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The object of study of this research is the Tourist Express Luz-Jundiaí. This train is offered by the Secretary of Metropolitan Transportation of São Paulo and operated by Companhia Paulista de Trens Metropolitanos (CPTM), with a route... more
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      Industrial HeritagePatrimonio IndustrialPatrimonio FerroviarioIndustrial Heritage Tourism
In Spain, the birth of interest in the nation's industrial heritage dates from the 1980s and occurred alongside the process of deindustrialization. Policies concerning derelict industrial sites have shifted gradually from destruction to... more
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      Human GeographyCultural GeographyHistorical GeographySpace Sciences
Aunque la puesta en valor del patrimonio minero desde un punto de vista turístico es un proceso reciente, se está convirtiendo en una estrategia de recuperación socioeconómica en aquellas zonas mineras españolas que sufren los graves... more
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      Cultural HeritageIndustrial HeritageIndustrial Heritage Tourism
В последнее время все больше внимания уделяется промышленному туризму как новому направлению развития туризма. Промышленный туризм может быть полезен как для принимающих предприятий, так и для регионов, в которых они расположены.... more
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      Tourism StudiesTypes of TourismIndustrial Heritage Tourism
Artykuł prezentuje wyniki badań dotyczących świadomości marki Szlaku Zabytków Techniki Województwa Śląskiego wśród mieszkańców województwa śląskiego. Celem artykułu jest omówienie koncepcji systemu identyfikacji wizualnej i znaku marki... more
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      InnovationsMarketing CommunicationsIndustrial Heritage TourismIndustrial Tourism
Современное развитие туризма в Свердловской области нацелено на активное использование имеющегося туристско-рекреационного потенциала, включая богатейшее промышленное наследие региона. Промышленный туризм становится одним из приоритетных... more
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      Tourism StudiesIndustrial Heritage TourismSverdlovsk region
Resumo Nas últimas décadas tem-se registado uma cada vez maior diversificação da oferta turística, com o surgimento de novos segmentos, entre os quais o do turismo industrial, ou seja, o aproveitamento turístico do património industrial,... more
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      Industrial HeritageIndustrial Heritage TourismIndustrial Tourism
Industrial tourism was born in the 60´s in United States and Great Britain. In the last few years, other countries including Spain have discovered this tourist segment. This increasing interest has opened the door to many cities and... more
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      Industrial Heritage TourismIndustrial Tourism
Objetivo (purpose): Con este artículo, queremos mostrar cómo la inclusión de experiencias turísticas de turismo industrial dentro del conjunto de la oferta del turismo enogastronómico hará que la demanda del primero aumente. Y cómo las... more
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      Food and Gastronomy TourismIndustrial Heritage Tourism
A mediados de la década pasada se abandonó definitivamente la explotación en el coto minero de Dícido en la provincia de Cantabria y cercano a la población de Castro Urdiales. Explotado por la sociedad Agruminsa, filial de Altos Hornos de... more
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      Industrial HeritageIndustrial ArchaeologyESTRUCTURAS METALICASPatrimonio Industrial
In Turkey, the interest in industrial heritage commenced with the increase in the commodity value of those old industrial sites which remained idle at the city center upon the developments that took place at the urbanization level as of... more
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      Tourism StudiesArchitectureCultural HeritageIndustrial Heritage
Like many other cities around the world, at the end of the twentieth century, Manchester was reimagined as post-industrial space. This research draws on Lefebvre's spatial triad focusing primarily on the struggles that this generated both... more
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      Archival StudiesUrban HistoryUrban PlanningIndustrial Heritage
Event marketing czyli organizacja wydarzeń kulturalno – rozrywkowych przez turystyczne obiekty industrialne – działające i zabytkowe zakłady przemysłowe, jest jednym z najskuteczniejszych środków komunikacji marketingowej na rynku... more
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      InnovationsMarketing CommunicationsIndustrial Heritage TourismIndustrial Tourism
The purpose of this paper is to present the results of a primary data survey conducted in Greece among the students of a higher technological education institute studying tourism business in order to empirically verify the degree of their... more
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      Cultural HeritageIndustrial HeritageIndustrial Heritage Tourism
The concept of industrial heritage emerged in the 1960s in line with the efforts of ensure the preservation and sustainability of the values which are evidence of human history. In the 1990s, it started to be the subject of tourism. In... more
