Industrial Strategy
Recent papers in Industrial Strategy
Since the early 2000s, member states of the European Union (EU) have tried to revive its shipbuilding industry by implementing various policies. Yet, many of these policies have not been effective. Based on Parc and Normand (2016), who... more
Published a year on from the government’s industrial strategy white paper, and with Brexit now less than six months away, What We Really Mean When We Talk About Industrial Strategy features expert authors on a wide range of subjects... more
The lack of industrialization in Sub-Saharan Africa (SS A) is a significant challenge that needs to be addressed in order to achieve long-term sustainable growth and development in the region. Few countries in the world have made... more
"The Industrial Development of Bengal, 1900-1939. By A. Z. M. IFTIKHAR-UL-AWWAL. Delhi: Vikas Publishing House, 1982. pp. 256 (Distributed in the U.S. and Canada by Advent Books, New York.) " PREFACE: The present work examines the... more
The fashion industry is experiencing rapid structural change as new manufacturing and distribution technologies emerge. Simultaneously, the environmental impact of garment production and the sector’s record on workers’ rights provokes... more
This paper argues that a high wage, high productivity economy cannot be created through the market mechanism but instead requires an industrial strategy. To trust the ‘natural’ properties of the market is to believe that economic growth... more
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
Also see
Economic Geography of the Australian Mining Industry. Tijdschrift Voor Economische En Sociale Geografie. 2016. ISSN: 1467-9663. In print.
Economic Geography of the Australian Mining Industry. Tijdschrift Voor Economische En Sociale Geografie. 2016. ISSN: 1467-9663. In print.
The concept of Smart Specialisation (S3) introduced first by a high level group of economists working for the European Commission (Foray et al. 2009) has already made a significant impact in the ways EU Cohesion policy actions on... more
Durante los últimos quince años las industrias audiovisuales de todo el mundo han registrado profundas transformaciones (Birkinbine et al., 2017; Hesmondhalgh, 2018; Miège, 2016). Más específicamente, en el ámbito digital hemos asistido... more
Durante los últimos quince años las industrias audiovisuales de todo el mundo han registrado profundas transformaciones (Birkinbine et al., 2017; Hesmondhalgh, 2018; Miège, 2016). Más específicamente, en el ámbito digital hemos asistido... more
Achieving the targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions set out in the UK Climate Change Act will require a significant transformation in the UK's energy system. At the same time, the government is pursuing a new UK Industrial... more
The article deals with the factors that ensure the sustainability of the reproduction of the British socio-economic model in the long term. Some features of the conceptual role of the UK in the formation of the global world order were... more
This short presentation deals with the geopolitical aspects of an emerging information society as that of Canada and the implications for its industrial policy. Is based on a model correlating information, technology, geography and... more
Report considers how emerging trends in terms of work and wages will alter the structure of the Scottish economy, and the implications of this for an effective industrial strategy
This report has been prepared by EC Harris LLP in support of the development of the Industrial Strategy, Construction 2025: Strategy.
Please refer to published version for the most recent bibliographic citation information. If a published version is known of, the repository item page linked to above, will contain details on accessing it.
The Industrial Strategy: Creative Industries Sector Deal aims to increase UK creative industry exports by 50% within 5 years, claiming there is a "great deal of untapped potential in the sector." It also identifies small company size as a... more
What does the discursive appeal to industrial strategy by Margaret Thatcher and Theresa May tell us about the prospect for radical policy change or continuity?
Uma multinacional do setor automotivo anunciou oficialmente que se instalará no estado da Bahia. O empreendimento, que prevê investimentos de aproximadamente R$20 milhões, tem potencial para atrair cerca de quatrocentas novas indústrias... more
REACH is a new European Community Regulation on chemicals and their safe use. This Regulation is a hybrid that combines hierarchy and heterarchy from a both a legal and an organisational perspective. Such hybridism is, however, not a... more