Industrial Organization and Regulation

47 papers
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Industrial Organization and Regulation is the study of how firms operate within markets, the structure of industries, and the impact of government policies on competition and market behavior. It examines the strategic interactions among firms and the regulatory frameworks that influence economic performance and consumer welfare.
CENTRAL ASIA AND THE CAUCASUS 88 to its length and excessively high environmental demands. The route from East Siberia is realistic, but the sale of East Siberian blue fuel at a privileged price, which China is insisting on, is only... more
As a country in transition and development, committed to the path towards membership in the European Union, Bosnia and Herzegovina encounters many challenges and obstacles in terms of fulfilling the tasks set before it. Quite complicated... more
How to cite Complete issue More information about this article Journal's homepage in Scientific Information System Network of Scientific Journals from Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal Non-profit academic... more
Alistair specialises in the economic analysis of trade practices, competition policy and regulatory instruments. He has advised prominent firms involved in the downstream petroleum industry, grocery retailing, credit/charge card issuance,... more
The latest reports the ministry of information and broadcasting support that there will be increasing demand for highspeed internet services in the wake of Digitalisation of the holistic service and manufacturing industry in India.... more
Uno de los sectores económicos estratégicos más importantes en cualquier economía es el Mercado de Energía Mayorista, cuya característica fundamental es que se trata de un mercado oligopolístico, provocado por la barrera de entrada que... more
El propósito de este trabajo es analizar la viabilidad de la utilización del índice de oferta residual (IOR) en el mercado eléctrico mayorista en Colombia, con el fin de promover la competencia. Esto se hace a partir de la revisión de la... more
, Colombia. John García agradece a la Universidad del Norte por la invitación a participar como ponente en la VI Cátedra de Economía del Caribe: Regulación y generación de energía en el Caribe y Colombia. Además, los autores agradecen a... more
The purpose of this paper is to present a short introduction to the geopolitical importance and impact of energy resources on the definition of the legal status of Caspian body of water. The legal status of the water is regulated in... more
Uno de los sectores económicos estratégicos más importantes en cualquier economía es el Mercado de Energía Mayorista, cuya característica fundamental es que se trata de un mercado oligopolístico, provocado por la barrera de entrada que... more
El presente artículo sintetiza los resultados de la investigación: «Medición del Impacto Económico de La Empresa Mineros S.A. en su zona de Influencia: Una aproximación desde los flujos monetarios y el empleo regional», culminado en Mayo... more
The CASE Network is a group of economic and social research centers in Poland, Kyrgyzstan, Ukraine, Georgia, Moldova, and Belarus. Organizations in the network regularly conduct joint research and advisory projects. The research covers a... more
In a Bertrand competition experiment, we study the impact of two cognitive primes on strategic behaviour at first encounter and over time. With this aim, instructions are slightly modified to imprint one of the two incentive features... more
El propósito de este trabajo es analizar la viabilidad de la utilización del índice de oferta residual (IOR) en el mercado eléctrico mayorista en Colombia, con el fin de promover la competencia. Esto se hace a partir de la revisión de la... more
National Competition Policy (NCP) has been a highly contentious public policy issue in Australia since its introduction in 1995. This paper examines the development and implementation of NCP, and its relationship to other modalities of... more
Last year a special issue of this journal discussed 'Australia's Economic Boom 1992-?' It offered a rich and informative variety of nonneoclassical analyses of the period. However, there was relatively little investigation of Australia's... more
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the EURO Mini Conference on "Advances in Freight Transportation and Logistics" (emc-ftl2018).
