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Since many years ago, kitchen appliances are powered up by cable connected. This create a troublesome case as wire might tangle together and cause kitchen table messy. Due to this, wireless power technology (WPT) is introduced as its... more
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      Control Systems EngineeringWireless CommunicationsControl SystemsImpedance Matching
This paper overviews theoretical and practical design issues related to inductive power transfer systems and verifies the developed theory using a practical electric vehicle battery charger. The design focuses on the necessary approaches... more
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      EngineeringElectrical EngineeringElectronics & Telecommunication EngineeringQuality Factor
The main aim of this study is to design efficient inductive power transfer (IPT) system which includes series L-C resonant circuit and load network. In order to achieve high efficiency, class-D amplifier, which includes two switching... more
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    • Inductive Power Transfer
Simultaneous wireless charging of multiple devices is a unique advantage of wireless power transfer (WPT). Meanwhile, the multiple-receiver configuration makes it more challenging to analyze and optimize the operation of the system. This... more
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      Electrical EngineeringElectrical MachinesElectrical DrivesInductive Power Transfer
"Abstract—The operation of traditional rectifiers such as halfwave and bridge rectifiers in wireless power transfer applications may be inefficient and can reduce the amount of power that is delivered to a load. An alternative is to... more
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      Wireless Power TransmissionClass E power amplifierInductive Power TransferInductive Charging
The paper proposes a technique for the control of the charging process in a dynamic inductive power transfer system for automotive applications. This technique is based on an impedance control loop on the receiver side. The proposed... more
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      Electrical EngineeringElectric VehiclesWireless Power TransmissionInductive Power Transfer
In this paper, a high efficiency Gallium nitride (GaN), HEMT (High Electron Mobility Transistor) class-E power amplifier for the wireless power transfer link is designed and simulated on PSpice. A four-coil wireless power transfer link is... more
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      GaN HEMTsIPT (Inductive Power Transfer)Contactless Power TransferInductive Power Transfer
Wireless power transfer (WPT) technologies have been developing rapidly in recent years. Advances in technology make WPT widely used in many applications. Electric vehicle (EV) contactless charging is an important application of WPT.... more
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      Electric VehiclesInteroperabilityIPT (Inductive Power Transfer)Inductive Power Transfer
This thesis deals with the modelling and application of magnetic fields in roads. The backbone technology being inductive power transfer (IPT) for electric vehicles. The magnetics for energy transfer in vehicles, can be adapted for... more
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      Electrical EngineeringElectromagnetismPower ElectronicsElectric Vehicles
For energy, environment, and many other reasons, the electrification for transportation has been carrying out for many years. In railway systems, the electric locomotives have already been well developed for many years. A train runs on a... more
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      Electric VehiclesInductive Power TransferWireless Power Transfer
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      SmartphonesWireless Power TransmissionInductive Power Transfer
"Generally, in steel processing systems, steels are heated via induction or combustion furnaces. Natural gas fired furnaces have installation costs advantage while the induction furnaces have the advantages of less scale formation on the... more
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      Metallurgical EngineeringMetallurgyHeat TransferMetal Forming
The paper discusses the development status of the inductive power transmission for automotive applications. This technology is, in fact, gaining the interest of electric vehicle manufacturers as an effective strategy to improve the market... more
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      Electric VehiclesInductive Power Transfer
In the inductive contactless battery charging, the power transfer capability and efficiency are mainly depending on the coupling coefficient (k) between the inductively coupled coils. In this work, the spiral and square coil... more
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      Inductive Power TransferCoupling CoefficientElectromagnetic Design in Wireless Power transferMisalignment Mechanism
A Wireless Power Transfer (WPT) Systems was developed applying the concept of resonance theory. This paper is dedicated to a theoretical study of the series-series capacitive compensation topology, then devoted to the experimental... more
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      Wireless CommunicationsInductive ReasoningWireless Power TransmissionWireless Power Transmission System
The misalignment and displacement of inductively coupled coils in a wireless power transfer system (WPT) can degrade the power efficiency and limit the amount of power that can be transferred. Coil misalignment leads the primary coil... more
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      Wireless Power TransmissionWireless Power Transmission SystemInductive Power TransferWireless Charging System
A Wireless Power Transfer (WPT) Systems was developed applying the concept of resonance theory. This paper is dedicated to a theoretical study of the series-series capacitive compensation topology, then devoted to the experimental... more
