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The aim of our project is to generate free energy using flywheel. A mains motor of two horsepower capacity is used to drive a series of belt and pulley drive which form a gear-train and produces over twice rpm at the shaft of an... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringMechanical Engineering DesignIndustrial and Mechanical Engineering
Turning is a most popular cutting process which is widely used in small as well as large scale industries. The selection of better combination of input parameter be means enhancement in productivity. The aim of this paper is to optimize... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringMechanical Engineering DesignMaritime/mechanical EngineeringRole of Thumb of Mechanical Engineering
The aim of this research was to investigate the structural modification and mechanical properties of silicon bronze doped with different concentrations of tin. The concentrations of tin adopted were 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.8, 1 and 1.5% by... more
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    • Industrial and Mechanical Engineering
ABSTRACT Filler material choice for repair welding of stop valve spindle of thermal power plant by-pass pipeline was presented in this paper. Repair welding of the stop valve spindle was necessary because of plant operating problems due... more
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      Lean ManufacturingLife Cycle AssessmentMaterialsMaterial Engineering
The logistics system is an important and stimulating process for producers. The logistics system starts with the supply of raw materials, product design, assembly and distribution to customers. A supply chain can be considered when... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringMechanical Engineering DesignRole of Thumb of Mechanical EngineeringIndustrial and Mechanical Engineering
This research work investigated the influence of the graphite powder on the Mechanical behaviour of Aluminium 7075/Graphite Powder(Gr)/Bagasse Ash(BA) hybrid composite. This investigation reveals the effectiveness of incorporation of... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringMechanical Engineering DesignIndustrial and Mechanical Engineering
The article discusses the review of the state of professional competence art, presenting a compilation of indexed research in the two most comprehensive multidisciplinary databases: "Scopus" and "Web of Science" from 1950 to 2012. By... more
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      Industrial EngineeringIndustrial Engineering and ManagementIndustrial Design EngineeringProfessional Competence, Professional Qualifications, Life-Long Learning
Modern vehicles are much safer, lighter, faster and drive convenient as far as older vehicles are concerned. They are more stable and having better safety features. Now a days everyone is giving more importance to the passenger safety. In... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringMechanical Engineering DesignRole of Thumb of Mechanical EngineeringIndustrial and Mechanical Engineering
You can found the answer for all of this questions in this paper .. What do bearing designation numbers mean? What does C3 in a bearing designation refer to? What does SKF stand for? What does JEM mean in SKF Bearing? What does ZZ mean on... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringDesignMaintenance Engineering and ManagementMaintenance
By using the method of finite elements and starting with the possibilities given by the program system ANSYS in the field of application, research has been performed regarding the analysis of static behavior of a centrifugal pump shaft.... more
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      EngineeringMechanical EngineeringNumerical AnalysisIndustrial Engineering
In this manuscript we have presented eight variation of Air-Cooled Heat Exchanger (ACHE) design with internal spiral grooving, all of them are having variable number of rectangular copper fins with different distances between the fins. In... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringMechanical Engineering DesignMaritime/mechanical EngineeringRole of Thumb of Mechanical Engineering
Most of the marine propellers are made of metal material such as bronze or steel. The advantages of replacing metal with CFRP composite materials are that the latter is lighter and corrosion-resistant. Another important advantage is that... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringMechanical Engineering DesignIndustrial and Mechanical Engineering
Total productive maintenance (TPM) is the methodology aims to improve the accessibility of equipment and in consequence improve the further capital investment. Objectives of TPM are zero breakdowns, zero losses, zero defects and zero... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringMechanical Engineering DesignRole of Thumb of Mechanical EngineeringIndustrial and Mechanical Engineering
First of all, evaporation is the best way to effective control of the lowering of temperature. The utilization of the evaporation refrigeration system has been utilized for proper requirement of the desired temperature. An evaporative... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringEnvironmental ScienceMechanical Engineering DesignIndustrial and Mechanical Engineering
Fuel consumption of heavy duty vehicles is caused by actual vehicle resistances acting during the vehicle motion. This paper deals with possibilities to reduce the vehicle aerodynamic resistance, air drag coefficient. This resistance... more
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      EngineeringMechanical EngineeringAerodynamicsElectric Vehicles
This paper is posted at IRis. ind eng fac pubs/10 ... ElSayed, A., Kongar, E. and Gupta, SM, "A Genetic Algorithm Approach to End-Of-Life Disassembly Sequencing for Robotic Disassembly", Proceedings... more
