Industry Structure

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Industry structure refers to the organizational characteristics and competitive dynamics of a particular industry, including the number and strength of competitors, the nature of products or services offered, barriers to entry, and the bargaining power of suppliers and customers. It influences market behavior, pricing strategies, and overall industry performance.
Résumé : L'objet de cet article est d'évaluer l'impact de la présence étrangère sur la productivité des entreprises tunisiennes. Cette analyse sera effectuée sur la base d'un panel d'entreprises manufacturières tunisiennes couvrant la... more
This paper examines factors driving ICT adoption at firm level. We use a novel data set including information on ICT and e-commerce in Irish manufacturing firms over the period 2001-2004 and estimate a model derived from the new... more
The purpose of this study is to examine the market's reaction to the announcement foreign direct investment in Eastern Europe for firms from various Western European countries and from Japan during the first merge wave after the Berlin... more
Developments in statistical methodology, such as those based on the Frascati and Oslo Manuals (OECD, 1997;, have facilitated international innovation comparisons. For Europe in particular, the Community Innovation Surveys (CISs) have... more
Industrial partisan preference may be formally modeled as the joint consequence of pressures from labor and the differential impact of the world economy on particular businesses. This “basic” and static model, when extended to cover the... more
Given increasing concern over global climate change and national security there is a burgeoning interest in examining the relationship between economic growth and energy use in developed and developing countries. More specifically,... more
An Analysis of the Impacts of British Transport Reforms on Transit Integration in the Metropolitan Areas by Charles R. Rivasplata Sperling (UC-Davis), for their ongoing guidance and assistance throughout my time at Davis. In particular,... more
The main objective of the LIVE program at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) is to study the core melt phenomena both experimentally in large-scale 2D and 3D geometry and in supporting separate-effects tests in order to provide a... more
In some communities, we observe a single vertically integrated FTTP network owner and service provider that can either be profit maximizing or welfare maximizing. In other cases, either out of choice or regulation, we observe the network... more
Tendo por base o estudo de Imbs e Wacziarg (2003), que encontrou uma curva em formato de "U" para a relação entre a especialização da estrutura produtiva e a renda per capita de um grupo de países, este artigo busca determinar a... more
We examine whether discretionary government grants influence the location of new plants, and how effective these incentives are in the presence of agglomeration and urbanisation externalities. We find evidence that regional industrial... more
We provide an in-depth analysis of biotechnology patents filed in the European Patent Office (EPO) and US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), building a comprehensive dataset of more than 7,000 patents for the period 2002 through 2009.... more
If one firm buys inputs from a competitor, the input price may be used to internalize the competition between the firms. Thus, positive pricing pressure may arise if one firm starts to buy inputs from a competitor. Conversely, pricing... more
The general policy of applying different regulatory constraints to firms competing within the same market is known as "asymmetric regulation" and has been the subject of some criticism. See, e.g., FCC, OPP WORKING PAPER 14, IMPLICATIONS... more
This paper analyses the electricity supply industry in Germany, which was liberalized in April 1998. Noticeable aspects are the eligibility of all end-users, the lack of constraints on the vertical industry structure and the option for... more
This paper analyses the electricity supply industry in Germany, which was liberalized in April 1998. Noticeable aspects are the eligibility of all end-users, the lack of constraints on the vertical industry structure and the option for... more
Resumo Tendo por base o estudo de Imbs e Wacziarg (2003), que encontrou uma curva em formato de "U" para a relação entre a especialização da estrutura produtiva e a renda per capita de um grupo de países, este artigo busca determinar a... more
A computational model of pricing and profitability in the Queensland sugar industry is applied to a comparative analysis of likely alternative industry structures that may arise in the wake of industry fefonn. Implementation of proposals... more
This paper introduces a model to analyze the role of the cost of information dissemination in large markets where firms have varying degrees of intrinsic efficiency reflected in their marginal costs. Firms enter a market and discover how... more
I simulate an increase in the unemployment rate to assess the impact of an income shock on the financial vulnerability of households in ten countries of Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe (CESEE). A household is defined as being... more
