it of biologic and environmental conditions. Aims: Explore the level and variation in feeding skill performance through the first post-term year... more
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      Cognitive ScienceChild DevelopmentInfantInfant feeding
Formula-fed infants have depressed plasma tryptophan concentration relative to human milk-fed infants. Because tryptophan alters sleepwaking patterns in adults, a study was designed to de termine whether additional dietary tryptophan... more
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      Infant feedingHuman MilkG proteinInfant Formula
Background Exclusive breastfeeding, though better than other forms of infant feeding and associated with improved child survival, is uncommon. We assessed the HIV-1 transmission risks and survival associated with exclusive breastfeeding... more
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      AdolescentHIVSouth AfricaPregnancy
The WHO (2001) recommends exclusive breast-feeding and delaying the introduction of solid foods to an infant's diet until 6 months postpartum. However, in many countries, this recommendation is followed by few mothers, and earlier weaning... more
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      Nutrition and DieteticsNutritionBritishDiet
The way mothers feed their babies is, internationally, the subject of research, health policy initiatives, and popular discussion, which commonly affirm the mantra 'breast is best'. On one level, this mantra reflects scientific evidence... more
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      SociologyMedical SociologyHealthSociology of Health and Illness
Aim: To assess knowledge, infant-feeding education and practices, factors that affect choice of infant feeding option, determinants of mixed feeding, psychosocial challenges and attitudes of HIV-positive women with infants between ages... more
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      Vitamin DNorwayInfant nutritionInfant
Tyne, England, suggests that local cultural contexts, in particular how men and women are seen to be parenting in different spaces, have a profound influence on infant feeding.
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      Human GeographyInfant feedingAreaNorth East
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      Human GeographyHealth PromotionPublic OpinionTaboo
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Health visitors play a crucial role in supporting mothers who choose to breastfeed and their families. This accessible text enables readers to practise confidently in this vital area, focusing on underpinning knowledge and parent-centred... more
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      Public HealthBreastfeedingInfant feedingHealth Visitors
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    • Infant feeding
Accurate measurement of the duration of exclusive breastfeeding is complicated by factors related to definitions, timing, duration of recall, methods of analysis, and sample biases. Clearly prospective methods are likely to be more... more
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      Food and NutritionIron DeficiencyIodine deficiency DisordersMaternal and Child Nutrition
This paper describes and compares the infant care practices and beliefs of Maori, Tongan, Samoan, Cook Islands, Niuean and Pakeha (European) caregivers residing in Auckland, New Zealand. Focusing on four areas } sources of support and... more
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      SociologyAnthropologyMedical AnthropologyFocus Groups
A shelf-life model based on the storage temperature was developed for a homogenized fruit-based baby food. Bottles of apple compote for infant feeding were collected from a food company and stored at three different temperatures (23, 30... more
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      Statistical AnalysisAnimal ProductionSHELF LIFEvitamin C
Research tools that are comparable across ethnic groups are needed in order to understand sociodemographic disparities in breastfeeding rates. The Infant Feeding Intentions (IFI) scale provides a quantitative measure of maternal... more
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      Nutrition and DieteticsPrincipal Component AnalysisHealth DisparitiesIntention
This paper reports preliminary results from a study of child feeding practices in a rural area of Zimbabwe.