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      Inductive ReasoningWireless Power TransmissionWireless Power Transmission SystemInductive Power Transfer
This paper presents a generalised analysis of a multi-frequency system with two transmitter coils, each carrying a current of a different frequency and deals with the frequency decoupling of multi-coil IPT systems. Frequency... more
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      Inductive Power TransferMultifrequency Antennas
Design of a contactless power transfer system with supercapacitor based primary energy storage for electric vehicle application is described in this paper. The contactless power transfer system which uses inductively coupled coils to... more
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      ElectromagnetismPower ElectronicsResonant ConvertersInductive Power Transfer
This paper deals with a generic methodology to evaluate the magnetic parameters 1 of contactless power transfer systems. Neumann's integral has been used to create a matrix 2 method that can model the magnetics of single coils (circle,... more
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      Magnetic MaterialsElectromagneticsWireless Power TransmissionInductive Power Transfer
—Wearable technologies play a key role in the shift of traditional healthcare services towards eHealth and self-monitoring. Maintenance overheads, such as regular battery recharging, impose a limitation on the applicability of such... more
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      Wireless Sensor NetworksEnergy HarvestingBluetoothBluetooth low energy transmitter
Distributed inductive power transfer (IPT) systems address the range restrictions of electric vehicles (EVs), charging the battery on-road through a loosely coupled transformer. Comparing different primary and secondary coil topologies... more
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      Electrical EngineeringPower ElectronicsElectric VehiclesElectromagnetics
The present paper proposes the use of the opposition method to evaluate the performance of a wireless power transfer system. The work is focused on the effect related to the insertion of conductive or ferromagnetic components that are... more
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      Power ElectronicsInductive Power Transfer
An outline and results of decades of research into the claims of excess energy produced from specific devices based on the anomalous unipolar generator. The anomalies are described in an "American Journal of Physics" article from 1955.... more
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      Brushless DC MotorDc MotorDC motorsInductive Power Transfer
An analytical estimation of driving range of electric vehicles (EVs) with contactIess on-road charging system is presented in this paper. Inductive power transfer (IPT) systems with different configurations (static, dynamic), power... more
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      Electric VehiclesInductive Power Transfer
Ongoing trends in standardized mobile phone charger is charging process with user-friendly wireless power transfer that eliminates the cable connection between the charger and the phone. Wireless power transfer provides convenience in... more
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      ResonanceElectromagneticMagnetic Induction CommunicationsInductive Power Transfer
This paper looks into the problem of misalignment in distributed inductive power transfer systems. The idea of varying mutual inductance longitudinally referred to as longitudinal misalignment is introduced here. The analytical... more
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      Electrical EngineeringPower ElectronicsWireless Power TransmissionInductive Power Transfer
This paper analyzes the bibliography on Wireless Power Transfer research covering the period of 2001-2013 using two databases (Web of Science and Scopus). We will report some differences found in the databases used in this research. Due... more
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      Wireless CommunicationsScopusPublicationsBibliographical analysis
The paper proposes the development of a set of rules for the resizing of inductive power transfer systems with particular attention to the ones dedicated to the charge of electric vehicles. These rules aim at the construction of... more
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      Inductive Power TransferDownscaling Modelling
This paper presents a comparative analysis of Multi-Coil Inductive Power Transfer (MCIPT) systems. A multi-coil magnetic system can be decomposed into a single system of coils using matrix manipulation when the system is linear. A... more
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      Magnetic fieldWireless Power TransmissionInductive Power Transfer
This paper overviews theoretical and practical design issues related to inductive power transfer systems and verifies the developed theory using a practical electric vehicle battery charger. The design focuses on the necessary approaches... more
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      EngineeringElectrical EngineeringElectronics & Telecommunication EngineeringQuality Factor
In this paper, a high efficiency Gallium nitride (GaN), HEMT (High Electron Mobility Transistor) class-E power amplifier for the wireless power transfer link is designed and simulated on PSpice. A four-coil wireless power transfer link is... more
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      Antennas & Radio Wave PropagationMagnetic Resonance ImagingGaN HEMTsIPT (Inductive Power Transfer)
Wireless power transfer system (WPT) is a technology that transports electric energy to another location without physical wires. It is a good idea to wirelessly transmit electricity especially where it is inconvenient, impractical,... more
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      Electrical EngineeringPower ElectronicsPower SystemElectromagnetic Induction
