Industrial Technology
Recent papers in Industrial Technology
is the Dean of the College of Technology at the University of Houston. She holds a Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering and an M.B.A from the University of Central Florida and a Master's in Mathematics. She has authored more than 60 journal... more
This paper reviews the radio frequency identification (RFID) technology and its significance in engineering and technology education. The conceptual design of four packaging-based RFID projects is presented. The major costs involved in... more
Time needed to set-up and send new products to the market is a crucial factor for success, so one important rule is to develop your product as quickly as you can. In the electronics world the systems normally contain some parts in HW and... more
Technological devices are playing such a significant role in our lives that educators are incorporating Ipads, smartphones, and even Skyping via these devices to educate our future generations. Managing the utilization of this technology... more
Netflix, as a tech company, is currently the largest global streaming platform challenging traditional US studios. This article analyses Netflix’s transnational business strategies disrupting such status quo by focusing, on one local... more
When we move past the hype surrounding fourth generation industrial technology (4gIT) and attend to its nature, we should expect 4gIT to exacerbate, rather than alleviate, conditions that tend to ensnare us in dukkha. Here I probe the... more
The automotive sector is one of the most important economically, it not only generates direct employment, but also provides jobs to the entire associated industry. Today, component manufacturers and suppliers face disruptive changes.... more
‘Herbert Marcuse and the Legacy of One Dimensional Man’, International Herbert Marcuse Society Conference,
Twenty-two expert firefighting professionals were used in evaluating four methods for fire extinguisher hands-on training. Two different fire simulators were put into service along with two conditions for the fighting distance; keeping a... more
The high amount of food waste generated is the main cause to most issues related to landfills such as foul odor, toxic leachate, emission of greenhouse gases and vermin infestation. Although food waste issue is as critical as municipal... more
As technology evolves and becomes more complex over time, so must the training for those involved in creating it. This article reviews the various programs that were developed throughout America’s history to prepare individuals for... more
The Triple Alliance (Argentine, Brazil and Uruguay) war against Paraguay is rooted in the context of the Second Industrial Revolution. This evidence led many historians to suppose that it would certainly be a modern conflict, marked by... more
Bakery industry has no sufficient scientific research in order to support a real time decisional process of the managers who are most of the time also involved in the production process and all their knowledge is based on practical... more
ABSTRAK Pada Sistem telekomunikasi dari waktu kewaktu akan mengalami suatu perkembangan ,hal ini berimbas dari Pertumbuhan penduduk maupun user yang semakin meningkat serta keterbutuhan masyarakan akan kualitas mutu dalam berkomunikasi... more
Capital accumulation in Argentine and American manufacturing industries in the last century (1929-2014) RESUMEN Este trabajo realiza estimaciones en clave comparativa de una serie de variables relacionadas con los postulados de la... more
This Study aimed to develop and validate Worktext in Drawing 2 for Technology students of College of Industrial Technology. It was conducted at University of Rizal System during the school year 2010-2011 with 50 first year BT students... more
An electrical wiring installation trainer provides the students' learning experience and appreciation of the subject and course and for the professors' demonstrations and evaluation of students' performance during laboratory time. This... more
Industrialization of the Nigerian economy started with the establishment of fully integrated large-scale industries for rapid development of the sector. However, inability of the strategy to fast-track economic growth in Nigeria led to a... more
Competence in Mathematics is considerably an inevitable factor in the holistic development of a learner. Several studies reported different factors which lead to students' poor performance in this subject. This study generally aimed to... more
The main goal of the current investigation was to use sugar cane bagasse ash (SCBA) and to compare its adsorption efficiency with Magnesol XL as synthetic adsorbents to regenerate the quality of fried sunflower oil. In addition, to... more
The guide questions attempted to be answered by this paper are:
This study, provided by the Policy Department A at the request of the ITRE Committee, aims to provide a description of the key blue growth sectors of the economy along with the EU potential to exploit them in a sustainable and competitive... more
This article makes a parametric study of cascade refrigeration systems with a low carbon footprint in tropical climates. An NH3/ CO 2 cascade refrigeration system is modelled, simulated under Engineering Equation Solver (EES) and the... more
is the Dean of the College of Technology at the University of Houston. She holds a Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering and an M.B.A from the University of Central Florida and a Master's in Mathematics. She has authored more than 60 journal... more
In this work, we suggested a new approach for the basic configuration of a mobile robot capable of being a building block of an intelligent agent. This configuration includes obstacle avoidance (OA), goal tracking (DTG) and communication... more
In the background of global tobacco control smoking, tobacco technology as a technology with a clear negative effect, has not disappeared from time to time in the world, but has gradually narrowed down the scale and social impact in the... more
The effects of domestic and industrial cooking methods on the non-starch polysaccharides (NSP) content and in vitro starch digestibility of chick pea (variety “blanco lechoso”) have been studied. Total and soluble NSP increased, as did... more
Proje kavramının yapısının yönetim, tasarım ve üretim yönünden incelendiği bu arastırmada, Teknoloji Projesinin küresel anlamda kullanılan proje kavramı içerisindeki yeri de incelenmistir. Ayrıca Teknoloji Projesinde tasarım ve üretim... more
The automotive sector is one of the most important economically, it not only generates direct employment, but also provides jobs to the entire associated industry. Today, component manufacturers and suppliers face disruptive changes.... more
Monosync Framework is an integration of all the existing Application Program Interface (API) for the Java FX implementation. This framework can also be considered as Java version two because of the difference in syntax. It gives the... more
This paper presents a new switching technique for Direct Torque Control of Induction Motor using Four-Switch Three Phase Inverter (DTC-FSTPI-IM) for low power applications with DC -link voltage
1. There is growing consensus in Indonesia that 2003, there is only limited time to begin to technology development is central to the nation's address the issue seriously. efforts to improve productivity, efficiency and 2. International... more
A collection of materials related to some arguments building on a certain successful leverage apparatus.
Netflix, as a tech company, is currently the largest global streaming platform challenging traditional US studios. This article analyses Netflix’s transnational business strategies disrupting such status quo by focusing, on one local... more
Netflix, as a tech company, is currently the largest global streaming platform challenging traditional US studios. This article analyses Netflix’s transnational business strategies disrupting such status quo by focusing, on one local... more
Electronic throttle body (ETB) is a device used in cars to regulate air inflow into the motor's combustion system. Its good behavior is crucial for the superimposed engine speed control system. However, electronic throttle body is a... more
El texto académico presenta el impacto positivo y negativo de la inteligencia artificial (IA) en el contexto educativo, médico y empresarial-laboral. Se utilizó información sobre sus técnicas en cada uno de los campos mencionados,... more
One of the main weaknesses with traditional computing is the fact that the numerical world of the computer is decoupled from the user's real world. The application of Augmented Reality (AR) can provide interactive systems in which real... more
Triangulation with active beacons is widely used in the absolute localization of mobile robots. The original Generalized Geometric Triangulation algorithm suffers only from the restrictions that are common to all algorithms that perform... more