This paper is an attempt to document the evolution of India’s aggregate productivity, decomposed into the contributions of detailed industrial sectors and structural change during 1980-2011. Using the India KLEMS (K = capital, L = labor,... more
The Canadian Fuel Cell Cluster began its integration in the eighties in response to military intelligence policy recommendations, but its particular configuration and dynamics have been changing over time. This paper presents a... more
Distribution électronique pour Armand Colin. © Armand Colin. Tous droits réservés pour tous pays. La reproduction ou représentation de cet article, notamment par photocopie, n'est autorisée que dans les limites des conditions... more
Dil quruculuğu anlayışı dilçilikdə hələ tam izah edilməmişdir. Bir çox hallarda bu barədə danışarkən dilçilər "dil planlaması" və "dil siyasətiı" ter minlərindən də istifadə edirlər. "Dil siyasəti" termini ilə adətən dilə düşü nülmüş və... more
Liquid storage tanks are vulnerable to a wide variety of failures under severe seismic excitation. Among all failure modes shell buckling and anchor bolt failures are the most critical forms of damage. Sometimes combination of different... more
The object of this paper is to survey and synthesize the literature on the regulation of financial intermediaries, including the theoretical framework and also the applied literature on specific regulations such as deposit insurance,... more
O objetivo central deste artigo é o de analisar os aspectos políticos de teoria econômica de John Maynard Keynes e de como estes se relacionam com seus princípios tanto políticos como ideológicos. Mostraremos como sua visão do capitalismo... more
Walter Korpi argues in a previous issue of Challenge (March/April 2000) that Swedish economists' claim that Sweden's growth performance has been inferior to that of other industrialized countries is at odds with the facts. Since Sweden... more
The revolution in ICTs has profound implications for economic and social development. It has pervaded every aspect of human life whether it is health, education, economics, governance, entertainment etc. Dissemination, propagation and... more
The recovery under way in numerous developed economies following the Great Recession is proving to be weak and slow, held back partly by sluggish gross fixed capital formation. This is a worrying development, insofar as investment plays a... more
This study analyses the foundations and closures of the total population of Swedish commercial banks, 1831-1990. With reference to the comparatively rigid control of entries and exits in banking, four hypotheses are formulated: (1)... more
The purpose of this study is to assess climate change policies with a newly developed model which is capable of dealing with the changes in the energy systems and the industrial structure up to the middle of this century. Most of the... more
The purpose of this study is to assess the impacts of changes in the industrial structures and the rapid IT (Information Technology) penetration on economic activities and energy systems under the CO2 emission constraints by using a... more
The basic premise of this study is that suppliers, in order to compete successfully in the marketplace, have to develop certain innovative capabilities that, in turn, depend on the type of relationship that is established with customers... more
The basic premise of this study is that suppliers, in order to compete successfully in the marketplace, have to develop certain innovative capabilities that, in turn, depend on the type of relationship that is established with customers... more
This Discussion Paper is issued under the auspices of the Centre's research programme in INDUSTRIAL ORGANIZATION. Any opinions expressed here are those of the author(s) and not those of the Centre for Economic Policy Research. Research... more
Centralized wage-setting institutions compress relative wages. Motivated by this fact, we investigate the effects of centralized wage setting on the industry distribution of em-ployment. We examine Sweden's industry distribution from 1960... more
Internationally considerable policy attention is being paid to increasing the employment participation of disabled working age people. Like other OECD countries, Australia has experienced growth in the number of Disability Support Pension... more
Imran Khan, Prime Minister of Pakistan, came to power on the back of the most vociferous anti-corruption campaign seen in Pakistan's political history. During his previous 22 years of political struggle in the opposition, Imran Khan... more
The economic performance of micro-states and those sub-national regions enjoying a high degree of autonomy is a generally under-researched area. This paper builds on earlier research (Armstrong and Read, 1995) by employing quantitative... more
A strong industrial base is essential for economic recovery and the improvement of European competitiveness
Exhibit 2: In the course of the evaluation, the panel interviewed and heard over one hundred key actors and experts. The panel would like to thank them all-without their help, it could not have completed its work. Exhibit 51: A strong... more