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      Tourism StudiesCultural HeritageIndustrial HeritageCultural Heritage Conservation
Cultural heritage plays a crucial role in increasing the attractiveness of a tourist destination. The concept of cultural heritage is increasingly expanding as the element of industrial heritage has been integrated into it. Today the... more
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      Heritage TourismIndustrial Heritage TourismIndustrial Tourism
Girişimcilik, dünyada ses getiren bir kavram olarak yerini almıştır. Yüzyıllardır var olan ancak Endüstri Devrimiyle birlikte ivme kazanan, dönemin tarih ve kültürünü endüstriyel yapılarda buluşturan girişimcilik, gerek bilim gerek... more
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      EntrepreneurshipIndustrial HeritageFactory TourismIndustrial Heritage Tourism
Resumen: La desindustrialización del municipio de Madrid, como consecuencia de la crisis del sector y de la búsqueda de ubicaciones más estratégicas para las empresas, ha generado el abandono de numerosos equipamientos, además de un serio... more
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      Tourism StudiesCultural HeritageIndustrial HeritageMadrid, Spain
After conceptualizing the interrelationships between energy and tourism, the authors provide a definition of energy tourism as a new niche of industrial tourism, theorize on how it overlaps with other types of special interest tourism,... more
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      Tourism StudiesRenewable EnergyWind EnergySpecial interest tourism
Being an olive and olive oil production geography for 2600 years, Western Anatolia accommodates hundreds of traditional olive oil mills which have the characteristics of industrial heritage in different scales. The absence of academic... more
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    • Industrial Heritage Tourism
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    • Industrial Heritage Tourism
In J. Jafari & H. Xiao (eds.), Encyclopedia of Tourism, Springer, 2015.
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      Industrial Heritage TourismIndustrial Tourism
This paper explores the ways in which a theorization of heritage as a commons complicates the relation of heritage and identity. The paper analyzes how cultural heritage management and theorizations connect with the “old” vernacular... more
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      Cultural HeritageEthnographyHeritage StudiesOpen Access
This paper contributes to a critical understanding of the production of space through an exploration of notable spatial moments in the 1990s work of the Central Manchester Development Corporation (CMDC), particularly its role in the... more
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      Urban GeographyArchival StudiesVisual StudiesSocial Research Methods and Methodology
Los patrimonios procedentes de las actividades en declive como la minería pasan por una etapa de atención, tras décadas de abandono, como recurso para una nueva modalidad de turismo cultural. De ello hay numerosas experiencias,... more
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      Cultural HeritageIndustrial HeritageIndustrial Heritage and ManagementIndustrial Heritage Tourism
The city of Zonguldak on the north-western coast of Anatolia developed rapidly in the nineteenth century from a simple dock into a coal mining and transportation town, and then in the twentieth century into a regional industrial centre.... more
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      Industrial HeritageIndustrial Archaeology & HeritageArchitectural and urban conservationArchitectural and Urban History
This paper examines the valuation of mining heritage and tourism potential for regional development in Ida-Viru County, NE Estonia. The study is based on data from six focus groups and a survey (n = 255) involving local residents and... more
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      Heritage TourismIndustrial HeritageRegional developmentBrownfields Redevelopment
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      Vine and Wines HistoryIndustrial Heritage TourismIndustrial Tourism
This article explores the clash of various narratives around the Gdańsk shipyard, one of the famous examples of a postindustrial heritage site with a significant political past, located in Poland. The analysis is placed within the larger... more
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      HistoryTourism StudiesCultural HeritageMemory Studies
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      History and MemoryIndustrial HeritageRepresentationsIndustrial Heritage Tourism
Resumo Este estudo apresenta uma análise realizada a partir do Complexo da Estação Ferroviária de Jundiaí, quanto à proteção e potencial de uso turístico desse patrimônio industrial. De maneira específica, buscou-se analisar o processo de... more
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      Industrial HeritagePatrimonio IndustrialPatrimonio FerroviarioIndustrial Heritage Tourism
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      Industrial Heritage and ManagementIndustrial ArchitectureCultural Heritage and TourismIndustrial Heritage Tourism