We present a novel solution for vacuum inductive heating of a gradual crucible. A numerical model was built to estimate the temperature gradient in the crucible. The method was validated with an experimental inductive furnace setup. The... more
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      Numerical AnalysisComsol Multi PhysicsMeltingInductive Power Transfer
In today’s rapidly growing industries power source is a major aspect of any field. The use of wires is becoming redundant day by day. Considering this as a major issue, the fundamental idea here is to wipe out the utilisation of wires.... more
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      Electric VehiclesNikola TeslaIPT (Inductive Power Transfer)Wireless Power Transmission
Power delivery for biomedical implants is a major consideration in their design for both measurement and stimulation. When performed by a wireless technique, transmission efficiency is critically important not only because of the costs... more
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      Medical BiotechnologyInductive Power Transfer
A major problem concerning On Road Charging of Electric Vehicles via Inductive Power Transfer (IPT) links is the large variation in power transfer and efficiency due to displacement of the secondary from the primary. This paper looks into... more
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      Power ElectronicsElectromagneticsIPT (Inductive Power Transfer)Magnetic Levitation
The latest technological advances in battery and converter technology, along with government mandates on energy independence and resilience, are expected to pave the way for higher deployment of plug-in electric vehicles (PEV) in the... more
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      Renewable EnergyElectric VehiclesVehicle-to-GridInductive Power Transfer
To address the challenges of global warming resulting worldwide climate change leading to devastating calamities and posing basic threat to all living things on earth, modern day research is rightfully directed towards clean sources of... more
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      Wind farms and birdsIPT (Inductive Power Transfer)Contactless Power TransferGrid Integration of Wind Farms
This paper investigates different approaches to improve the power transfer capability (PTC) of transmission lines. Study was performed on the Eastern Gold Fields (EGF) area of the Western Power network in Western Australia where power... more
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      Transmission Lines Design and ConstructionInductive Power TransferTransmission lines
In this paper, Neumann’s integral is evaluated for computing self-inductance using a multi-turn sectional matrix method. Analytical equations are derived considering the increase in dimensions of the coil due to an impinging air-gap... more
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      ElectromagneticsInductive Power TransferCoupled InductorOptimal design of Inductors
Wireless charging by transferring energy between two objects using electromagnetic fields commonly called Wireless power transfer is an alternative technology that is physically installed in an electric vehicle (EV) to charge. Parking... more
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      Electric VehiclesInductive Power TransferPower Transfer EfficiencyMisalignment
The use of renewable energy source (RES) in meet the demand of electrical energy is getting into attention as solution of the problem a deficit of electrical energy. Application of RES in electricity generation system is done in a variety... more
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      EngineeringPower ElectronicsControl Systemsrenewable Energy sources
The imperfect coupling (or misalignment) between the inductively coupled coils in an inductive power transfer (IPT) system is a major problem of the wireless battery charging. This problem causes decreasing and fluctuations of the system... more
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      Fuzzy Logic ControlImpedance MatchingInductive Power TransferOutput Voltage Regulation
In this paper, starting from the experimental experience of the road embedment of a transmitting coil for wireless power transfer, a numerical model of such device is constructed. The model is then used to perform several parametric... more
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      Electric VehiclesInductive Power TransferWireless Battery Charger
Ultrasonic transcutaneous energy transfer is an effective method for powering implanted devices noninvasively. Nevertheless, the amount of power harvested by the implanted receiver is sensitive to the distance and orientation of the... more
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      AcousticsBiomedical EngineeringEnergy HarvestingTransducers
In order to free microelectromechanical systems and other microsystems from wire tethering, an inductive link with integrated receiving coil is shown to transfer power onto silicon chips. Link efficiency (ratio of power delivered to the... more
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      MEMSInductive Power Transfer
The power transferred between the human body and the environment at any time and the work performed are important quantities to be estimated when evaluating and optimizing the physical interaction between the human body and the... more
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      AlgorithmsBiomedical EngineeringBiomechanicsKinetics
Wireless power transfer system (WPT) is a technology that transports electric energy to another location without physical wires. It is a good idea to wirelessly transmit electricity especially where it is inconvenient, impractical,... more
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      Electrical EngineeringPower ElectronicsPower SystemElectromagnetic Induction
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      Wireless Power Transmissionwireless power transmission using RFMicrowave Power TransmissionInductive Power Transfer