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This paper describes a methodology to design feasible interventions to improve weaning food hygiene practices of families living in extreme poverty. Educational messages to promote specific behavioural changes were defined and tested by... more
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      SociologyAnthropologyDesign educationPoverty
When a new baby arrives among the Beng people of West Africa, they see it not as being born, but as being reincarnated after a rich life in a previous world. Far from being a tabula rasa, a Beng infant is thought to begin its life filled... more
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      EmotionSpecial EducationSociology of Children and ChildhoodEthnography
Baby-led weaning (BLW) is an approach to the introduction of solid foods that, while not new, has gained rapidly in popularity since it was given this name. While there is, thus far, little direct evidence to justify it, there exists a... more
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    • Infant feeding
Background: There are few reliable and valid tools to assess lactation and infant feeding knowledge and practices. This study tested the psychometric properties of two new scales, the Newborn Feeding Ability (NFA) questionnaire and... more
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      BioinformaticsNursingLife SciencesBreastfeeding
Aim: To assess the clinical and cost-effectiveness of different methods of cleaning and sterilisation of infant feeding equipment used in the home. Design: Systematic review of studies from developed countries on the effectiveness of... more
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      Public Health NutritionPublic HealthInfantInfant feeding
Pregnancy is considered a feminine experience in mainstream Canadian culture. Babies identified as female at birth are expected to grow up to become feminine heterosexual mothers. This research considers the desires, choices, and... more
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      SociologyMedical SociologyGender StudiesGender Studies
This paper investigates what substitutes for maternal milk existed for Roman infants whose mothers were not able or not willing to breastfeed. It examines the potential reasons why a mother could or would not breastfeed or why an infant... more
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      Ancient HistoryRoman HistoryWomen's HistoryWomen in the ancient world
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      Infant feedingClinical Nutrition in Pediatrics
After 10 y of urban settlement, 680 Bedouin cohort-specific phenomenon. Am J Clin Nutr 1995;61; 495-500 KEY WORDS Growth, nutritional status, social change
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      EngineeringSocial ChangeFamilyEarly Childhood
Research overwhelmingly suggests that breast milk is the most beneficial nutritional source for infants. How can midwives balance the need to uphold women's choices whilst promoting breastfeeding as the gold standard of infant feeding?... more
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      Women's RightsHuman Pregnancy, Birth And BreastfeedingMidwiferyWomen's Human Rights
It is understood that men can perform an important role with respect to infant feeding, although questions remain as to how significant this role might be. In addition, much of the research on men and infant feeding is information... more
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      Prenatal and Perinatal PsychologyQualitative methodologyWomen's HealthFatherhood and Men's Issues
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      Health inequalityPublic HealthInfant Mental HealthDisease Prevention
Background: Exclusive breastfeeding is important for child health and growth, but its practice is low in many developing countries. This study aimed at determining the breastfeeding practices and examining the sociodemographic... more
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      EpidemiologyGhanaPublic HealthBreastfeeding
Background. Estimates of US childhood asthma prevalence were affected by the 1997 National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) redesign. In 1997, only 5.5% of children were estimated to have asthma compared with 7.5% in 1995. The contribution... more
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      PediatricsGrowthDesign methodInfant
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      PsychologyNursingSouth AustraliaInfant feeding
Clinicians, public health advisors, nutritionists and others have been attempting to increase breastfeeding rates for the last few decades, with varying degrees of success. We need social science researchers to help us understand the role... more
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      Social TheoryNursingPublic HealthBreastfeeding
This paper describes qualitative and quantitative aspects of testing a 34-item Toddler-Feeding Questionnaire (TFQ), designed for use in Latino families, and the associations between feeding practices and toddler dietary outcomes.... more
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      ParentingAnthropometryDietEnergy Consumption
This paper reports on current initiation and prevalence rates, in Western Australia, differentiating 'any' breastfeeding with 'exclusive' breastfeeding whilst exploring patterns and reasons for stopping breastfeeding. The results... more
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      AdolescentHospitalsPregnancyYoung Adult
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    • Infant feeding
Exclusive breastfeeding is embedded in National Health Law and Regulation in Indonesia and is vigorously promoted by health workers, breastfeeding counsellors and religious leaders. This article explores the transformation of state... more
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      Health PromotionIndonesiaWomen and Gender Issues in IslamBreastfeeding
Many new mothers discontinue breastfeeding prematurely due to difficulties encountered rather than maternal choice. Research has shown that a significant predictor of breastfeeding duration is maternal confidence. Using self-efficacy... more
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      NursingPsychometricsPrincipal Component AnalysisChina
Objectives: To study the nutritional status of under-five children and to assess whether infant feeding practices are associated with the undernutrition in anganwari (AW) areas of urban Allahabad.Methods: Under-five-years children and... more
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      Risk AnalysisInfantInfant feedingNutritional Status Assessment
Objectives: To determine rates of exclusive breastfeeding and of complementary feeding and to identify variables that interfere with breastfeeding in the municipality of Itaúna, MG, Brazil.
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      NursingHealth CareAustraliaBrazil
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceChild DevelopmentInfant
Background: A proper infant-feeding practice is essential for child's survival, growth and development. Nearly half of all deaths in under-5 children are attributable to improper nutrition, which translates into unnecessary loss of 3... more
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      Infant feedingNutritional Status AssessmentNutrition Status in Under Five Years Children
Ground cowpea [Vigna unguiculata (L.) walp] and Bambara bean [Vigna subterranea (L.) verde]
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      Nutrition and DieteticsMaizeInfant feedingGas Chromatography
Tulisan ini hanya pandangan saya mengenai MPASI, lebih baik mana antara yang instan dan yang homemade. Saya membuat ini pun karena tugas bahasa inggris dari dosen.hehe
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      FeedingFood and NutritionHealthInfant feeding