Energy security has emerged in recent years as one of the cornerstones of the European Union’s (EU’s) foreign policy. The EU is highly dependent on imports of oil and gas, 35 per cent of which comes from Russia. Diversification of energy... more
Mexico is one of the few OECD countries where local loop unbundling has not been regulated. Local loop unbundling (LLU) was one policy promoted during the 1990’s by several administrations in order to foster competition in the local loop.... more
Interventions by way of Universal Service Funds (USF) are considered to be relatively less market distorting among various means used to bridge the access gap in telecommunications. At least in theory, they are not inconsistent with... more
This paper studies the development possibilities of the energy systems of four Central Asia and Caspian countries. It explores options that improve their domestic energy efficiencies and increase their export of fossil energy commodities.... more
This paper describes a comprehensive study about the revival plans 2022 & 2019 proposed/implemented by the Government of India as a part of one of the measures to revive the BSNL, one of the Government of India Telecom PSU in India. Due... more
Resumen Este paper utilizando un modelo de regresión con estructura ARCH, analiza el efecto de la implementación de algunas medidas regulatorias y de variables fundamentales (relación entre la demanda comercial y la disponibilidad real,... more
Despite the tremendous growth of mobile services in most developing countries, these have largely remained limited to urban areas. This has further aggravated the existing urban and rural divide. Policy makers and regulators perceive the... more
Telecommunication growth, being a complex and dynamic technoeconomic phenomenon, is the integrated interaction of a large number of technical, social and economic forces (MIKEROV, 1998). CRONIN et al (1991) confirmed the existence of a... more
In the present paper, an attempt is made to examine the nexus between the macroeconomic variables and the CO 2 emissions from road transport sector in Malaysia. Using vector error correction model during 1980 to 2009 period, the empirical... more
This thesis consists of three related essays, which develop the framework to study multilateral bargaining and strategic investments under three different environments. The introduced novel methodologies are applied to analyze... more
The telecom sector has gained massive growth in India. It has 1.8 million subscribers and it is the world’s second largest telecom sector. Currently telecom sector has drastically changed their structure and technology. The 4G spectrum... more
The Frontino Gold Mines Company (FGM) is located in Segovia, in Antioquia, Colombia. The mineral transporting is made in an expensive and inefficient process where trucks are used to transport the material throughout 6.5km by ways in... more
National Telecommunications policies have been differentiated together with the extension of international trade, increasing importance of information in trade and the convergence of telecommunications, broadcasting and computing sectors.... more
The purpose of this paper is to determine the factors that have allowed dominant carriers to maintain their monopolies in spite of regulatory efforts to introduce competition. The paper focuses exclusively on interconnection because it is... more
, Colombia. John García agradece a la Universidad del Norte por la invitación a participar como ponente en la VI Cátedra de Economía del Caribe: Regulación y generación de energía en el Caribe y Colombia. Además, los autores agradecen a... more
The objective of the paper is to identify the barriers for interdisciplinary decision-making in production, logistics, and traffic & transport. The paper will give an answer to the question, why decision makers in production, logistics,... more
El objetivo de este escrito es analizar el desempeno del Mercado Electrico Mayorista - MEM en los veinte anos de existencia. Despues de describir el funcionamiento del mercado spot, el mercado de largo plazo y el cargo por confiabilidad;... more
autores agradecen a EAFIT y COLCIENCIAS por su apoyo financiero, ya que este artículo es el resultado del proyecto "Estimación del precio marginal del sistema eléctrico colombiano: una mirada desde la organización industrial" del programa... more
I diritti di riproduzione, di memorizzazione e di adattamento totale o parziale con qualsiasi mezzo (compresi microfilm e copie fotostatiche) sono riservati. PRESIDENTE
We analyze a setting typical of industries right after liberalization, or after structural demand and technology changes. An incumbent firm has an exogenous capacity, and a new entrant has to set its capacity level. We find that, in a... more
Energy is a main input for economy. Because of an increase in other fossil fuels' prices and it's accepted as an important resource for energy supply for the countries which don't have enough oil and natural gas resources,... more
This article analyzes the tradeoffs between the environmental and social dimensions in sustainable mobility policies. We focus on the Italian context, where car dependency is a particularly prominent feature of the transportation system.... more
The CASE Network is a group of economic and social research centers in Poland, Kyrgyzstan, Ukraine, Georgia, Moldova, and Belarus. Organizations in the network regularly conduct joint research and advisory projects. The research covers a... more
Modelo para el pronostico del precio de la energia electrica en Colombia Resumen: En este trabajo se investigan los factores que determinan el precio de la energia electrica en el Mercado colombiano. Tambien se lleva a cabo un ejercicio... more
The World Bank does not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in this work. The boundaries, colors, denominations, and other information shown on any map in this work do not imply any judgment on the part of The World Bank... more
Managing employees' trust on the organization, during mergers and acquisitions is definitely a critical leadership challenge in today's global environment. Prior leadership research has been an evidence of how a leader communicates during... more
Objective: When considering the climate change vulnerability of the Colombian electricity sector and the possible risks that may arise, such as: non-compliance with firm energy obligations (FEO) by generation units, delays in generation... more
In this paper, we investigate the theoretical and empirical relevance of the distinction between generic goods and specific goods for the understanding of freight transport demand. Specific goods are Taylor-made for a single customer... more
Manufacturing firms buy transport services with the aim of minimizing their total logistics cost. There is a large amount of literature analyzing how shippers value the various characteristics of a transport service, mostly performed by... more
Manufacturing firms buy transport services with the aim of minimizing their total logistics cost. There is a large amount of literature analyzing how shippers value the various characteristics of a transport service, mostly performed by... more
In this paper, we investigate the theoretical and empirical relevance of the distinction between generic goods and specific goods for the understanding of freight transport demand. Specific goods are Taylor-made for a single customer... more