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      RoboticsGenetic AlgorithmIndustrial and Mechanical Engineering
This is a prospective submission to the Journal Scientific American or an affiliate, however I have decided to release it early for the interest of the public, since it is unlikely to be accepted. I still hope this paper is taken to be... more
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      EngineeringMechanical EngineeringPhysicsMechanics
Este trabajo analiza los principales procesos implicados en el diseno y en eldesarrollo de nuevos productos, en distintas escalas empresariales, segun elenfoque que Ofrecen la perspectiva del diseno industrial, del marketing y de la... more
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      MarketingPhilosophyIndustrial DesignPolitical Science
A detailed study was carried out on crankshafts used in two wheeler made from C45 (EN 8/AISI 1042) steel. Undesirable noise was heard in crankshaft when the engine is in running. This was stated as failure of crankshaft. Material has been... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringFinite Element MethodsMechatronicsFinite Element Analysis (Engineering)
Wear is produced when two elements press against each other, such as apron liner, blow bars and crushing material. During this process, small materials from each element become detached, causing the surface to wear away. A primary factor... more
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    • Industrial and Mechanical Engineering
Torsion bar suspension is commonly used on tracked vehicles, although there are some wheel driven vehicles using this type of suspension. The suspension works by having one end of the bar fixed in position on the vehicle chassis to... more
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      Industrial and Mechanical EngineeringMechanical or Industrial engineeringMechanical, Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering
Many engineering machines and mechanical components are subjected to fluctuating stresses, taking place at relatively high frequencies and under these conditions failure is found to occur. This is called fatigue failure. And this led to... more
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      EngineeringMechanical EngineeringMechanical Engineering DesignRole of Thumb of Mechanical Engineering
Agriculture vehicles and farming equipment like tractors and Tillers, Sprayers etc., also use a similar automobile transmission. With the shortage in labor and also increase in labor expenses there is a trend to automate the farming... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringMechanical Engineering DesignIndustrial and Mechanical Engineering
The main purpose of the paper is to determine the change in vehicle energy efficiency due to using the air conditioning system. There is a connection between the changes in vehicle energy efficiency and fuel consumption together with time... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringAutomotive Systems EngineeringVehicle DynamicsElectric Vehicles
The purpose of this project is to optimize the design, dimensions along with changing in material of the bracket structure to ensure the structural fatigue life increase along with reduction in stress and displacement of the component.... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringMechanical Engineering DesignIndustrial and Mechanical Engineering
There is an increasing interest in development of bio-composite materials and their applications in various fields, to replace synthetic fiber reinforced composites. In this study, mechanical properties such as tensile characteristics,... more
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    • Industrial and Mechanical Engineering
In Recent days the less weight composite materials are majorly used in engineering applications. The composite materials have enough characteristics of resisting tribological properties, hardness and tensile strength. Due to lesser weight... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringMechanical Engineering DesignMechanical Engineering ProjectsIndustrial and Mechanical Engineering
Over-pressure can impact weak points in a hydraulic system, which in turn can result in the mechanical failure of the individual system components. Over-pressure also tends to increase the burden on the lubricated surfaces causing... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringHydraulicsPlant HydraulicsHydroulics and Pneumatics
The aim is to improve the reliability of the evaporator by some technical modifications. Here it was observed that the reliability of evaporator is much more affected on the performance of evaporative coil. Hence to improve the... more
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    • Industrial and Mechanical Engineering
Now days we tend to see pedal operated tools are helpful in day to day life. In this paper we target the planning of pedal operated butter churner that will be helpful and cheap to normal milkman. This will assist to extend the... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringMechanical Engineering DesignRole of Thumb of Mechanical EngineeringIndustrial and Mechanical Engineering
AKNOWLEDGEMENT 6 P a g e | 5 ABSTRACT From our childhood, trains have always been the center of attention for us. We always have been fascinated about watching running trains. Its speed, length, types and the sound it makes was all-time... more
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      Industrial and Mechanical EngineeringIndian railways
Cycloid drives are a relatively new group of planetary power transmissions. These transmissions have numerous favorable characteristics, such as a wide range of transmission ratios, very compact design, high reliability in dynamic... more
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      EngineeringMechanical EngineeringDesignTribology (Engineering)