The aim of this research was to examine the role of creative and civil initiatives in the transformation of former industrial sites in the Czech Republic, to indicate positive effects of this approach, as well as to identify limitations... more
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      Cultural HeritageIndustrial HeritageUrban RegenerationIndustrial Heritage and Management
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      Industrial HeritageRural TourismUrban TourismIndustrial Heritage and Management
Возникшая шесть лет назад идея обсуждения учёными разных специальностей проблем индустриального города, была в Иванове впервые реализована в мае 2011 года: тогда совместными усилиями кафедры философии Ивановского государственного... more
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      Industrial HeritageMuseum and Heritage StudiesIndustrial Heritage Tourism
The Associação Brasileira de Preservação Ferroviária (ABPF) was founded in 1977 and, currently, is responsible for most of the touristic trains in São Paulo. Our objective is to study the actions of the Association in the preservation... more
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      Industrial HeritagePatrimonio IndustrialIndustrial Heritage Tourism
This paper is focused on the concept of business ecosystem, which is a relatively new field in management research. Furthermore, there is a second emerging research approach in social sciences named “complexity theory” that considers... more
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      Complexity TheoryIndustrial Heritage TourismBusiness EcosystemSmart Tourism
La escasez de agua de Málaga fue resuelta con la construcción del acueducto de San Telmo, promovido por el obispo ilustrado José de Molina Lario y concluido en 1784. Para contribuir a su mantenimiento se construyeron seis molinos... more
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      MuseumsMuseologiaPatrimonio IndustrialIndustrial Heritage Tourism
El presente trabajo pretende hacer una descripción y análisis de un caso de disputa patrimonial en torno a un bien histórico ferroviario en la República Argentina. El caso estudiado es la relación de consenso y disenso generado por el... more
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      Industrial HeritageMuseologíaGestión CulturalPatrimonio Industrial
Museums nowadays seek to incorporate unexpected leisure activities in order to engage a wider audience as users of their venues. Following these trends, this year the Industrial Gas Museum of Athens has launched two new projects aiming to... more
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      Museum learningCultural HeritageMuseumHeritage Tourism
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      TourismIndustrial Heritage TourismIndustrial Tourism
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    • Industrial Heritage Tourism
is a conservator of archival material. Since graduating from the L. Jeffrey Selznick School of Film Preservation, she has been working as a freelancer in Spain. A volunteer with various film archive projects in the United States, she... more
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      Industrial HeritageIndustrial Heritage TourismConsuption StudiesIndustrial Archaeology and Heritage
Rozwój turystyki przemysłowej w Polsce rozpoczął się w drugiej połowie XX wieku. Przyczynił się do tego fakt wpisania w 1978 roku Zabytkowej Kopalni Soli w Wieliczce na Listę Światowego Dziedzictwa Ludzkości UNESCO. Był to pierwszy na... more
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      InnovationsMarketing CommunicationsIndustrial Heritage TourismIndustrial Tourism
The paper focuses on industrial heritage and conservation concerns in the context of urban development. Through the comparison between three European industrial heritage sites will be introduced diverse transformation strategies. First,... more
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      GeographyEuropean StudiesWestern EuropeEnvironmental Studies
On the very end of the XIX century, thanks to one of the greatest scientists and inventors of all time Nikola Tesla and his friend, the other Serbian scientist -Djordje Stanojevic, an incredible feat was achieved: Serbia built its first... more
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      Industrial HeritageStorytellingNikola TeslaCultural Routes
„Muzeum w zabytku” już samo zestawienie tych dwóch pojęć sygnalizuje ogrom zagadnień problemowych, do których dochodzi w czasie przystosowania historycznego obiektu architektonicznego do tej specyficznej i wymagającej funkcji .... more
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      ArchitectureIndustrial HeritageCultural Heritage ConservationHeritage Conservation
The paper focuses on industrial heritage and conservation concerns in the context of urban development. Through the comparison between three European industrial heritage sites will be introduced diverse transformation strategies. First,... more
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      European StudiesWestern EuropeEnvironmental StudiesEuropean Urbanization
En el presente trabajo se dan a conocer los recursos patrimoniales ligados al desarrollo industrial del municipio de Agost, especialmente centrados en la actividad de la alfarería y la producción cerámica. El legado patrimonial tangible e... more
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      Intangible HeritagePotteryPatrimonio CulturalAntropología cultural