Infant Development
Recent papers in Infant Development
This paper has been published in a somewhat different form in Meg Harris Williams' "Aesthetic Conflict and its Clinical Relevance." - Karnac, 2018. It outlines the various "knife-edge" defenses the infant mind must struggle with... more
Background: Zinc deficiency is prevalent in children in developing countries. Supplemental zinc provides therapeutic benefits in diarrhea. Objective: We sought to measure the effect of supplemental zinc given with oral rehydration therapy... more
Objective. To examine the frequency, timing, and factors associated with abnormal cognitive and motor development during the first 30 months of life in infants born to women infected with human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1).
Resultados de um estudo sobre crenças e tradições no decurso do primeiro ano de vida.
Objectives. The objectives of this study were 1) to assess whether there is an independent association between the level of prenatal cocaine exposure and infants' developmental test scores after control of potential confounding variables;... more
Objective: To examine the utility of the Bayley Infant Neurodevelopmental Screener (BINS) for the neurodevelopmental follow up of high-risk preterms. Methods: The study group consisted of 122 preterm infants of the gestational ages... more
Mothers whose infants varied in early biological characteristics (born at term, n ϭ 120; born at very low birth weight [VLBW], n ϭ 144) were randomized to a target group (n ϭ 133) or developmental feedback comparison group (n ϭ 131) to... more
OBJECTIVE. Methamphetamine use among pregnant women is an increasing problem in the United States. Effects of methamphetamine use during pregnancy on fetal growth have not been reported in large, prospective studies. We examined the... more
to families at risk of malnutrition were studied prospectively from
Objective: To examine the validity of the Child Development Inventory (CDI) compared with other commonly used measures of developmental outcomes in high-risk infants. Study design: Primary caregivers of 63 toddlers and preschoolers... more
Smiling and laughing appear very early during the first year of life, but little is known about how infants come to appraise a stimulus as humorous. This short-term longitudinal study explored infant humor perception from 5 to 7 months of... more
Background: Deficiencies of iron and zinc are associated with delayed development, growth faltering, and increased infectiousdisease morbidity during infancy and childhood. Combined iron and zinc supplementation may therefore be a logical... more
Objective. On average, infants with Down syndrome (DS) learn to walk about 1 year later than nondisabled (ND) infants. The purpose of this study was to determine if practice stepping on a motorized treadmill could help reduce the delay in... more
Research on child development and maternal well-being in immigrant families presents contradictory findings, documenting both cultural protective factors termed “the immigrant paradox” and developmental risks (Fuller & Garcia Coll, 2010;... more
Background This study assessed the concurrent validity of the Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ) compared with Bayley Scales of Infant Development II (BSID II) amongst children aged 24 months. Methods Data were collected from 53 infants... more
BackgroundInfant distress to novelty at 4 months of life has previously been identified as an important predictor of longer term emotional development in childhood and adolescence.
The purpose of this study was to investigate individual differences in sustained attention and task performance with toddlers. Participants were 61 17 -24-month old toddlers. Indices of sustained attention (duration of attention and... more
The assumption that proprioceptive inputs from the lower legs are used to trigger balance and gait movements is questioned in this review (an outgrowth of discussions initiated during the Neural Control of Movement Satellite meeting held... more
No previous longitudinal study has examined the impact of comorbid maternal personality disorder (PD) and depression on child development. We set out to examine whether maternal PD and depression assessed at 2 months post partum would be... more
This is a Portuguese translation of "The Afterlife is where We Come from: The Culture of Infancy in West Africa." This edition was translated by Mara Sobreira and published by the University of São Paulo Press (Editora Unifesp/Editora da... more
A World of Babies provides a wide variety of answers to these and countless other child-rearing questions, precisely because diverse communities around the world hold such different beliefs about parenting and engage in remarkably... more
Human language appears to be unique among natural communication systems, and such uniqueness impinges on both nature and nurture. Human babies are endowed with cognitive abilities that predispose them to learn language, and this process... more
Objectives: Determining nutritional development in wild primates is difficult through observations because confirming dietary intake is challenging. Physiological measures are needed to determine the relative contributions of maternal... more
Infants as young as 3 months are able to detect depression in their mothers. Depressed mothers are sufficiently different from nondepressed mothers in affect and interaction that the social, emotional, and cognitive functioning of their... more
Daniel N. Stern’s research on the first years of life offers the view of an active newborn, developing in a continuous dialogue with the Other. The mother places the infant feelings at the center of her attention. The infant gets in tune... more
Begleitete Elternschaft ist eine Unterstützungsmaßnahme für Eltern mit geistiger Behinderung und ihre Kinder. Die übergeordnete Zielstellung besteht daran, den Familien eine dauerhafte und gemeinsame Lebensperspektive unter Sicherung des... more
The purpose of this study was to describe the performance of children whose mothers abused alcohol and drugs heavily during pregnancy, using the Bayley Scales of Infant Development Second Edition (BSID-II) at three years, and to examine... more
Objective. To examine whether the kangaroo care (KC) intervention in premature infants affects parent-child interactions and infant development.
Drawing from Bhakti Psychology of Divine Mother Worship and existentialism, I consider consciousness as Divine Mother, as infinitely creative light of sentience congruent with eternal impermanence. I examine infantile " separation anxiety... more
Recent research on infant development is reviewed to consider its implications for psychodynamic theory and practice. To address the question of the importance of early experiences for development, research on continuities and... more
Objective: To examine the reliability and validity of the Harris Infant Neuromotor Test (HINT), a screening tool that can be administered and scored in <30 minutes, with the goal of identifying neuromotor differences in infants aged 3 to... more
An imagined childcare guide for parenting, Beng-style, as if it were written by a (fictionalized) Beng diviner and grandmother, but based on ethnographic research written up in more scholarly style elsewhere (especially, The Afterlife Is... more
Il presente lavoro di ricerca si iscrive in un progetto psico-pedagogico e architettonico di ridefinizione di un ex edificio (ONMI) di proprietà comunale, convertito in spazio per l’infanzia. Questo lavoro ha visto una collaborazione... more
Mothers of hospitalised preterm infants were randomised into an intervention or control condition. Intervention mothers received a modified Mother-Infant Transaction Program over seven sessions prior to infant discharge and two sessions... more
Postpartum depression (PPD) has been an issue that, though it has been recognized and mildly studied for years, has been hidden in plain sight without much attention until the recent decade. There appears to be a negative stigma related... more
Creativity in adults is highly valued in our society. Personal creativity contributes to inventiveness, innovation, social and cultural change as well as political development and economic progression. The creator is an innovator, a... more
Creativity in adults is highly valued in our society. Personal creativity contributes to inventiveness, innovation, social and cultural change as well as political development and economic progression. The creator is an innovator, a... more
[Daniel Stern and the development of intersubjectivity] Summary: This article (in German language) presents some of the main results of Daniel N. Stern's infant and toddler research. His findings and conclusions show a high agreement... more