— In the industry, for movement of material from point to point, material handling equipment is necessary. Material handling equipment transports, transfers, moves the material to the desired destination. Roller conveyor is the material... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringMechanical Engineering DesignIndustrial and Mechanical EngineeringMechanical Design and Engineering of Materials
Crankshaft is one of the critical components of an IC engine, failure of which may result in disaster and makes engine useless unless costly repair performed. It possesses intricate geometry and while operation experiences complex loading... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringMechanical Behavior Of MaterialsMechanical EngineerIndustrial and Mechanical Engineering
An experimental research is performed in this study in order to optimize the parameters of planetary driving gear. An orthogonal array and analysis of variance (ANOVA) are employed to investigate the factors: material, module and gear... more
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      EngineeringMechanical EngineeringOptimization (Mathematics)Optimization techniques
Earth-air heat exchangers, also called ground tube heat exchangers, are an interesting technique to reduce energy consumption in a building.They can cool or heat the ventilation air, using cold or heat accumulated in the soil. Several... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringIndustrial and Mechanical Engineering
Among all the metal industries, the iron and steel industries are the most energy intensive sectors in India. Worldwide the use of induction furnaces in steel industries especially in foundries has increased exponentially. A great deal of... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringMechanical Engineering DesignIndustrial and Mechanical Engineering
In present study, the tribological behavior of hybrid composites with A356 aluminum alloy matrix reinforced with 10 wt.% of SiC and 5 wt.% of graphite was investigated using the Taguchi method. The composites were produced by the... more
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      EngineeringMaterials EngineeringMechanical EngineeringMaterials Science
The inspiration for this project comes from the fact that 3D printer is really innovative and revolutionary idea but along with that they are very costly, one cannot afford the 3D printer just for fun or to use at home just to create... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringMechanical Engineering DesignIndustrial and Mechanical EngineeringMechanical and Materials Engineering
The current review is concerned with the study of the effect of different expansion devices (capillary tube and Thermostatic expansion valve) on the alternative refrigerants used in the domestic refrigerators to have better performance... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringMechanical Engineering DesignIndustrial and Mechanical Engineering
Wear type rail corrugation is an ongoing problem. Because the current solutions are not cost effective, further investigation is required to find how to predict the corrugations, leading to possible prevention methods. The purpose of... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringTransportation EngineeringRailway TransportRailway
In this modern era data is omnipresent, be it for business, medicine, entertainment or even education. This has resulted in the data sharing being one of the important task in our day to day life. For data sharing, most often used devices... more
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    • Industrial and Mechanical Engineering
Maintenance methodes
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    • Industrial and Mechanical Engineering
The main aim of any design must not solely be targeted on customer satisfaction however conjointly customer safety following this the amount of accidents are witness solely because of poor lighting facilities provided in automobiles on... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringMechanical Engineering DesignIndustrial and Mechanical Engineering
In the Indian Academy, Agriculture plays a important role. Over the last few decades, Indian agriculture has recorded good growth. Implementing done in this area. The multipurpose farming robot is a fundamental a new ideas in this field... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringMechanical Engineering DesignMaritime/mechanical EngineeringRole of Thumb of Mechanical Engineering
Many engineering machines and mechanical components are subjected to fluctuating stresses, taking place at relatively high frequencies and under these conditions failure is found to occur. This is called fatigue failure. And this led to... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringMechanical Engineering DesignRole of Thumb of Mechanical EngineeringIndustrial and Mechanical Engineering
Course is intended for Undergraduate Mechanical Engineering students involving on Understanding Kinematics of Mechanisms, simple mechanism study, Velocity and acceleration analysis of mechanisms, Problem solving on Belt drives, Rope... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringRoboticsDesignComputational Mechanics
With numerous responses established on Taguchi L9, orthogonal array coupled with current work proposes a novel methodology for optimizing machining parameters on turning of AA 6063 T6 aluminum alloy. Experimental assessments are... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringMaterials ScienceMechanical Engineering DesignMechanical Engineering Projects
The presented paper is based of literary studies and analysis of the author, the device and the principle of operation of temperature transducer are considered. The schematic diagram of a temperature transducer is shown. Some experimental... more
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    • Industrial and Mechanical Engineering